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Joined 1 years ago

"Wow, I can't believe these fire sticks are so cheap"

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Haley endorsement coming in 3....2....1...

These people are spineless, they call Trump the most dangerous thing to democracy in one sentence and then endorse him in the next breathe. They are all so weak.

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Not to mention it's absolutely the correct decision.

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Stop using chrome, let the market share dry up. The only reason they can get away with this is because they have a monopoly and surely its against anti-competition laws. But who is gonna try and take on google in court?

Break up tech giants.

Welcome to our hellish future.

I'm confused at the republican position on Jews, either they are evil and control everything or we are not doing enough to help them...

It's almost as if they don't actually care about them and are just using them as a political pawn.

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Ban the fluoride and give universal dental care like Canada is planning.

A pipe dream. The dummies will likely just ban the fluoride with no other plan or solution.

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YouTube feeds me so much right wing bullshit I'm constantly marking it as not interested. It's a definite problem.

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"Wow, this Roku TV is so cheap!"

Your selling your privacy and basically leasing the disposable tv.

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How the hell am I living in the same reality as these people? Where do they get their info from?

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Avoid Musk at all costs.

It would be embarassing to drive a Tesla today, especially for the demographic that would buy these EVs.

You see one driving and you know the driver is a uninformed douchebag.

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Musk cannot make a profitable company without government subsidies. Hilarious.

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And now they've spent all their money just in time to rely on social security from the young ones. Try and screw us from every angle. Most selfish and greedy generation that existed.

He really isn't helping the accusations he is a Russian asset by doing exactly what the Kremlin wants him to do or say all of the time.

Ok, so now he is literally rallying troops, we still gonna just sit around?

Last I checked taking a gun to a place specifically to kill someone is murder, yup, even if our jurors decided they are not criminally liable , still a murderer, just not convicted.

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Just give me a little corolla with crank windows and a EV motor. I don't need some sort of futuristic spacecraft. Give it the exact same model as the cheapest gas vehicle, just give me electric, that's all I want and it seems like they are too stupid to figure it out.

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Why can't we hold Police and Politicians to a much higher standard than the average citizen?

It is the opposite, and that is bonkers and backwards.

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If the driver had a gun, and the neighbors had guns then this would have never happened....


He either didn't get his pay package so he is burning the whole place down, or he has really lost his mind.

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This is why it's so important to have AR's at arms reach, who knows how this situation could have ended up had he not been armed.

Whenever "woke" is brought up.

Please give me your definition of woke, because so far it's been different for everyone I've talked to.

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The stock will go through the roof if he goes....It'll drop at first as the fanboys bail, but then institution's will have faith again and invest and it will pop off when he stops kneecapping the company.

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I'm never gonna buy another console except steamdeck.

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Il run tesla for half that, and by simply doing nothing I will do a much better job than Musk.

The fact that this is where American is at is disgraceful.

This traitor needs the maximum penalty and his supporters need to undergo some sort of education on Russian propoganda.

They need to just haul a big trebuchet up there.Then they can just launch poop down the mountain in sealed containers with the poop trebuchet. Ideally you could have a few poop trebuchets in a line to launch em down one after another.

Easy peasy.

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I remember months ago when McCarthy gave in to the rule that allowed them to pull this stunt.

At the time it was compared to giving a loaded hand gun to your assassin.

Well, suprise to noone they used the loaded gun...

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What about android apps like "revanced" which allow you to have all the premium features and ad blocking without having to pay premium. It is legal as well.

All a person has to do is google search for it and download a proper version YouTube apk and then patch it and they are off to the races!

I used to pay for YouTube family for years, but they got greedy and raised prices. Now after about 30 mins of getting it set up once I never have to pay again.

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Meanwhile Trump has never even heard of these people or what happened on those dates...

Instead we get classics like this from the certified genius ..

"Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV. See how smart I am, not many people can remember 5 things.."


"that dementia test was quite challenging but I passed it, not many other people would be smart enough to pass it"

Seems ridiculous.

I can only hope the stories of people financing their homes and using retirement investments for this stock are not true.

It's sad they are so easily manipulated by a conman...

So does he lie on purpose or does he just believe his own lies so confidently he is mixing up his imagination with reality.

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Me too, I was definetely duped by him. It's embarassing now that I see how much of a man child he is.

And a shit father, considering his resources he may just be the worst father in history.

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They are going to try and fleece users even more by doing an IPO way too high. Its going to get shorted into oblivion and then settle in at about -70% of IPO value.

Oh no, WATER, how did they know it was one of my many, many weaknesses!

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They obvioualy haven't heard what Trump and the right said about Hamas then, or they wouldnt be thinking that way.

This is a best case scenario.

Advanced countries don't carry guns all the time.

Just one country has this problem....

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The crash is already in motion and it was not AI that caused it. This is just getting us ready for who to blame when it crashes.

Many stocks have been far oversold and there is no way to reset it without the rich losing it all.

This is how they will reset it and protect the rich.

Well I'm certainly shocked.

The real question is how many of those votes were scribbled on fortune cookie paper?

Ripping is just making a copy while removing the copy write protections.