1 Post – 415 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Now there's a bit of software I haven't thought about in a long time

If their web can catch a fly, it can catch my shit. Extra strength TP!

I didn't understand this connection

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It's not like it was a mutually exclusive option. I have an S9 and I swamp between wireless and wired audio all the time depending on the setting. These newer phones have only one option. Bluetooth does not work well everywhere. Frankly forcing more things into the same radio frequency just makes it worse.

I don't really want to get into it, but, we have campaigns that actively target people who smoke and/or drink. Two other things that people can indulge in that can and will eventually lead to negative health effects and kill you, much like overeating will.

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Not only are they dropping support for it and unless someone figures out how to hack you just throw it away. But don't worry, they won't automatically cancel your subscription.... that function keeps working.

The SssniperWolf is the biggest 'reaction' channel on YouTube. I.e. steal other people's videos, giving no credit, and not being transformative. You see a ton of these, and every last one is 100% worthless. She constantly goes for the 8 minute marker so she can run more ads. It's all stolen content, nothing given back to the real creators.

Jack, had been making videos about this, calling out SssniperWolf specifically (the biggest offender currently). Helping people get their videos removed from hers. He's done this for years, SssniperWolf is just the latest. Example, many years ago the big offender (though one could argue actually had some effort put in...) =3 with RayWilliamJohnson.

So, this week, SssniperWolf decided to track down where Jack lives, then made a video post showing his address, doxxing him and his wife. Now she's playing ignorant and innocent, pretending she doesn't even know what doxxing is. Doxxing has in the past led to swatting which has led to people dying.

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I'm partial deaf... These let me hear music in a way I never could. I remember being in a quiet place and listened to an audio sample... Hearing an instrument on my bad side was like listening to it for the first time. Hearing in stereo is just wild when you have only heard in mono your whole life

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So my gaming computer is in my bedroom. I do use Folding@Home to heat the room during winter months.

Reddit corporate claims victory

LOL, fucking pathetic.

Platforms don't rise and fall in a single day. Reddit used to be obscure. The fewer people go and make content there and instead just post her, the more Reddit dies through attrition. And as more active users are on Lemmy, the more it grows.

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Fuuuuuck! 100% missed him.

OP used misdirection. It was super effective.

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Massive amounts of telemetry data and nearly every app these days just being a web app just chews through your hardware. We use Teams at work and it's just god awful. Hell, even steam is a problem. Even having your friends list open can cause a loss to your fps in some games.

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Cool, cool, cool ... They going to ban pork products and all shellfish too? Or are we cherry picking here... Seems like it be right blasphemous to be cherry picking...

Honestly I can make a whole list.

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I'll throw my opinion for Sync for Lemmy.

He's always been incompetent. He was fired from PayPal for that very reason. He's used his parents emerald business money to fabricate a career. He's paid his way into being the engineer he clearly idolized but couldn't actually earn himself. He bought Tesla, he bought Twitter, the "HyperLoop" was a hundred year old idea called a vac-train. Even the biggest selling point for SpaceX, were just plans NASA had decades ago but the technology didn't exist at the time to pull it off. I mean the Boring Company... we've been successfully digging subway tunnels for a long time... the London Underground opened in 1863. New York had theirs in 1904. Elon in 2018 debuted a claustrophobic tunnel that was less than 2 miles long...

If it wasn't for daddy's money, he would have been a nobody. But he bought his way into some sort of 'relevance' and has conned a lot of people who don't understand science out of a lot of money. His greatest accomplishment is being a great conman.

They ain't getting a dollar or of me. Didn't buy D4, what a toxic, problematic company. I miss the classic Blizzard I grew up with, but that comany, it's talent and passion died in '08.

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I mean, she's a cleric by default. Insanely useful no matter what your team composition is. And flexible enough to compliment any setup you want. What are you going to do, NOT use Guidance in your run!?

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This is status quo for every large corporation. Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM, Roku.... They all, ALL, push boundaries to see what they can get away with to not only sell you something, but also make you the thing they sell. Sometimes they're bold enough to make it public what they're doing, sometimes, it's a leak that happens when people find out how little the company actually cares about it's users (Apple, so many user data leaks).

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You know what time it is... For Amazon to actually pay taxes.

We believe this new price reflects the value of YouTube Premium

I disagree. YouTube offers nothing without the content creators. While reason I ever started using it because TotalBiscuit made a good case for it. But I have to say, while they keep jacking up prices I don't feel like I'm getting anything more. I never asked for YT Music and would gladly take a discount to have it removed.

Keep fucking around and find out Google, I got no issues going back to ad blockers. Whole reason I got premium was to support those I watch and all I ever hear is how Google is fucken them over.

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If it happens, it won't last. A PR stunt until they feel things have blown over and they'll ramp right back up. People will notice and they'll have a canned response ready which will include various employees saying how they actually prefer the fast pace.

It'll read very similar to all those HR posts on LinkedIn where employees everywhere seem to love going into the office and hate working from home...

Save this post, because it'll be less than a year I predict this will play out.

I think it's due to the little guy making a huge wave that other people don't feel they're "allowed" to make. These other devs work on "AAA" companies working on big name titles from studios everyone has heard of so. But now a small, indie studio comes along with a grand slam and they don't like it kind of makes them look bad by comparison. Showing you can release a big complex game without it being an absolute buggy mess, doesn't need microtransactions, doesn't need to sell millions of copies to be considered a success, and isn't just a copy paste of the previous game with a handful of modifications made to slap a new "FOR SALE" label on it...

