Coyote feeder to – 1174 points –

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Oh I got into a "discussion" with my neighbour who's friend said she was cruel for having indoor cats.

I said her friend is thick and should be ignored, because she is and she should be.

Well the neighbour decided instead to give her cats to the Shelter and now has indoor dogs.

I don't like my neighbour, she's stupid with stupid friends, and cruel to animals.

In other news, one of my indoor cats is 19 years old.

The alternative would be to not get a cat at all, unless it can go outside without being in danger or causing damage to the ecosystem.

Or, leash train it and provide appropriate supervised enrichment for the cat instead of letting it run loose, just like dog owners are expected to do with dogs. Cats don't need to roam outdoors unsupervised any more than dogs do.

There are so many cats that would require euthanizing them. They can't be released. At least an indoor cat you give them a nice life.

It depends on where you live. If you live in a city without predators, then letting your cat go outside in the backyard gives them a very exciting experience. If you live somewhere with coyotes, then your cat is going to die.

Outdoor cats have a shorter average life span in cities, too. One big cause is cars. Also, it's worth noting that house cats are essentially an invasive species and do a lot of damage to bird populations.

It's pretty widely recommended to keep cats indoors.

Dogs have to be put on a leash when their outside, outdoor city cats should be too. Stops them from running away, and killing birds.

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The leading cause of death of all birds and mammals in North America is the domestic cat. That's not okay.

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