
0 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Hot take: none. Let information flow free. Take it with the good and the bad. Don't lock yourself in an echo chamber.

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But I was told America is the land of the free. Have I been misinformed?

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This. I visit the site every week to claim the free games. If a game is epic exclusive, I consider it not released yet.

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CDPR should stop hyping their games so much and just focus on making a good game. Announce and release in a 6 month window.

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We hear you valued customer, that's why we are happy to announce Overwatch 3! Note: overwatch 2 will be inaccessible when 3 launches.

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For papal standards, Francis is quite progressive.

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Gotta break into a power plant to get that magnemite and voltorb.

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I think Miyazaki put it best when he said the problem with popular anime is that it takes its inspiration from other anime instead of bringing in fresh ideas and doing things differently. Anine is a genre but it shouldn't be.

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Awesome proposal. Some indie games would suck me dry and I'd be paying 1/4 of the price for AAA releases! Is this the redistribution of wealth Marx has been talking about?

Musk can't code well enough to be able to replace an emoji.

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I'll spoof the user agent because that shit is disgusting.

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Sell. I don't run a data center and I'm not a cloud provider. I have a meager home server with some stuff plugged in and serve some tv shows. I want this to be as low foot print as possible. If it goes over 10w idle, I'm shutting it down lol.

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We don't have to. There's an ad on for it.

Used qBittorrent for a long time now. No complaints. Ever since I've set up a home server, I almost exclusively use qBittorrent-nox now. Its qBittorrent, but headless! Runs all the time. Just use a web ui to access it. I can even run a reverse proxy and access it from afar!

Kids these days don't know shit man. Skyrim had been out long enough to concieve a kid and watch him graduate. Oblivion might as well have been a DOS title to them.

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Ironically, you need to always allow cookies and let all sites have your browsing data and build a profile on you. Then you will get ads tailored to you. The fact that you don't, points in the direction that websites don't have much data on you..

Android? No. It's not made for it. You are using a hammer to paint a wall.

Phones? With a different Linux based distro? I can see it happening. For a small niche at least.

Does a file lookup really take that long? Id say the trick was to have just plain old html with no bloat and you're golden.

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Yup. My bet as well. People love to place achievements and advancements in technology on one person while in reality there's always a team behind it. The reality is things have gotten so complex, its damn near impossible for one person to make a breakthrough themselves without building on the work of someone else or fragmenting the work and have it be done by multiple people.

You havent lived until you wrote python over ssh in nano.

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Forcing you to sell at the same price as on steam when customers will be downloading from steam servers anyway is not sketchy but very fair.

As a developer you could set the game price on steam to a high number and sell keys on your own site for cheaper. Anyone who buys a key then used steam resources to download it. The dev keeps the 30% since its not a sale through steam. Yeah id like free file hosting with terabytes of bandwidth too please.

If you sell the game yourself and provide the files, you can set lower prices. This is fair and valve doesn't restrict that.

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Horizon can be played offline. When Microsoft bites the dust, I can still pop in a Forza horizon 2 DVD into my 360 and play it.

Damn, I never knew you could do that in wow. Played for a bit 15 years ago and liked the game but was not in a position to pay the monthly fee.

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Recently replayed doom 64 on pc and that game is so crisp. Feels really good on a controller and no vertical aiming is handled superbly in that game.

Haven't pirated a game since 2008. The same year i made a steam account. Coincidence?

Self refers to oneself as in, a person. I never associate selfhosting with a company which runs their own servers. Technically they do self host but is it a company asking questions on an online forum and referring to itself as oneself? Is a company a person? What is a company even? Philosophical questions we dont have time to discuss.

To me, self hosting means a person is self hosting things. Some have racks and use 1kW of power on idle, some have micro servers. In any case, just one paragraph explaining what you have at the top of a post is sufficient to get the point of what you know across.

Id say a more important distinction is persons who self host software only (VPS) and those who do hardware as well.

So I just click commit and it works? Wow, this is easy!

Fuck it. I'll take my media raw. I'm not gonna block something just because it offends me and if shit posters start taking over the place well thats just society baby! I prefer it that way to giving some central entity the power to 'clean' up everything how they see fit. Not gonna lock myself into an echo chamber if I can help it.

To all the admins, thanks and take your time fixing things and if instances go offline for a while, thanks for giving me a social media break!

You pay it off in 2 months though.

Yeah. It's better now that it's not in the public eye or as popular. Still no porn tho :/

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Look into a NUC on ebay. I was able to snag a new 11th Gen i3 for 200 eur. Power draw is about 7w with a headless Debian. Running a media server, nextcloud, pihole, an arr stack and I'm planning to add home assistant and a zigbee bridge which I now run on a pi.

If you aren't planning to run to much on it a rpi4or5 will actually be enough and these things can draw 15 on absolute max load.

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I haven't played it but that doesn't sound racist to me if the context is right. There are cannibal tribes today. They are black skinned. This is fact.

Shouldnt be called bike line. It should be called "faster than walking lane", "above 15km/h" lane or something. The point is, it is for objects going faser than walking. No, i dont mind.

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Get a mini pc. If you can find a cheap intel NUC on ebay for example. Way more power in a compact form that doesn't draw that much more power than a rpi.. much less four of them.

I'll tell you a secret: if you have a steam deck, you have a Playstation portal as well. I beat days gone to platinum on steam deck... By streaming if from a ps4.

I mean, the only game on the GOTY list where the hype is still going is Baldurs Gate 3. At least thats how it feels to me. Granted Im not into nintendo games as I once was both the new Zelda and Mario felt like they flew by me. Maybe it was the stacked year. maybe I didnt have as much time for gaming or maybe Im not seeing them much on the internet. BG3 sure feels like its cementing itself into the 2023 zeitgeist.

In like 2005 haha when it was obvious video games were certainly not just a passing fad.

I own 4 PS5 games, all are physical, all were bought used and I can sell them on if I want. This November I opted not to renew PS plus.

It amazes me this is still possible but I'm not complaining.

Used an rpi4 for a year as a media server and was quite happy but wanted to run a few more things so I switched to an i3 NUC11 and I really like it. Running an arr stack + plex + jellyfin + nextcloud and its using 7w 'idle' (mentioned services running) with a headless debian 12. Fit a 5TB HDD in it and a 1TB nvme. 16GB or ram. It definitely runs faster and jellyfin is actually usable. Still though, rpi4 can handle the load (sans jellyfin). The rpi5 will also fit into this market very well.

I mean, crazy people are everywhere. The more users, the more crazy people. Less users, less crazy.