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Joined 1 years ago

Which is kind of weird because most C# devs aren't doing games.

After they make the change, someone with an old Hue bulb should go to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Making this decision retroactive is clearly false advertising and anti-consumer. I don't really give a shit what their terms of use were.

They can do what they want with their future bulbs. The old ones need to be grandfathered in.

Keep in mind that in these situations it's not always their fault. Sometimes two other people have pulled in straight and they're the third. Then the other two leave, and they just look like an ass.

Or maybe they're just an ass. Can really go either way.

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Rust > php

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One of my last comments on Reddit was about this.

The biggest difference I've noticed is that people have stopped reading sentences. They'll read all the words and then upvote based on the feeling those individual words give them. They won't consider the meaning of all those words put together.

And yeah, "upvote does not mean agree" is something Reddit has always struggled with, but it has definitely had exponential growth lately.

It has made me start writing more clearly. There are comments I've written that have been wildly misinterpreted from my actual meaning. Part of that is that I tend towards sarcasm, and it doesn't translate well over the internet no matter how absurd I get with it. But I've also started aiming to use more simple sentence structure.

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They refused to respond to an Australian government investigation. (Because Elon fired the two people who interfaced with Australia.)

The fine is not directly because they haven't cracked down*, but because they couldn't competently answer if they're handling it at all.

(* and they've probably fired enough trust and safety people that they're also having trouble there, but that's not exactly what the fine is for.)

Anti-corruption should be bipartisan.

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It's not primarily about abortion rights. This vote was about preventing people from voting.

Each bullet point of the amendment was more fuckery than the last, and it starts with the 60% threshold.

More egregious than that was that it was going to move the signature requirement to get something onto the ballot from 5% of half the counties, to 5% of all the counties, significantly raising the cost to get anything accomplished (other than through the gerrymandered legislature).

Even more egregious, they wanted to eliminate the ten day period to fix any issues with the signatures. So you'd submit the signatures, and some rural county commissioner would say "this street belongs to the next county over". Now your signatures are invalid and you throw the entire effort into the trash.

If this passes, it would have pulled up the ladder. It would have prevented any other amendment supported by the people of Ohio.

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I'm already telling people to get out of Florida*. I expect multiple Katrina-level events over the next 15 years. "Florida refugees" is going to become a common phrase.

Orlando might be more likely to survive than Miami or Tampa, but do you really want to be in the city surrounded by devastation?

We, as humans, seem to have lost the ability to plan more than 20 years into the future. Florida is still building in areas that are going to be crushed, and the only reaction is from insurance companies.

We're not trying to prevent it. We're not building any kind of defenses or contingency plans. We're not encouraging people to move out. We're not preventing people from moving in. In fact, we're building new and encouraging people to move IN to Florida. It's full on head in sand.

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Fucking dump him as fast as we're allowed to. We don't circle the wagons the way the GOP does.

You don't have to officially change parties to change votes.

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On the Fediverse, you can go to a different instance.

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You can have pride in your country without being stupid about it.

I'm proud to be an American. I'm not proud of everything America does.

I'm proud that we were the first to land on the moon. I'm proud that we (eventually) helped win WWII over the Nazis. I'm proud of parts of our art and culture, Asimov, (early) Game of Thrones, most of the best games in the world.

I also protested the Iraq war. I think our ultra-capitalist, corporate worshipping ways have been a negative influence on the world.

I'm proud of Al Gore's call to action on climate change. I'm not proud we haven't done much about it.

I'm proud we have the potential to get off planet, self-sustaining colonies going. I wish we'd push harder for it.

You can find reasons to be proud of your country without endorsing everything they do.

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It's hard to take that seriously when you use "xeeted".

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I PMed someone on Twitter asking them to use Mastodon. As soon as I sent the PM, Twitter temporarily locked my account for "suspicious activity". I had to basically fill out a captcha to get my account back, but it didn't send the message.

I rewrote it while being more careful with my phrasing and misspelling "mastedon" the second time.

The way to make big money for the past 20 years hasn't been to sell better mousetraps. It's been to attract venture capital. Your revenue didn't matter as much as your size, and your size was determined by your employees and how much you spend.

It's why Uber, whose business model is entirely skimming off of taxi drivers who provided their own cars, wasn't profitable..

With the interest rate hikes, the investment money is drying up, and all these places are discovering they actually need to make money from their users now, and all that bloat is now a negative instead of a positive.

Basically we're all paying the price for the stupid fucking investment bubble that's existed for two decades. An investment bubble that existed because nobody was at the wheel driving the direction of this economy until now.

