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Joined 12 months ago

I'm a math teacher. I use my video game making knowledge from Godot to make little video games to review skills. Each takes a few weeks to make with game design, making all the art, programming, and making the worksheet.

Here is my Disco Dj-Demo if you were curious what I mean.

I think it's fun, it's not something I can really chat with others about.

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My daughter and I have played through quite a few games. Here are our favorites:

  • ANY LEGO game, we have played through many of these
  • The TRINE series. They are fun puzzle platforms
  • portal 2 co-op. There is a campaign and other maps on the workshop
  • brothers: a tale of two sons. Sit right next to each other and share the controller
  • Unraveled 2, puzzle platform errors
  • It takes two is an amazing game from EA.
  • sackboy: a big adventure
  • battle block theater is a fun romp
  • bleep bloop
  • degrees of separation, mostly fun there was a few annoying puzzles, but many can be skipped
  • guacamole is a nice battle platformer
  • ibb and obb is a very unique puzzle platformer
  • octodad is pretty great fun
  • pixel junk monsters is a tower defense style co op game
  • putty pals is a fun if childish looking game
  • spelunky is a rogue like
  • toodee and topdee is a fun puzzler

Those are our favorites!

My biggest issue with FF is the lack of the ability to switch accounts easily. In Chrome I have a work account, a home account, and a side hustle account. Each has their own bookmarks, themes, passwords, and history.

I have tried using FF and the few workarounds to match this feature, but so far it has none worked as smoothly as chromes 2 button clicks to switch accounts.

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Smoked cheeses.

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I still use z-library. has nearly all books.

That's a shame. I thought it was a fun game. I loved the botw but Greek gods feel. It felt fresh.

I bought a wireless hair clipper in February of 2020 for $50 on Amazon. Every few weeks I go out in my back yard and buzz it all off in about 5 minutes. I'm definately happy.

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I started doing diamond art. Here is a cheap set with honestly 100+ hours of content. AMAZON LINK

I would put on a TV show and sit at my desk and Diamond art for a few hours before bed. Each picture takes 10-15 hours in my experience. When I was done I would find someone to give the picture to.

So not only have you accomplished something and you can SEE THE PROGRESS, you don't need a big shift in your life of watching youtube, and at the end you get to make some else happy by giving them a gift. And for a hobby it's fairly inexpensive.

Not sure about all the personal stuff, but it is against the TOS to transfer the account.

Big answer is I DONT KNOW, but...

For payment/address stuff you could change them then try to revert to see if it works. For payment get a $5 gift card from Wal-Mart and set that as the credit card.

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The top contenders I have experience with is: -Aesprite. It's paid. It's good. Built solely for pixel art.

Free stuff: -LibreSprite- this is the open version of aesprite before it went paid. I don't know it It's still maintained or updated, but it may suit your needs.

-pixelorama- web based made in the godot engine.

My (8-10 year old) daughter and I have played through and throughly enjoyed the first 4 in co-op mode.

I play a lot of games with my 10yr old daughter. Here are some of what we liked:

-Any lego game(there are sooo many and they often go on sale)

-trine series, much more puzzley

-sackboy a big adventure

-brothers a tale of two sons

-it takes two

-portal 2

-degrees of separation

-putty pals

-ibb and obb

-toodee and topdee

-bleep bloop

-battle block theater



We also loved going through the monkey island games. They are not mumtiplayer but they are slow point and click games that we bounced ideas off one another.

I watched the whole thing. I think most anchors talked a bit too slow which seemed fake. Those hand gestures were weird especially for (I don't know his name) the black anchor. Very rigid fingers.

The main cringe section was the movie section where they tried to have the black anchor act sassy but that's hard with a very level speaking tone and speed.

Honestly, I'd watch something like that once a was nice to get a broad cross section of news.

Second for godot!

I am also learning Japanese. I fine it hard to think of the sentence structure as different than English. In my mind I find myself daying the sentences the way Yoda from star wars does and it makes more sense.

Yoda I am-->Yoda desu

I'm in pretty much the same boat. My past 2 laptops have been dell inspirons with a touchscreen. I use the touch screen for game programming to make sure touch events work. The one I got was $500, but probably should have gone a bit higher.

It has a i5 processor 16gb ram, 1 tb ssd. It does indeed run tf2, guild wars 2, and other not graphically intensive games. I'm satisfied and it does work well, but below are some of the negatives of my new laptop vs my old.

It's missing key backlights, a fingerprint to unlock, and the bodyvis much more plastic and feels not as secure as my wife's lenovo.

Be sure to check out pics for keyboard arrangement. My new laptop has a numberpad..which is nice, but the arrow keys got shrunk which is not nice for programming.

Be sure to check where the trackpad is. Centralized is better. My new one is more to the left and my wrist hits it when playing tf2 and I do occasionally get some movement from my wrist in game, but not much.

I picked money up from amazon.

If your looking for a cheap puzzle game, I had fun with Unforgettable Voyage on steam.

I also highly recommend the trine series.

Unforgettable voyage. Looks like a cute little puzzle game.