3 Post – 901 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Soon: Trump supporters who posted names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online have names and addresses posted in arrest warrants.

I hope. Hey "patriots", maybe don't try to interfere with the justice system when it's acting in accordance with state/ federal laws and American principles.

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Sounds like they shouldn't sell spray paint at all if they're so concerned about graffiti. How many other products of theirs could be used for vandalism? Maybe the safest option is to go out of business entirely.

Are they trying to say that NFTs are some kind of bullshit scam that should have dissolved into the ether like the crypto bro's cocaine-fueled manic state that spawned them in the first place? How shocking and unpredictable.

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It'd be a real shame if all the students who aren't on board with the intent of that law were to request a different name/pronoun at every opportunity to tie up school personnel with notification paperwork (since HB 1608 ^Full^ ^text,^ ^PDF^ specifies that the notification is to be done in writing). Certainly hope they don't do that or administrators might start complaining to elected officials.

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"People have the right to order a pizza … without then being asked for sex or a date.”

I've seen plenty of documentary footage showing that arriving with a pizza often ends in an invitation to personally deliver the sausage.

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Unique trait: when killed, his attacker's identity is not revealed and instead appears as though lethal damage was self-inflicted.

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You can't just go and un-rig the map after all that effort they put into rigging it, that's rude.

Don't invent the torment nexus.

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And to think he could have been saved if those guards had washed their hands before beating him.

Halfway through the web of social connections, I was expecting this to end like that old doctor riddle or some sort of logic puzzle where you have to identify people from a set of linked clues.

If some day we find out that MTG was an inside job, a lot of things will start to make sense. I don't think that's true though, she just lives in some other reality and shares glimpses with us from time to time.

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Nice try, attacker trying to get me to do their reconnaissance work for them. I'm on to you.

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Eat them all, go on a mystical journey with a trail to guide you home.

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We had a pretty good run relying on an expectation that there'd be a responsible, competent adult in the White House.

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Do we need to send in the national guard to integrate our playgrounds now? How do people see the concept of friendship as a threat to their way of life? That's your fellow American and a human being, not your enemy.

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After some use (assuming no preparation or protective coverings), that will probably look like a shit post.

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Sounds like another industry in dire need of competition. Makes sense that they're fighting tooth and nail to keep a deathgrip on what they've still got (for now).

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Their union should just be called "The Union" but with the second word pronounced as "onion".

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Paying money to get nothing and still have the original problem is not the inexpensive option though. These con artists are just stealing from people who can't afford to be stolen from.

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The dog has been made more efficient with its new form factor. Now every movement is a tail wag.

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If only there was a news story that provided additional information on why those individuals were selected out of the ~58,000 Belarusian and ~16,000 Russian citizens living in Lithuania.

I thought Marx's chapter about charging Donald Trump with his alleged crimes after his presidency was an odd departure from the rest of the book too, glad MTG is shining a light on these issues. Nice to see she's well-versed in the legal maxim of immo tibi as well.

Just needs an edit with more believable names. Nobody's called their baby girl Agnes for probably 500 years unless she was born as an elderly woman.

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Hope she doesn't miss any classes over it, midterm exams are coming up for a lot of high schools. Maybe they'll give her a note.

Going to need a few more photos for proof here too. Can't be too careful.

Also the video, that sounds adorable like compelling evidence.

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I wanted those grapes, I tried to get those grapes. When I couldn't reach them and somebody else got them, they're gross and I didn't want them anyway. I'll still take them if I think I can get away with it and then they'll be good.

Make America Sour Grapes Again?

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On the other hand, the prospect of a second Trump presidency has the unintelligence community delighted.

Are you in a meeting right now?

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What a patriot, bravely refusing to do his goddamn job at the expense of his country's military. Surely there's no way this could backfire due to all the peace and lack of growing tension across the globe.

If nobody runs against him with the slogan "I'll fulfill the responsibilities of my position", that's a golden opportunity missed.

Great, now where will I go to find naked people on the internet?

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It's okay, Jesse, you can open up that closet door and come out when you're ready. Nobody whose opinion is worth a damn will think any less of you for that specific aspect of who you are.

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That's inhumane and a violation of those prisoners' rights under the eighth amendment. Sending a person to Texas may be considered infliction of a cruel and unusual punishment.

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You're guaranteed to leave people unsatisfied if you stop immediately upon arriving at the seeding stage.

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Row 3, column 2: Also known as The Piper.

::: spoiler NSFW due to meme origin context. :::

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The only moral [disagreement with the Vatican] is my [disagreement with the Vatican].

Unfortunately, you end up having to use those shampoo savings and more to increase your condom budget. It's a hard life.

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A very large group of people are just awful people.

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"Up to 40,000" doesn't give a lower bound, 0 is within that range. I have up to $1,000,000 in my bank account but won't be going yacht shopping any time soon.

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That makes sense if you've read what their book says about non-white people.

2 Nephi 5:

...wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.

And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities.

And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixeth with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done.

And because of their cursing which was upon them they did become an idle people, full of mischief and subtlety, and did seek in the wilderness for beasts of prey.

And the Lord God said unto me: They shall be a scourge unto thy seed, to stir them up in remembrance of me; and inasmuch as they will not remember me, and hearken unto my words, they shall scourge them even unto destruction.

Emphasis added.

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