Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly to – 44 points –
Choose how you want to navigate the web with Firefox | The Mozilla Blog

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What purpose is served by having AI built-in to the browser?

Baked in AI makes C Suite and shareholders happy. That's about it.

The implementation doesn't sound terrible.

  • It's opt-in
  • It's basically a sidebar chat window

So if you already use GPT for day-to-day, it may be a welcome experience. If you don't, don't opt in.

I'm skeptical of GPT add-ons, bit at least this was done in a low-bloat opt-in way (which allows Mozilla to bring in revenue (probably)).

Know what's even more opt in? An official extension. Installed only if someone wants it.

I switched to LibreWolf and Mull a few months ago in preparation for this. I'll come back to Firefox if the investors pull their collective heads from their asses.

You can skip search engines sometimes

... by submitting queries to another website that only does what's ruining search engines.

No, llamafile Is local, and it could do multiple search engine for you, or skip results contained in the first pages which are usually only ads or there because they pay to be there. And it could start searching the fediverse too

That is not what Firefox has done.

Llamafile is from Mozilla, but you know they're a company and must have one foot in two camps...

I can skip the search engine and go right to the bad suggestions, finally!