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Crazy thought, but people don't need Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, any Twitter replacement, etc. I.e. ya'll don't need 'social media'.

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What! You mean it's not about improving collaboration!

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I love the fact that brother basically does no marketing as far as I know. They just end up shining like a diamond because they make a generally good product and everyone else around them makes absolute trash.

SSDs are far slower than RAM. And adds extra wear on the SSD.

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That was the single feature that made Win11 even remotely interesting to me. One someone that upgraded right away so I asked about it. Performance was not great (at least for games right away) and the whole locked into Amazon was a no for me. I kept hoping we'd get a vanilla Android at some point. Glad I didn't get Win11 now.

It's not just the men. Women too. I once dated a correctional officer, let me tell you, the things she was proud of were unreal.

Example, she and her cronies unlocked the door of a mentally disabled person. Because they were bored and wanted to make fun of him. She also gleefully spike about using riot gear on inmates.

Guessing short sighted algorithms. Because you can see on Valves side of things, packages have been updated/added/etc this year which probably allows it to be picked up.

You can see here, the DLC was updated in 2023

I'm in this same boat. I get letters from the power company all the time about how I'm using more power than anyone around me. The heat in my place has been kept around 62 all winter, occasionally allowed to get colder. It's a pretty modern build for a house too. I actually used my PC to heat just my bedroom over winter which should be far more power efficient the heating every room. The letters I get try selling me how I need to or could be more efficient like genius ideas like "turn down the thermostat"... its already nearly almost off, just enough to make sure pipes don't freeze.

Only thing that really changed was they installed a new smart meter last fall, of which I had no say.

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End of 2008 start of 2009 I bought a house. It was VERY risky move for me at the time.

Not only has it been a temp house for others that needed help. But with the wild costs of apartments these days I simply don't understand how people haven't just flat out started a revolution over it. There's an apartment complex that opened in my town very recently. The units are much smaller than my house but cost more than double my mortgage. And that's just for where they actually list the price, there's some I'm guessing are so expensive they don't list the price they just say "contact us".

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Remember when all those articles about 'cord cutting' was a thing. How streaming ushered in a new age.

So what's this going to be called? Are people going to switch back to the cable? Are TiVo stocks about to go skyrocket? Or is pirating about to see an all time surge? Since storage has never been cheaper, VPNs are mainstream (you can't watch YouTube without hearing about it), the number of applications to help facilitate it has never been more user friendly and plentiful, and internet speeds have only increased...

I mean, I know what a bunch of people here will do, but I mean the general public at large. Because it's hard not to notice those price increases, especially if you have more than one service. Because their price increases (based on percent) is far out pacing the pay increase people are getting. I already cancelled my Netflix (due to policy changes even though they didn't affect me, price increases, and their response to the writers strike).

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Also, the amount of computational power that was made available for COVID research was recorded breaking.

If you were on Folding@home at that time, they couldn't get enough WU out fast enough for a while. Gamers really showed up and helped.

Reply, that you'd be happy to provide your e-mail. but first, you must verify them, my having them provide an e-mail.

Haven't dated since my 20s. Got cheated on a lot. Like all of them. Some of them even bragged about cheating, to my face.

In my 30s, I put 0 effort into dating. The only type of women that wanted to 'date' me basically wanted me to take care of their kids, pay for shit, but they weren't looking for anything serious or any more kids (spoiler, that was a lie). Last person, someone I've known for years, asked if I'd be interested in having kids with her since we are getting close to 40 and neither of us had started a family yet. But, I was to be just a sperm donor, obviously be financially responsible, but have no say in anything with the kids... But it was totally going to be 50/50! Turned her away. That one tore me up because I've really wanted to have kids for a long time. Painfully obvious she just wanted me involved for money and nothing else. Now her mom is bank rolling all her dreams.

I miss having someone to talk to, to make plans with, to share wonderful build a life with. But I don't miss the drama, the games, the cheating, and the lies.

I do think it should be a bit harder to romance in this game. Because you don't need to even try and to me that's kind of a problem. Like I got people just sitting at camp who haven't been in any quest with me or you just met and they're already down for the dirty. Ready for the horizontal cha-cha. A little of the devil's dance, a little campsite rodeo... I think a little effort isn't asking too much. But they all acting like the Absolute is in my pants and they're ready to get blessed!

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While a small tangent, I agree. I used to work 4x10 each week. Had done that for over a decade. Having a 3 day weekend really helped. When I got my current position I was moved to 5x8. I'm now endlessly tired, I can't get the weekend projects done, etc. Because you're just getting out of work, or getting ready to start work again, there's no break. So if this ends up being 4x8, that would be great! Keep my hours and get my weekend back. Though I assume corporate USA will find some way to muck it up, like the RTO bullshit.

I mean that's good for you. But you really might want to look into other things they've done.

There should be no algorithm. It should be done by a human. There are no amount of lines of code I will ever make up for knowing intent and what the current situation is.

If it's going to be closed by software it needs to prioritize safety 100% of the time. If more pressure is needed and that pressure needs to come from a human.

But not moving could be far worse based on what some devs are saying.