6 Post – 280 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've had a usb to sata running to a 2.5" sdd that acts as the main storage and boot for my pi4b, and it's been in use for 4 years with zero issues so far.

I've now got 3HDDs attached to my Proxmox machine for NAS storage via usb ATM. It's been running since Feb. It's had it's issues but those were more my fault for not understanding the flake factor (since my experience with the sdd) I had one drive forget what I named it, so my whole Proxmox died.

But that was remedied by passing the USB straight through to OMV.

Just saying, I've not really had the same experience as you with them, they seem fine if you have an idea what may fuck up.

It's the same reason I like running things in Docker; you can just wake up and read about something while enjoying your morning shit, then switch the computer on and try and boot it before that thing you're meant to be doing. If you can't do it you can just delete it and try again later.

I started Self Hosting with Proxmox 4 months ago and so far my only real snafu has been mapping drives directly to Proxmox with Fstab. If you're gonna do it, add "nofail" FFS.

I pass my drives through to my NAS VM to handle rather than Proxmox because it's easier to fix my NAS if it fucks up using Proxmox, than to try and fix a none-booting Proxmox.

Anyway now I'm at a point of stability and dim sat thinking about redoing it bare bones, but I love tinkering so I'm sure this is just the plateau before I discover something new to play with, so I'm keeping Proxmox

I'm currently in the market for a music server myself.

I want it all, I want something that will fire music at my Google home links, and also some raspberry pis with speakers, and also serve to my phone in the house and away from it.

I have Logitech Media Server running ATM and for a long time, but it is, and always has been a bit hot and miss.

I have a music file system in OMV which I can access on my LAN. This is the source of music for LMS. But I also have Plex pointed at it

This allows me to play the same music from any TV or phone with Plex on it. Plex even have an app called Plex Amp. I use Symfonic though, I liked it enough to buy it.

These apps give me the option to cast my audio to the Google Homes minis I have, I need something for my Pis.

Another advantage I recently found of adding my music library to Plex is I downloaded a program called MediaMonkey to stick music on my old iPod that I have in the car. It picked my Plex library up straight away, although to its credit, it also found my original music Share, it just didn't advertise the fact.

I use Plex myself but there's Emby and Jellyfin to look into too.

I went to a crypt in Britain as a kid, can't remember where tf it was, but I still remember it because it was super interesting.

It's where I learned about Trepanning and how they did it back in olden times to "let the bad spirits out" and it actually worked because it reduced swelling around the brain by giving the blood a way out.

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Sometimes I iron. Someone mentioned school uniform and yes.

But mainly I look at say a t-shirt and go "Meh" shrug and throw it on. Bang a leather jacket on and nobody knows it's wrinkled and they fall out.

Now we're having our 1 week of summer in the UK I'm having to iron my t-shirts because it's too hot for my jacket, but it's only a week.

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I've self hosted home assistant for a few years, external access through Cloud flare now because it's been so stablez but previously used DuckDNS which was a bit shit if I'm honest.

I got into self hosting proper earlier this year, I wanted to make something that I could sail the 7 seas with.

I use Tailscale for everything.

The only open port on my router is for Plex because I'm a socialist and like to share my work with my friends.

Just keep it all local and use it at home. If you wanna take some of your media outside with you, download it onto your phone before you leave

Yeah that's what the dude said when he was showing us around, blew my preteen brain.

I recently watched an episode of Hamiltons Pharmacopoeia where this lady was talking about her experience living with the guy that made all the LSD for the south of Britain back in the day. She fell in love with a pigeon.

Anyway this dude was well into trepanning, thought it was a way to increase the brain capacity and expand the mind.

She ended up trepanning herself on film and releasing the footage, yeah they watched it on the episode.

She was a bit of an oddball but swears by it.

From actually reading the piece, this headline is wrong. It should read "Gang-raped 14 year old was burned alive then cut to pieces"

Which actually makes more sense

For transparency, it says that she was alive when she was burned, and the body was recovered from more than one location and this made the investigation harder.

So I have then concluded that she was burned alive and then cut to pieces, rather than cut to pieces alive and then burned.

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Since the Reddit blackout I decided to learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube. My best time for solving one so far is 82 seconds. I know it's no world record but the average person can't solve a Rubik's cube so I'm way more experienced.

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Oh I got into a "discussion" with my neighbour who's friend said she was cruel for having indoor cats.

I said her friend is thick and should be ignored, because she is and she should be.

Well the neighbour decided instead to give her cats to the Shelter and now has indoor dogs.

I don't like my neighbour, she's stupid with stupid friends, and cruel to animals.

In other news, one of my indoor cats is 19 years old.

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Lead singer of Cannibal Corpse loves claw machines and plays them on tour. He collects up all his winnings and donated them at a local orphanage at Christmas.

He also sings I Cum Blood

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Gynaecologists never get arrested. Coincidence?

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Who gives a fuck what an old dead lizard thought?

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I'm sure this was the story line to "The Demon Within" or whatever it was called on Netflix. Kids thought they were possessed by the devil and one of them murdered somebody, but it turned out Mum was drugging them all with sleeping aids in their dinner every night and the cumulative effects were possession by the Devil

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Satan wins again. At this point the Christians have to admit they chose the losing side.

