1 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

FOSS enthusiast, Linux user, Android enthusiast, Transformers fan (he/him)

As someone who uses root (not at the moment but plans to) as I believe in owning my devices, fully, this is horrible. We still need to oppose this.

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The "Simple" app collection the FOSS community loves did the same thing with their play store version calendar, which is why I dislike them. Their FDroid versions may not do this, but like... comes off the wrong way.

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It's a reference to conspiracy theories about vaccines containing trackers

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Consider Piped, Invidious, etc. Yes you can't log in, but on Piped you can create a Piped account and on mobile use Yattee (iOS) or Libretube (Android). No recommendations on home screen, but subscriptions feed and recommendations per video.

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I don't have the Play Store on my phone. F-Droid (Droidify), Aurora Store, Obtanium, and Accrescent.

Both of those would, to me, seem like negatives.

Desktop icons have no benefit for me and would look ugly. Opening in the desktop would mean that I would have to press super before launching all my apps, which would be annoying.

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That doesn't make sense. uBO would just be forked.

Jerboa is still my choice. Thunder is good but is slow at times, I used to be Infinity for Reddit user but I've become enamored with MD3.

Something I haven't seen mentioned is Blender's built in video editor.

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Yes, very relevant.

Hopefully the EU

Anything revanced on the play store is fake. You cannot get Revanced from the play store.

Google but buy directly from them and not carrier, used market on eBay is good but make sure you get factory unlocked

Pretty sure the above post is sarcasm?

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Signal is great but Signal ≠ RCS

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Text messaging market in EU is totally different from in the United States. This is because US texting was cheap always— not so with the EU.

The app sadly doesn't appear to be FOSS and thus not on F-Droid, but I did check it out. Streisand effect? Or not apparently it was removed over semantics.

I love it. So much.

Use the browser extension for redirect. It also lets you choose piped instances

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Not how FOSS works. If devs tried that, lemmy forks and splits, basically defederating but more steps and more pain/forced defederating as people choose between two camps.

Concern I'd have if I didn't use Piped:

I'm on AdNauseum and not uBO because I like the idea of actively resisting advertising culture and protesting through obfuscation, etc. So might not work for me

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Pirating and Librera or e-reader nevernconnected to internet.

Any instances who've promised not to block?

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What device are you on?

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Unfortunately no. The best option, unfortunately, its to have a second device, sadly.

A JSO representative had a great interview with Alex O'Connor and he basically said that negative attention is still better than no attention.

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No, they first were a Chrome user then turned to Brave before finding firefox

Jerboa seems great to me

Clipious for Invidious based, but it's not as good as Libretube Newpipe for Piped, but it's direct and reveals your IP to YT and has bad UI Libretube for Piped, but it's a bit buggy at times.

The bot also chose one specific piped instance

Is there still a good guide on how to fully degoogle lineage?

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In the way you explain norway, it seems this will not be possible without lots of natural resources that are worth a significant amount.

They don't care. You were costing them money to show you video while not giving them anything.

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We'll probably have a Calendar system switch to a new major event

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Dash-to-dock or Dash-to-panel are must-haves

I strongly object to this, having used neither on stock GNOME for the majority of my time on Linux. These extensions make GNOME different from intended and not necessarily better, and while beneficial to some are hardly must-haves.

Try a Pixel + Custom ROM?

Degoogled Chromium then? And try Epiphany & WebKit too

They weren't in the past, and the transition was problematic

Motorola is decent about unlocking but developing for foldable is effort-requiring, maybe Google will help in order to push its own foldables

There are ways to run Linux on Chromebooks

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