0 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You. Fucking. Weirdo.

They're going to kill this woman, they're going to do it on national TV... and then they're going to cheer about it

That they vetted me

Less lethal than a gun shot

1 more...

Both at the same time though, now that's worth aspiring to


That's OK Tyler, Space believes in you


Accidentally brutally stabbed himself in the chest whilst shaving

I'm not American and I think both sides of the American political divide are bonkers

But I can't talk as all we are doing in the UK is following you down the same mad rabbit hole

On today's episode of "wtf, isn't that already illegal? "

That's definitely his wanking face

Well then, from a purely business pov, it seems that what spoitfy should do is wipe these white noise casts, post some of their own (possibly from a subsidiary) and watch that extra 38mill roll in

Brain Machine Interface

Hopefully not from Elon Musk but he might well get there first

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Build it and they will cum

Schengen membership and no rebate are the 2 big ones aside from the euro iirc

If the EU are feeling particularly salty they might add the metric system but that's not a current condition of membership afaik

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Of I understand you right that's 1 € per hour. If you enjoyed those hours then that's a pretty good return. Enjoy

Welcome to New York, baby!

They've got a gaydar... doesn't work very well though

Florida venue seems more level headed than Florida man

Something something walks something talks something something duck

Steam still says it's an mmo... what is it then?

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How dare you use my magic against me potter

I liked it so much, I bought the company!

5... those are rookie numbers, you've got to pump those numbers up!


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We need oil gas and plastics. Oil and gas in the short/ medium term (meaning 10-20 years) but plastics potentially for the foreseeable

we have alternative energy sources and so oil and gas should be (needs to be) the priority to wean off of but the scaling up of these needs to be properly managed

Plastics I do not see an alternative to as an end product, however it is possible to use "bio sources" to make plastic precursors so there's a route through there but the scaling is nowhere right now

Single use plastics are a viable target but durable plastics I think are with us for the long term

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In a bag. Under the stairs. Know as the tech graveyard

Wait till a freezer breaks down

And haircuts

I think I know that bar, The Rebel House... Toronto.. where millennials rule all

Man in political power has such fagile masculinity that he legislate what he can't demonstrate

... did he live in a mojo dojo casa house by chance?

Never did

Anti nationalism makes all the good points

I know people who say zed zed top, but only in jest

XCom 2

Well, good

Also I think that airbus are implicated as well but as Boeing are the big bad let's not worry about that

My doctor calls this remodeling

In other news: Trump is a poo poo head

What's the worse that could happen?

Freezer burn yo baby