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Joined 11 months ago

thank mr skeltal

It's funny to think that previous generations were medicating themselves too without admitting it. 1930s-70s amphetamines are all the rage until it's declared an epidemic from the incredible amount of usage.

Then hard pivot to cocaine use to replace the amphetamines, which ends up not being better (and maybe destroying some countries in the process)

And now here we are back to amphetamine usage and far surpassing the levels of the epidemic of the late 60s-70s.

So remember if your grandparents say they never had to medicate themselves back in the day just ask them how much powder they sniffed up their noses. Apparently everyone feels good with a bit of stimulation.

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You know what's wild?

I have seen them replace the top comment on a post with an ad.
Literally still have all the responses to it that are now completely out of place, but treating it like it's naturally in there. And also it means the top comment (which might have been a bot anyways) has just been taken over by reddit and used to sell ad space.

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the air force materiel command accident investigation board said it found two causes for the incident.

“First,” the board said, “the test engineer was incorrectly instructed or trained on how to take telemetry readings when approaching the MQ-9A while the engine was running. Second, she lost situational awareness while walking around the mishap aircraft taking telemetry readings with a hand-held measurement device.”

Yeah, no one warned her how deadly this was and not thinking about she walked right into that propeller looking down. Not sure that relieves them or fault but definitely an accurate assessment of what happened

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Oh hey look. A rich group that really didn't like Trump enought to try and support a longshot decided to be rational enough to swap their funds over to Biden.

That's what this story is, and I guess it's nice to see.
They have accepted reality is between those two and probably as much as they hate and still have Nikki's name on it (which I doubt she likes and is gonna change real soon), are pushing for the only rational enough choice when stuck between the 2.

Yeah this has been my biggest takeaway actually from this story circulating.

The rich and business owners have now found a way to export even basic service jobs to cheaper countries to mostly save themselves the money and reap the profits.

I'm a pretty far leftist but holy moly we really need to stop selling every job to cheap laborers because it's only enriching those who already have enough and seems to do little good for anyone else.

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No.... NOOOO.... why is goth girl-field hot?!

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Was I ever a good impact on someone else's life?

Simple and sweet. Let's you go to the next thing either with your head held high or knowing for sure if you just lived and died.

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Hey just a heads up but I personally am a big fan of using QBtorrent as it has an internal search function that lets you search all kinds of sites and get the magnet links without even ever opening the website and if you want to you can right click and have it open the webpage anyways to double check the torrent.

Also I was able to add Nyaa as a search option so searching for anime has been a lot easier.

I had to help someone with this website crap just earlier today and will keep recommending using QBtorrent because of this.

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I wonder if it has anything to do with Powell already flip flopping and telling conservative supporters that she was extorted into pleading guilty and this is just an easy way to throw the facts at her and then.

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Look I get that private trackers are probably safer and have a mored dedicated community but personally I still love anyone that keeps it public and keeps the knowledge of torrenting open and available as a tool for new people to discover.

I just use the public torrents, I have an IP Blocklist, and I seed the shit out of the stuff I download if it's got less traction on it.

I will probably find a private group or something once I realize my obscure watching habits leave me out of finding stuff unless I can literally find it physical or get lucky but for now I'm a free pirate.

No I think it's some kinda of fucked up bug from them trying to have the first auto scroll spot be the presented as and it taking over the space of the top comment. Like this.

His first garbage idea. He's super nostalgic for X the platform her merged with PayPal to become super wealthy especially after the people that knew what they were doing had to pay him to leave.

Literally the same concept, name and everything. It's like he thinks he can just start over at the first app and it just will be propped up by a corpse. Idiot.

You know what? I still argues it's a great idea to pay government positions well. Let there be no need for bribes or underhanded deals. You want them to also be able to take care of themselves for the stress and it should be something that people want to achieve because of what a good job it is then prove they are right for it so that there is a pool of smart people willing to do it rather than a job managing HR for Facebook cause it pays better.

But maybe I just like the idea of a country that takes care to make sure they are taking care of people.

