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If the web integrity API goes live and I can't use some sites because of it, it will be very nice to have a very clear filter on what websites are complete garbage for using it. Vivat librewolf + VPN!

any websites that implement that API will never see me visit them ever again

Probably Netflix, YouTube, and streaming apps first. I'd say banks, but banks are slow. Games won't take long. If there's not enough blowback it'll spread to every website that uses captchas today.

I feel like if a bank is going to use it, there needs to be a clear financial reason to. Because if someone can't access their account, they might lose their shit and leave for the first bank whose website works.

This is the reason that banks can’t even roll out MFA beyond a text message. Everybody uses a bank, less people use Netflix. The customer support headache if only 0.1% of people have to call in defeats any cost savings, and they already are ready to write off a lot of losses due to crime etc

Korean banks already require some pretty weird stuff. It's not common in the US at all, thankfully, but I can see them adopting it...

This is the kick in the butt I needed to de-google my life. I've already gotten halfway there, just need to make the full switch to proton mail, and then see what I can disconnect from my android phone.

I would hate to switch to Apple, but I may consider it if they are gonna pull this nonsense.

Try a Pixel + Custom ROM?

Ahh so I'm about to stop visiting some sites I see. Thanks google for the internet break.

Not that I don't fully agree actually, but just want to point out that... Not using the web is an outcome they absolutely want. That way only the "right people" are using the Internet so there can be the maximum amount of advertising and money made from each iota of bandwidth they have pried from their hands.

You aren't monetizable? Well they don't want you wasting resources if you won't increase their paycheck. It's just the Internet once again being early in resource hording.