8 Post – 583 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

certified woman

windows 11 has a onedrive sync service that is almost impossible to disable even with group policy and all that.

I tried to make a clean image of the OS that could be booted from the network. never again.

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I invite you to try to make an image of windows 11 that doesn't have OneDrive sync installed

just look for hyper evolved salamanders, that's what happened in voyagers warp experiment gone wrong

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not the point of my comment

drunk driving ♥️🥰😍🥰💕

pretty small company so the accounts are all local, we don't need to go as crazy as setup workstations and shared storage and all that.

It's much better than the old way of home folders in a file share.

arguably subjective

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Yes, of course. IMO OneDrive is much easier for the end user instead of having to remember to store files in a share or using folder redirection which is prone to fail sometimes. Because using OneDrive they only have to store files where they normally store them and they get automatically synced and backed up to OneDrive. Something being easy is a huge benefit because it will ensure documents and everything else is backed up properly and it reduces support load.

fair fair

Please tell me you have some kind of backup of those computers where you don't use shared storage or apparently anything "proper".

many backups and tape drives when we max out storage. we're good

Btw, GPOs only work using a domain. You are probably using local policies and those are sometimes not as likely to work.

our user accounts are on a domain

You don't use Windows home too, right?

no ew

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You have backup and tape but not shared storage‽ Wut‽

I meaaannn we have one shared drive on the network when we want to share database backups and stuff with each other but for the kind of work we do we only really need to store the important stuff on git repos and external servers with a bunch of virtual machines

my brain tired now, I stop talking about this

twitter blue subscribers can now hide the entire reason they spent money on it in the first place

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if the US actually re elect him they're fucked

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GOOD, hope they win

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no suprise here. it's apple. they made a $3500 device that has been bricking itself and charging people $100 to fix it because it's completely proprietary

every day I'm glad I switched to firefox

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ublock origin users:


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are they seriously still going ahead with this shit? Web Integrity API is the worst idea in existence

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what programming is REALLY like:

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wtf is this fediverse they talking about

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cap () {

nocap () {


billionaires existing should be illegal

yarr harr fiddle-dee-dee

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don't tell America. pretend it's multiple automobiles welded together and they'll like it

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it's almost like they didn't do it for security and just to make adblocking harder

if A.I. dies out because capitalism I will wheeze

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I cannot stop reading it as keep ass

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$73 A MONTH?

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massive W firefox

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stories for messaging apps like WhatsApp/Signal were the most out of place irritating features. no idea why they thought it'd work

how to get all browsers to remove access for france

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something something 15 competing standards

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one of the following:

  • attention seeker
  • scraper bot
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can we start calling these "evangelicals" for what they are? cultist recruiters

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that's the whole point of what they're doing, to get people like you that aren't bothered, to pay for something that could be easily fixed. they created the problem on purpose...

10M isn't enough for this shit...

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any websites that implement that API will never see me visit them ever again

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how many millions of bonuses did the higher ups accept to get to this point

if you don't understand, let me break it down for you:

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