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Sometimes when you get UI experts and users and engineers in the same room they iterate to similar outcomes because its the logical conclusion. Apples design in this case isn't ground breaking or even original.

If multiple species of jumping spider can independently evolve the ability to see red from different branches of their family tree, multiple dev teams can come to the same conclusion about what is more comfortable for reaching with consideration for left and right handed people on various types of screens.

The problem is so scoped these days, its fairly logical for UIs to come to the same outcome.



"We're not the cops, we just want our cut."

-- IRS Probably

Yeah I was just picturing the Disney like scene of all kinds of cute animals and birds eating corn, then as the you keep looking you see the express train roll through.

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Going to need to add two more Xs to the name.

"Why the internet isn't fun anymore" - proceeds to talk about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Completely fails to mention any fediverse sites, or any of the millions of other sites out there.

If you're the author, the internet isn't fun anymore because you don't use it. You visit the corporate websites only. You either never learned how to use the internet, or you're not interested in actually trying.

Its like the person who never leaves their neighborhood and complains that life is boring.

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I identify with this because of my ADHD.

But also, because ADHD, I spent about 15 minutes in a "does not compute" loop because bats can see perfectly well in the dark, so using them as an analogy involving something being lost and helping them by turning the lights on is just not making sense to me.

I've broken out of the loop, but I still am not sure why "bats"

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I mean, gas is the original surge pricing commodity, they have had dark patterns in their pricing long before other companies.

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Meanwhile, here in reality land:

People are downgrading their firmware to ancient versions likely containing old CVEs because fuck HP and their printer cartridge mafia.

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Always into a good Denim sandwich myself.

A Jandwich if you willl.

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The rate at which the results got worse has a notable pattern in line with their drive for ad revenue. Most of the results are garbage because they are driven by money rather than user choice and popularity. The more money you pour into tuning SEO and Google Ads the higher you rank. To hell with relevance or what users actually want.

I ran a web community for writers from 1997 onward, and threw in the towel this year. The site had a core following but we relied on a steady trickle of new users from organic search and word of mouth to stay afloat. And little by little no matter how much time I put into SEO and the site we continued to slide due to a combination of seo rank and google just removing pages without explanation or reason. After spending the last 5 years rebuilding the site for SEO and mobile optimization, I watched google index 99% of the sitemap, our rank come back up slightly, new users starting to come in... And then it just... Stopped. I went to check the indexing, and google had silently moved all the indexed pages back to "crawled but not indexed" for no bloody reason. Zero errors, codes or messages.

I threw in the towel. The site was costing me nearly $500usd a month to operate and I could not throw a dime at ads. I had tried getting ad revenue on the site a few years back even though I did not want ads on the site and it looked promising... I got 90% of the way to covering monthly costs, but before the first cheque was cut google banned me from that service with no explanation. I followed every rule, discouraged regular members from clicking ads unless they really wanted to see the thing the ad was showing. Still got banned. And google just doesn't even care to explain themselves.

I closed the site in January because I realized the internet I fell in love with, the one I created that community for... Its dead. Killed by capitalism.

Might be for the best. I can throw my coding time at open-source projects now. Just need to find one that entices me.

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I don't want to use edge, but I do have to admit between Chrome and Edge, Edge has become the less evil. It respects the search and ad tracking opt out settings on your account, and doesn't disable or cripple ad blockers. The "strict" account wide setting on Edge is so strict that sites will pop up asking you disable ad blockers even if you don't have one.

This VS the current state of Chrome which undermines ad blocking, and forces you to opt out of ad tracking on every install of Chrome across all devices... Oh.. But they're going to enable ip masquing now.. Because they don't need your ip with all the identifiers they are injecting into your browser.

I hate MS... But the don't be evil company has done a 180 in a rapid fashion over the last couple of years and sadly.. MS is now the lesser of two evils.

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Not entirely. There is LibreWolf (Formerly IceWolf) on desktop.

Mull is apparently an Android option that's also a fork, but I'm just installing it now, and can also say its only on FDroid.

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What should have been a tool was designed to be a trap, because greed.

This guy is either so pissed hes struggling to hold in the swears or trying to take a shit the size of that horse.

Did Niantic Labs code their platform?

They can? Because I just checked on my Pixel 7 running latest update of Android 13 and the documented feature does not exist under safety and emergency. The update I'm running was released on July 5th and there are no newer updates available.

So again.... "Now"??? I guess they mean it's in the next version.

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Found the cat.

Giving me choco milk because my epic...

...has so many god gamned tasks left in it to complete I'll be working on it until next year.

Just needs to be popped.

I feel much more comfortable in dark rooms, with dark mode screens and quiet.

I am ADHD and ASD though, and it's ASD that leads to sensory overload conditions that make the dark, quite rooms help me a ton.

My pediatrician has told me that boys with ASD have a 90% chance of having ADHD, and its fairly common for girls as well, though not near 90%.

I suppose, since ASD diagnosis is difficult in more subtle cases and it costs a fair amount of time and money that there are a ton of folks diagnosed with ADHD that are also ASD and don't realize it.

Cripes this guy is next dumpster fire.

Talking about Sept 11th in a dessert recipe feels like keyword stuffing for SEO.

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Throw a dead horse into the mix and we have a party.

It still irks me that the lumen level laws about headlights were circumvented by "unless installed from the dealer"

Bright lights mean higher contrast between the lights and everything else making it fucking impossible to see anything but the car ahead of you.

60? Doesn't that put you closer to GenX? Was there a "cusp" generation like Xennials?

Jinish him!

Yep. Can confirm as well. And a weaker US democracy would create a power vaccuum in NATO that would very likely be exploited with the power dynamics in play on the global scale in recent years.

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USA US & Canada

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Is it me, or does "Photon Chip" sound a lot like an isolinear chip?

The fuck is not a who or we it would be for Fuck's sake.

Oh, maybe Fuck is what the merry men called Friar Tuck when they were drunk!

This. I'm glad they are getting rid of the sham of a kids client. It's a joke that anyone should think the content is kid safe. No more lulling parents into a false sense of security.

I was supervising my son watch this one day and had to step away for a few minutes to answer the door. When I was gone a new video came on with Peppa Pig murdering her family and all the characters from the show. Actually bleeding and all.

I reported the video, didn't get taken off the kids platform. So I contacted support - they said it was kid safe.

Kid safe?! Dafuq? I had his account set to under 6 and this is what they consider kid safe?

I love it, but as someone with a red-green colour blind coworker, I always try to use blue for positive feedback, and orange for negative, as its better for representation for most colourblind types.

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Yeah this. Biggest mistake most people that hate tea make is they dont bother learning that tea has specific temps for brewing depending on the leaves and that pouring boiling water off the stove on it will make most teas bitter.

Many teas are best at 85-90C, just off the boil.

As I get older I find my heels and arches just hurt randomly walking on hard flooring, and carpets get gross. The solution for me is a pair of sketchers I reserve for indoor use.

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Campbell River resident here, the bear situation here is getting bad. City has a bylaw that explicitly permits people to put their garbage out the day before garbage day, directly contradicting the federal laws about securing bear attractants.

Add to that the complete lack of bylaw enforcement around securing bear attractants and the number of habituated bears in the area is super high. There are at least 4 animals likely needing to be destroyed this year in Campbell River alone there are more if you include the other cities in the area.

Current council is more concerned with persecution of the homeless and any business that treats them like humans. All bylaw enforcement seems to be 100% focused on that.

100%, it was a surprising and depressing realization when the recent updates forced me to take a good look at both ecosystems from the privacy, control and settings standpoints.

The printer firmware, not the cartridge.