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Ew. No. Give me small curated stores. Give me people to talk to and items to physically look at. Give me a walkable area so there isn't an absurd amount of energy usage past the initial delivery which bulk reduces. Give me people getting to pick their work and lifestyle rather than all working for monopolies.

I really don't think warehouses and delivery is the answer for everything. I get that you like that from Covid but to some people that sounds awful, and I think you should hear that.

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Simple, capitalism found a new promised land. The next space to fill up. And manifest destiny within.

Unfortunately but fortunately as well, it's an infinite space. Early money has built large infrastructure within it. It's been built over time and now is so massive it's hard to comprehend in the real world. It's nearly impossible to compete with them other than them tearing themselves down, but the space is still nearly infinitely large and competitors can still rise in the fringe and who knows after decades maybe rise to the same kinda massive company

So now we must limit the infinite. Cull all of it to the finite they can control. The virtual world is real, the metaverse is already upon us, and unfortunately it's already starting to look like the late capitalism asphalt shopping plazas.

So it's worse cause it's built for the investors and being limited for them too. It's why people beg for the next BIG thing, so that they can find new land or new ways to control this 4th space.

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It's not the government, just rich supporting the rich and the geriatrics at the lead can't and won't fight back

Honestly whatever on the whole repayment thing cause I'm poor and fucked no matter what so... Meh.

But seriously can we fucking stop pretending the poverty line is real or even close to where they say it is? When every single benefits package and plan talks about a 200% increase from base poverty line or $20,000 over the base poverty limit for approval it just means poverty is much more common and a lot more expensive than we want to admit but it would freak out hundreds of thousands to realize just how poor they actually are.

Rip off the bandaid of bullshit poverty line adjustments and just be honest that the average American is low class now.

I think there is something there to start a conversation about how messed up the Internet is these days.

Walls are being placed up all over. Security teams are always freaking out and checks that charge the guest are being put up just to track people going in and out.

I think we have finally hit the breaking threshold of everyone getting online and gated communities are the only way people want to exist in the web now. I mean how many times has Lemmy been DDOS'd already on several instances. Scrapers are everywhere trying to steal data for any and all purposes.

As much as we may not like it for people that want a pleasant experience without effort entrance tickets might actually need to start being made to let people into the world's largest circus we ever made.

I'm sorry but their trauma is having a somewhat normal but worrying birth and then not feeling special from being a twin? Yeah no wonder they thought they were special enough to make a PowerPoint about themselves.

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Fucking hell. All the simple minded people in these comments who have no sense of nuance or incremental benefits... nothing will ever be perfect enough for them and they will be just as helpful for fixing the messes of our society as the ones who deny it at this rate.

Yeah it's a little and yeah it's late but it's something and he can be right about this and problematic elsewhere. Not everything can be solved with the mindset of an 8 year old who thinks people are either good or evil

Oh my God this nonce again.

They have such a victim complex.
You aren't contributing to the conversation my dude. You are making the conversation about you.

Ignorance is totally fine and it's insane they don't make it easier to find since it's so helpful.

So it's actually enabled via the "View" drop down menu.
Will actually be the option that says "Search Engine"

And from there you should just see a little tab appear at the top underneath the quick action buttons called search with a magnifying glass.

Bottom right of the screen has the abilities to add more search sites via plugins and are really easy to import directly from URL and I like to keep my search just to enabled sites because some of them are in foreign languages.

Let me know if you need more help.

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But... But price only go up?
The sky daddy book of economics says price only ever goes up and concentrated wealth is a good thing

Did you know you can store smoked salmon at room temp pretty much indefinitely in an unopened package?

Food storage has gotten really good, all the tricks of smoke, sugar or salt of our ancestors with now radiation sterilization and other cool tricks with science.
All that to say. It's probably fine. You just bought it and I'm sure this was made to last as long as it can as reliably as it can so that they don't lose money.

