2 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A big ding to your credit score itself is actually a low amount of lines of credit, I think 10+ is considered "good" which is ridiculous

Apparently I was wrong, and learned something new today. Your score comes from:
35% - payment history (everything paid on time, etc)
30% - amount owed
15% - age of credit history
10% - how many new lines of credit
10% - credit mix (just credit cards vs credit cards, auto loans, etc)

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I can skip the search engine and go right to the bad suggestions, finally!

If the web integrity API goes live and I can't use some sites because of it, it will be very nice to have a very clear filter on what websites are complete garbage for using it. Vivat librewolf + VPN!

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Pro tip: transactions are your friend

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Honestly, why risk duplicate passwords even then? I have one strong password that I use for accessing my password manager, and let the password manager generate unique random passwords. Even if I had an easier password that I duplicated with some small changes, I'd still use a password manager to autofill it anyway. I use bitwarden personally, you can also self host it with vaultwarden but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth imo

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Good old overwatch

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It's not can't, it's won't. Tax companies like TurboTax pay a lot of money for lobbying to keep the IRS from making it free and simple

You... Are aware that just as many if not more Republicans support Israel in this conflict too right?

Also the low up vote count was probably just because it was less than an hour old when you commented

Expanding from just torrents - I highly recommend looking into usenet! Downside, you have to pay for a good indexer. You can get a one time purchase depending on what site you go to, mine is ~$80 per year. After that, set up your nzb/Usenet download client (I recommend sabnzb, these are all free), then you can troll through that for more. Generally it's more reliable, and if you find something on there you can download it and it'll max out your download speed (if you let it) instead of getting single seeder torrents that get stalled.

Want to get (slightly) techier but much better? Get Radarr for movies, Sonarr for TV shows, lidarr for music, and readarr for books. (There's also whisparr for porn, mylar3 for comics, Bazarr for subtitles and others, but I haven't felt a need to run these yet) Basically you can find movies, tv, etc that you want and "monitor" them, and let the program do the rest. They scan multiple sources (Usenet and torrent sites) that you setup for the content you want, compare it to filters you put in place (quality, number of seeders, age, number of other downloads, etc) and download it for you. New movie that isn't hd yet? It can grab a webrip or lower def version for you, and automatically replace it with a 1080p version when it's available. You can also grab prowlarr to manage your indexers (nzb site torrent sites) across all of your apps so you have one source of truth.

My setup:

  • Indexers in prowlarr Nzbgeek (paid, mentioned above) 1337x Pirate bay (Some other misc torrent sites)

  • Download clients Qbittorrent (for torrents) Sabnzb (for usenet)

  • Frontend apps Radarr - movie manager Sonarr - tv manager Readarr - book manager Lidarr - music manager - no longer use, switched to paying for Tidal Plex - media server to aggregate and stream the video files from above Calibre - media server for ebooks only

I may be a pirate, but I do it with class and comfort.

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Windows 98 has entered the chat.

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Fun fact! If you have outlook on your phone with a work account added, chances are IT has admin access to your phone and can remotely wipe it at any time. Also means that your phone can be collected as evidence if you or the company is involved in a court case possibly related to emails

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If it was easy enough for a significant amount of people to leave, the Republicans would love it because they could force out almost everyone that wouldn't vote for them

There are some really awful captchas out there. I miss the days of just typing out some stretched and tilted numbers and letters.

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Trans women too

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What's stopping you from doing this now?

Basically if the bill passed then insurance companies would just raise the prices of premiums or other costs to make up the difference. California is making a state-sponsored insulin manufacturer to sell insulin near or at cost in the future which is a better and more sustainable solution for fixing drug proces than passing laws that could be removed or loopholed around

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My MIL isn't addicted to Facebook, but fell deep into vegan/plant-based stuff lately and says the same thing about doing her own research and not blindly believing stuff. I already knew a lot of the stuff she has been pushing on us was complete BS but the kicker was when she said meat and dairy cause autism

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Cooking kills most bacteria - but not all, that's how food poisoning still happens in cooked food (cross contamination too, but that's a separate issue). You should never defrost meat at room temp, best way is in the fridge since it still keeps it at a temp that's safe for a few days after being fully defrosted but it takes a day or two to fully defrost. To do it faster you can submerge it in cold water if you replace the water every couple of hours (or more often, depending on your room temp) until you cook it but that's a last resort if you just need it defrosted in the same day

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Absolutely not! It takes a lot of pollution before someone becomes rich

The only subscription service that I pay for is tidal for music (pays artists more than Spotify, same cost) and that's only because maintaining a local library of music is too much of a pain for me right now. I may slowly build a local music library of only music I like, but I love listening to new artists so the $10 per month is worth the convenience.