I mean this God of theirs is shit, can't even get around satellites, didn't think humans might beat their cocks raw despite seeing it constantly in Human 1.0 (Chimps), or that they might eat fish on a Tuesday or whatever. Even Jesus was fucking a whore and he was God incarnate.

Also God invented Cancer.

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Hahahaha I got a pixel7a TODAY and when i was setting it up it tried to install Google Podcasts, but I noped out for Antennapod. I did momentarily wonder if I should give GP a go since I've only just this week started using antennapod.

Anyway I'm glad I made the right decision.

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This just seems like a normal post from the Home Assistant community

Last time I did a pickup from Asda I didn't check my substitutions properly.

I had ordered a curry deal, 4 items for a tenner. Ordered 2 curries and 2 rice. Thought they had substituted the rice for a different rice but they had substituted the curries for rice.

So I paid a tenner for 4 microwave rice portions and nothing to go on it.

I felt like Asda had just reached into my pocket and taken an orange note out of it. Bastards

Depends if you factor in all the decisions that people have made using caffeine to keep them awake, that they wouldn't have made if they had just gone back to bed.

But you won't be counting them because it fucks your arguement, despite using it for weed.

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I learned how to make my home "Smart" using a Raspberry Pi and Home Assistant. I also learned how to play the guitar, although that wasn't all Reddit, it was where I discussed it with others learning, and where I got tips on the best places to learn.

There's too much blood in my alcohol system

In all seriousness it was only a few weeks ago that I heard about a teacher in Bangladesh that did actually shoot one of his students in the leg. He apparently always brought a loaded gun into class with him in his bag.

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I can only take him in small doses...

Try and start easy with an openly atheist president and work from there

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Are there still people around that mock the Nemos?

I mean I used to because they were posers, but then it was 20 fucking years ago and now it isn't, and I have a "Spooky till I die" badge on my jacket.

To some of us it wasn't a faze, it was just a step on the ladder to becoming awesome. Many fall off the ladder, hell a lot of people don't even climb it, but those of us that do will rock until we die.

Don't mock the rock.

I want it on my gravestone

I really enjoyed this comment chain. Fuck organised religions, and this one in particular.

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As someone else has said, whether they're playing from the device or not it's a server.

With that said, I'm a fan of Logitech Media Server and Squeezelite (the player part).

Install both on a pi or something, add a HDD (I bought a usb plug and power cable for £15 on Amazon) and then rip and transfer it to the HDD.

Then you can play it through any old speakers you connect. If you use a pi you can get a hat for it that will make audio quality good.

There's even an app for it called Squeezer on F-droid which allows control from your phone.

It's old but it works, use the Material Theme to make it look nice.

Bonus is that you can install Squeezelite on a bunch more Pis and dot them around the house and play the same library on those at a later date

The general population is very much influenced by the Home Assistant community since the Home Assistant Community is made up of people who are heavily into technology. My parents will run purchases in the tech world past me, as will many of my work colleagues and friends.

The general population are very interested in what we do, even if they do not do it themselves. I mentioned to a tech-phobic friend that I have sensors in my bath that notify me when my bath is run and he takes the piss out of me to my face then talks about how amazing such a thing is behind my back, I know because it happened yesterday. Who do you think he's gonna talk to when he buys his next expensive appliance?

Don't talk our influence down, we have an influence even if you can't see it.

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...and now it's in the News.

I've been using Solid Explorer for ever. I like the idea it's FOSS, and I've recently got a new phone, so why not eh? Thanks

The whole family was adamant it was possession, then at the end one brother casually revealed his mum was drugging them throughout their childhood for a bit of peace and quiet, and that he had looked into the affects and it was hallucinations and shit. Other kids denied it all



It's used for Parkinson's and restless legs, I use it for restless legs. I've suffered with this condition as far back as I can remember, I've always referred to myself as a part time insomniac because this would keep me up a lot of the time.

I had a period of mental health problems and was prescribed Metazapine for it, which kicked up the RLS a notch. Despite being off them now for nearly a year, the Restless Legs are still kicked up.

Pramipexole, when taken at the right time, sorts the RLS out, I can finally sleep and when I do sleep I don't kick my wife up the arse.

Side affects include hypersexualality and compulsive gambling, but I haven't experienced this yet. I have warned my workmates that it could come up in the future though so if I ever say "I bet you a fiver you can't wank me off" they know why.

Edited to bold Pramipexole

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I read that the Sync app was being shut down at the end of the month, then the blackouts started and I just thought Fuck it and set Sync to 0 minutes screen time on my phone while I set up Lemmy. I'm liking it so far just needs more users

Yeah I may have got the name wrong lol. It was a documentary about the only murder trial in US history that tried to use possession as a defence

Getting off your box on occasion is human nature.

I hear what you (and everyone else) is saying, but the developer needs to make money somehow or they'll have to go get a regular job, and then who will develop?

I think what I'm saying is, how else is the Dev meant to feed his face?

I miss the days when I could just drop a couple of dollars on the paid version, stops the ads and works forever, subscriptions turn me off.

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Yeah I was in the Home Assistant sub. The number of times I Googled something I was struggling with, only to find a Reddit thread with MY comment telling people how to solve the exact issue I'm struggling with lol, I'll leave it up.

Fallout got me, a Metal Head, listening to 50s rock and lounge music.