18 Post – 372 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Growing up I watched my mom drink cup after cup and then let her anxiety run rampant. Told myself I wasnt gonna touch it. I don't even find the smell appealing.

Import duties are a scam to begin with.

You managed to get through childhood without learning the alphabet song?

One of the reasons. Another is bandwidth efficiency. You can service a lot more devices with higher speeds and less errors using newer higher modulation schemes.

Why does the responsibility fall on news organizations? The government pages are not banned on Facebook. Use those to disseminate important information. If Facebook is really the best way reach your citizens then pay them a fee to pin a post at the top of everybody's feed. Or mandate that they do it as part of the emergency services act.

The cbc might be government funded, but the rest of the news media are not. Their job is to hold politicians accountable, not organize evacuation efforts.

This is like going to the drug store to an inhaler but their entrance takes you through the perfume section to get to the pharmacy.

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Old guy here. Notice how highlighters dont have a pointed tip, but rather a slanted rectange. Black markers used to be like that. If you wanted a smaller line you had to angle it and use one of the corners.

Then sharpies came along with the pointed tip and everbody bought those instead. I cant remember seeing the old type any time recently, but I expect the crafts section would still have them.

We don't have time to do it right the first time, but we will make just enough time to redo it wrong a few more times before the customer complains loudly enough that the boss pulls someone from another job which will now not be done right because we don't have time.

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I have never broken a 10 mm wrench, but I have lost a few. So I bought a ten pack on Amazon.

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  1. Go to the tech store in the airport. Buy a cheap chromebook. Open an account on Opalstack. Build a webpage from scratch. Learn a backend language like php or python. Learn git. Maybe set up your own Lemmy instance.

  2. Install Keyboard Designer from the android play store and take a stab at customizing your own keyboard.

  3. Leave the airport and go to a museum or swimming pool or poolhall. Be back in time to go through security.

The poor fishies!

The poor fishies!

You got to spend some time with your brother. He'll remember that.

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See an ear nose and throat specialist. They can have a look up your snoot and see what's up.

I highly recommend the Dungeons & Dragons movie. MR and CP had great chemistry.

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Imagine if you got $5,000 every time Trump said something stupid.

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My old roommate got a window air conditioner for $20. I got about 15 years of use out of it until I had the windows replaced on the house and it didnt fit anymore. I sold it for $50.

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Ma'am, pregnancy is still a consequence of sex as you obviously should know after having 5 kids.

Everybody is talking about movies so here's some books: Discworld by Terry Pratchett started as a parody of the fantasy genre but evolves into one of the richest fantasy worlds you'll even have the pleasure to read.

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Student loans are an investment in your future.

I'd have been better off becoming an electrician.

PM means private message. Nothing on Facebook or Twitter ever suggested that personal messages were private, so they used direct message instead to make sure there was no legal confusion.

What purpose is served by having AI built-in to the browser?

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Restaurant TVs.

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Floating take the weight off my joints.

Money well spent.

I can yell Cheese Wrapper at the dog park, and mine will come running.

Tell us you've never been married without telling us you've never been married.

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So a typical Sunday, then?

Got into a jam while working on the fence today. Neighbor came over and helped. Would not have been able to do it alone.

GF walked the dogs and made dinner while I finished working on the fence. Got some more to do but lots of time.

Also thank you to whomever invented Advil.

A nice M.L.T. A mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich when the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.

You guys have office windows?

This is a circuit board from my slow cooker. It quit heating a week ago so I opened it up and found a broken wire. That was easily fixed.

I figured while I had it apart I should look at the display board and see if I can fix the missing segments. I resoldered the one pin but nothing changed.

Unfortunately my eyes arent what they used to be so the others someone pointed out will be a challenge.

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Oh sure. People go clubbing with seals all the time!

Some of my requirements for a laptop are matte screen, backlit keyboard, and a properly centered trackpad. My choices were either a Macbook or a ROG without a numpad.

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Im 50 years old. I watched Trolls 3, Wish, and Leo all in the same week. I have not seen Openheimer nor do i wish to.

I havent seen Barbie either, but when it shows up on streaming I might.

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What "good" were they supposed to sccomplish?

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I won't saying ruined but put a damper on.

The gf worked today (yay overtime) and was off at 7pm. I figure ill put the turkey roll im the slow cooker around 4:30ish then start the potatoes around 6. The turkey roll was already thawed so 2 hours should have been lots. By 8 pm the temperature setting is still only 110F. Finally I touch the side and realize its room temp. The ceramic pot is barely warm to the touch. The slow cooker died.

We transferred the meat to a tray and put in the oven. Done in half an hour. Late dinner but still good.

I don't usually bother with boxing day sales, but maybe tomorrow I will. This time I want one with a delayed start timer.

“Without children and young people, a country loses its desire for the future.”

Bout 30 years too late for that, old man. I grew up with that hopelessness. Between the climate and the economy, the damage is done. Gonna need more than a tax break to change course.

But hey, it's nice to see that he's not completely oblivious.

I used to climb towers for a living. Never thought I'd be into it but I actually really liked it and wish I'd started earlier in life and kept at it longer. Can guarantee the only high IQ involved a tape measure and a bad pun.

TNG had an episode where a transporter issue created two Rikers and left one stranded on a deserted planet for years.

Or install an app called Metal.

It's a wrapper for the mobile webpage with all the intrusive permissions disabled by default.

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