YouTube? Ublock origin
Movie/tv streaming? Self hosted media library, plus some random services that are provided through my phone bill at no cost
File storage? Stored with my movies and TV on some hdds in raid
Amazon? Its not hard to find other retailers (or direct providers) with better prices and no subscription needed. Sometimes have to pay for shipping and it's slower, but worth it

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It's a flat $15 for the state filing regardless of state or income, it's the main way they make money to be able to run (their optional support options are the other way they make money). I prefer the transparency of $0 federal $15 state to some ambiguous amount between $169 and $359 federal and $39-$64 state for TurboTax

I've been using nzbgeek for a few months and have a friend that's used it for a few years, no complaints and pretty cheap

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What I'm learning is that I'm really glad that I told myself I wouldn't be buying it until it was on sale post-launch to see if it was even worth the sale price

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72k per year... before tax. I make $85k per year in Colorado, but only take home ~61k (~$2550 per pay check, 24 paychecks per year)

I was talking to my wife the other day, my company would have to basically double my salary to get me to go into the office. Work life balance during WFH is actually balanced, I actually like my job and the company I'm at, I like the people I work with, I'm more productive and less distracted at home, I get to spend time with my daughter and take care of her, there's really no downside to WFH for employees that want to WFH.

Working in the office? In addition to the normal costs (clothes, food, transportation, etc), losing 2-3 hours per day commuting, paying for childcare or having my wife not work, getting a second car or my wife not having a way to get to work or take our daughter to appointments, and plenty of other inconveniences and big changes.

Working in an office is an outdated concept for most office jobs now. 100% of my job can and is done remote, even if I had colleagues in my office, a quick teams call or message is just as easy as pulling them away from their work with a question in person. It would take a very very large raise to get me to go into an office, and I would likely be looking for a remote job asap using that newly inflated salary.

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I like my air fryer, but there's certain things that a microwave just warms up better (pasta, basically anything that can dry out, etc). That said, my current apartment doesn't have a microwave so I am glad that I came in with an air fryer

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That would be great in a perfect world, but unfortunately public perception is significantly more important than facts when it comes to stuff like this. People accused of heinous crimes can and do lose friends, their jobs, and have their life ruined even if they prove that they are completely innocent

Plus, something I've already seen happen is someone says a nude is fake and are then told they have to prove that it's fake to get people to believe them... which is very hard without sharing an actual nude that has something unique about their body

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Can confirm, I told my wife that I'm a pussy and she just said that I'm also an ass

Hot take: I think ow2 is actually a pretty fun game to play in terms of gameplay still, they just made a lot of bad decisions for ow2. The loot boxes to battle pass is a horrible money grab change and I refuse to get the battle pass, the nixing of pve is stupid since that was the whole reason behind their lack of content for a few years, and dropping to 1 tank means 1 person now can determine the whole fate of the team basically. The only upside to ow2 is that queues are much faster now

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For anyone looking to bail - get a nice VPN and sail the high seas instead! I use protonvpn for $120 per 2 years ($5 per month) they also have free servers you can try out but they're super slow. Another good one is mullvad for €5 per month (doesn't get cheaper with longer plans, but €5 a month isn't bad). Be wary of vpn reviews though because I know a lot are sponsored.

Protonvpn and mullvad are based in Switzerland and Sweden, respectively, and both countries have great privacy laws. Been using protonvpn for a while and haven't had any issues personally.

For getting into torrenting, I definitely recommend the arr suite (radarr for movies, sonarr for tv, some others for other uses) and qbittorrent for actual torrenting. Also very good idea to stick everything in docker containers, you can route them through a gluetun container that uses your VPN so even if you shut your VPN down systemwide those are still protected. The arr suite helps with managing what you get, getting better qualities, automatically getting new releases, etc.

Plex is great for viewing your content and such, can either do one time purchase or a subscription, $120 for lifetime which is the same as paying for 3 years of subscription I think? You can also use Kodi which is free and open source but imo more annoying to setup and has a worse layout.

There's plenty of guides online for setting things up, but make sure to never torrent without a vpn unless it's non-copyrighted

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My parents both do this, but they're bisexual swingers... So the moral of the story is that there can be many reasons for doing things

That's not fair, solitaire didn't have too many bugs

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Cultural baggage? Neither term has any roots in racism, blacklist came from a play and whitelist came about as the opposite of blacklist

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I use dashy since it's super easy to update (can update and save config from the webpage). If you want automatic adding though, flame can autoadd services if you put a couple lines of config in each docker compose

I rolled... Of of my inlaws Netflix account and directly into the welcoming arms of piracy. I've always ridden the high seas as needed, but now I raise the black flag with pride since the only streaming I pay for now is music (music piracy is just as easy as normal piracy, but it's a lot more annoying to manage if you like to listen to a variety of stuff)

Hey now, it's not just office space investments! It's also useless middle managers who don't actually do anything useful but don't think people working from home do any work because they can't be stared at to make sure they're working constantly

As a note, their application process is super easy, free, and they do it every weekend. Not paid or super exclusive, just makes sure you read the rules basically

Sounds like a radio station where there community submits songs

Personally the risk of bitwarden is outweighed by its convenience (compared to self hosted/local only solutions) in my opinion, but I know that'll change real quick if bitwarden ever has a breach. If it does I'm jumping ship to a self hosted or local only solution, but I'm hoping that doesn't have to happen

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I use Newegg for most tech stuff now, besides that I try to buy direct from manufacturer websites and just use search engines to find products/brands to buy. My wife and I got away from Amazon because the subscription fees are not worth the free shipping, and basically all of the "sales" are the same cost as the manufacturer website or anywhere else

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