Most best buy dates are just made up anyways and not based on much. Check for gas build up, a weird odor, extreme discoloration, or foreign objects or growths. That will get you through pretty much every rotten food type without having to taste it.

That's said, where are you shopping that has a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, French, and robot codes?

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You know what this sounds like? Anyone ever heard of the Tulsa massacre?

Waiting outside the prison just foaming at the mouth at the chance to kill those they think of as lesser. Those that can be easily blamed for any and all issues.

I am so fucking done with humanity.

No. Merch has direct profit that has a much larger margin than streaming. It's just a new cash flow for them. Same reason patreon was offering merch and discord too.

You have an asset in land and physical goods to sell for money. It's not complicated why they are pivoting to it.

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Oh absolutely. Humans love stimulants.

It's funny to the degree that our society runs on being amped up by one drug or another.

Also wild when it doesn't work on you and you feel left out of some drugged up rave that everyone else seems to be participating in but I really don't want it.

Honestly he's not related. Someone simply wanted an old Ukrainian (war vet preferred) for them to parade around when Zelensky came to visit to show they have been friends forever and take good care of Ukrainians in Canada.... but apparently people didn't do their homework very hard and their simple easy win that would be a 3 minute thing ended up being a lot bigger.

So stupid.

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So it seems like just since 2015 the amount of people making over $100,000 has literally doubled and people who are poorer having the sharpest decline in attendance. Just shy of half of attendees in 2021 where making over 6 figures and that has likely grown...

Yeah I don't care what happens to the rich people cause they will find their way out and have a ghost writer write a book for them about their experience that will be a top seller before they even release it. The world has become a playground for the rich.

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Man the old geezers really think they still have absolute control over everything and don't realize the ultra wealthy they have enabled are getting and have been operating far beyond the control of the western governments.

God the fucking narcissism of those in charge to think that they still rule with perfect wisdom. I'm waiting for when these companies that the US built leave and take up residence with new hot authoritarian countries and leave misery poverty in their wake.

Singular rich people should not have this much say.

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Nah you can actually defrost it really fast by doing sous vide or an aproximation By having somewhat regularly flowing water with it in the sink or bathtub. You can also cook frozen but you will want to really rub butter or oil on the skin on the outside since you cant get it under the skin and baste the turkey every hour or so until its up to temp.

Its too late to get a nice brine but there are reasonable answers to getting a nice dinner anyways.

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No I've done it. Done properly it's with full communication, clear limits, safe words and usually pre-setup and post aftercare which has been very cathartic and important time for my partners.

It's totally fine if it's not something you are into but done properly it's not something that is outside of communicated carefully and shouldn't be causing court issues cause it's definitely not something to just do without precise communication.

I get that isn't always reality but I just don't want people to think it's something that's inherently only harmful.

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Yeah mine would be

"Wow, I experienced a lot of fucked up shit throughout my childhood."

"I have not yet stopped experiencing fucked up shit. The end."

Didn't take 59 slides while my therapist writes down narcissistic tendencies in journal.

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Just there to get a click and maybe a couple ads in. Surprisingly standard now when looking for news.

$8,000 for only 20,000 families... God Florida is really managing to destroy public education for cheap huh?

Who knew all it took was bribing people with something cool now to throw away the future of their families.

I don't think an average American can pass the marshmallow test anymore. No concept of future or delayed gratification

I mean I was personally waiting for Trump to say the obvious and finish the punchline for the last couple weeks honestly.

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Very cool. I still have stock jellyfin and a completely manually managed server so this stuff always feels like an eventual goal but also somehow unnecessary since I really don't mind the manual nature cause it keeps me from over downloading stuff.

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Ah the US. The country where the only way to play is make yourself useless for income generation or be a millionaire.

Die young or die rich. Any other thoughts of humanity goes right out the window.

From an employee I talked to it's because they have a specific contract with the payment processor and it requires using specific payment devices that are covered in the contract and they don't want off it for as long as possible because it gives them preferential fees.
So until the cost of business lost is enough to cover increased payment processing fees, don't expect to see tap to pay.

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