And of course the billionaires don't want to sacrifice shit, so they're making sure it all rolls downhill to their employees and their customers and doesn't touch their profits in the slightest.

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Yeah, that ain't gonna cut it.

But not in 100% of cases and therefore it's not worth trying. /s

It is a difficult problem, because there really are some mentally disturbed people in that population too. You can absolutely tackle the problem slowly and one case at a time lift most people out of that situation. But any solution that treats them as a group will bring along the 10% of them that will literally shit all over everything you've tried to build.

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You can get a cheap android (but don't have to). You can't get a cheap iPhone.

And are you really going to get your 12 year old the latest flagship android when there are cheaper options?

If every android kid got the latest Pixel, I bet they wouldn't be seen as "the cheap phone".

Plus Apple's been pushing nearly every anticompeitive angle they can. The iMessage thing is 100% intentional. It's not that the android phones aren't capable of working with iMessage. It's that Apple wants to make your experience worse when something happens that doesn't involve giving them money. Because they want you to push your friends into an iPhone, and people are dumb enough to fall for it.

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They can sell colors and themes as DLC! Cosmetics for your home!

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Probably Netflix, YouTube, and streaming apps first. I'd say banks, but banks are slow. Games won't take long. If there's not enough blowback it'll spread to every website that uses captchas today.

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Haven't they done it twice before? Something like 2006 and 2014?

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enshittification is an inevitable late stage consequence

Maybe, but I don't think it is. Enshittification is a direct result of our tax policy that encourages cashing out, only looks at the short term, and requires constant growth.

There was a time when companies built a reputation and held onto it for a hundred years. We could go back to that.

Tax the rich.

Do you have a portable video camera that supports raid 1?

If there's one issue, ever, that you should be at least a little "both sides" on, it's this one.

There's no way you can honestly argue only one side of this.

Don't assume anyone replying to you disagrees. They can be on your side even if there are minor differences between what you said and what they said. If they repeated the exact same thought, there wouldn't be a point to replying at all.

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Same. I was familiar with "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" but somehow still didn't get it until Ploum explained it to me slowly.

I don't understand how a million tiny instances is supposed to scale better than a few big instances.

Caching all the data from another instance is overhead. If you're not serving that to enough people, your instance is going to create more traffic than it reduces.

1-10 person instances can't possibly help. Maybe 10,000 users on an instance is valuable for scaling.

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There's a lot of discussion about Twitter imploding too. It's not just that it's an ex for most of us. It's also the tech implosion.

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Yeah, the whole "this is THEIR software and we're just a few hobby people" struck me.

Aren't the Lemmy devs in a pretty similar situation? I wouldn't be surprised if individual instances got more donations than the Lemmy project itself. (And to be clear, I don't expect any of that is a living wage for someone.)

"Starting from scratch" is usually a pretty naive suggestion for a large project that seems to be functioning well in large scale production.

I do get that there are problems, especially from a moderation perspective. But that's one scope of a much larger project.

Pointing fingers seems less productive than pull requests and/or patience. And I'd be surprised if there were other, open software available that has the same functionality outside of the fediverse.

I know of the issue with decommissioned servers, which has been resolved. I've seen the instances crashing less and less over time. I've experienced the software responding faster and more reliably. So I've seen some amount of progress. The project isn't dead. In fact you can watch what they're doing at their GitHub link. It's very, very active.

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They want the engagement numbers. They're hoping those angry people log back in.

Well, I know of an easy litmus test.

In what is known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or in Chinese the June Fourth (1989) Clearing or June Fourth Massacre, Chinese government troops murdered several hundred citizens and students who were protesting for freedom of speech and freedom of the press, among other things.

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Download your data while you still can.

She was the one who insisted. Nobody, other than maybe her staff, was encouraging her to keep that job.

The Democratic governor appoints her replacement. Why would they encourage her to stay?

The "third parties" that run as part of the two parties are smarter. Think Bernie or the Tea Party. Then you can vote for them in the primaries without being used as a tool by the other party.

You can get an old version of the software without the features blocked.

Put 10k here. Make a free $1200 over those three years.

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The use case for these drives is always a single point of failure. It's camera footage out in the field. You have to get it home before you have proper storage.

Do you have a dashcam for your vehicle? Do you have backups before you get the footage home?

I do all, show nsfw on a account and get zero porn.

I generally do top 12 hours or I get days old stuff. That could be it? Or maybe he's just scrolling a lot farther than I am.

Yeah, this will insure I never use Unity. But at least they can collect from their existing games.