5 Post – 167 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But then I'd have to support Macintosh's overpriced garbage.

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Can't believe you clowns won't stop talking about them

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When I used reddit, I hardly ever felt the need to call anyone redditers? Do people that use Twitter call themselves twats? Cause they should. Damn the Faceboomers too.

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This is some backward ass bullshit. Keep your religious garbage to yourself. Complain about Christians forcing school prayers then have this dumb shit.

Why are men and woman separated in chess??

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The close competition? For the price of a MacBook you could get a beefy ass PC.

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He's the new Alex jones

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Hahaha, let's rp a school shooting next. Funny cause it's so fucked up, amiright?

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What is confusing about, " pick your favorite, pick your second favorite"? You think if you asked them the same question about ice cream, they would be confused? Also, you don't HAVE to pick more than one. My understanding is that if you vote for an eliminated candidate, then your 2nd choice will be used on the next round. But they don't even need to know that to pick their favorite ice cream. It seems good for democracy? Someone let me know why it isn't.

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I actually heard zoomers are worse with computers in general because they just use their phones instead. So I guess it depends on the tech.

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Luckily VPNs are cheaper

Hell yeah, tell me the best future isn't nuclear power and electric rail like an old space Lego set.

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YouTube revanced works well

Aside this being extremely fucked up. Why do they even feel the need? I've been online most my life and have never been defrauded. Are there a shit ton of people in France getting scammed by stupid websites? Did they look at China and go, yes plz? Some authoritarian shit and extremely dangerous. Who's going to be the fuck that decides which sites to block?

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He went down the homeopathic route cause science bad

So if a politician goes legally insane what happens? If they decide to go down meth alley and are completely unhinged, what happens? We all just sit and let dementia patients run the country till they die? Merica

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Because they only use the Bible to pretend to be more holy than everyone else. It's just a moral license, they don't actually believe in the teachings of Jesus. They want to be in a holy club where everyone on the outside is inferior.

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No one is surprised. People don't join the police to serve the people, they join it to bully them. We all know the gems attracted to positions like that.


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He says great artist steal then says he wants to destroy android for stealing? Like he did anything but hype shit up on stage

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Who the f is Shawn, wtf is evolve? Why is every shitty game dev crying that other people make good games, without shame? Oh that's right, based on their releases, they have no shame.

If everything is upvoted then doesn't that kind of defeat the point? Isn't the point of voting to raise the good stuff to the top? So I don't have to browse furry porn to see some news highlights or shitposts.

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Oh God, I better not learn anything from a book or I'm fucked.

After seeing place for years, I still have no idea what OSU is

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Like the downfall of everything in our society, greed.

20% owned by China, 60% owned by global investors and 20% by private. Headquarters in Singapore and LA. I think tiktok is dumb as shit and never use it but there's a Chinese company called tencent that owns 97% of riot games. So let's ban league of legends cause dota 2 is better anyways.

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Cut off their heads

Why are people so fucking addicted to Twitter? It's just people posting a few sentences about shit I see on the Internet already. But what do I know, I've gone my entire life without using the stupid shit. Maybe I'm not taking into account how many people want to be internet celebrities with their parroted tweets and recycled jokes. Why is it so hard to make another site where dumbass celebrities can feed 2 lines to the drooling masses?

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Been that way for a while now

Why would so many voters be into coal? How many of them actually work in coal mines? If they do, they like it? They want their children in there next?

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Why would anyone know how to make chips, if we don't make chips. Who's going to teach them to make chips, the chip fairy?

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Why are people attacking a msg board?

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My subways still won't work right

Ik the technology is useful, but selling shit I can screen shot is fucking pointless. If you want to buy shit from the artist, just buy their shit.

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We were tricked into thinking being meat bots for the rich while they prance around the Disney land we create for them, is our purpose. And every miserable bastard will tell all the other miserable bastards to do the same shit because they are miserable bastards.

How do they know? How many assholes have they looked inside?

Getting out quicker, matching other cars that did it for no reason, or I plan on sitting in my car and I like the view better that direction.

Hurry, strap desantis to a kite

What can you do on a Mac that a cheap ass laptop can't do?

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Lap dances and pole dancing are not the same as a drag show, but while we are on the topic. You cool with me whipping Jesus in public, then nailing him to a fake cross with fake blood running down his face?

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