7 Post – 1425 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Vaught is mostly a Musk fan

Ah, so he's an idiot. Well that explains his statements.

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The party of small government sure does a lot of mommying.

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I never understood why Al acts like having sex with his hot wife is a chore. Boomers sure are different.

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The "home feed" shows subs I never subscribed to.

Facebook started doing this awhile ago too and made the site completely unusable for its original purpose of keeping up with friends and family. There is zero reason to browse Facebook anymore.

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Nobody's afraid of them. This article created its own problem to complain about.

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"I could care less".

Oh really? How much less?

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That's like fining you or I a penny. It's so ridiculously inconsequential to Musk.

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Call me crazy, but I don't want a PC run by a phone operating system.

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At least yours is a low number. I had to do some with numbers like "37". I had to solve 64 of these to talk to PlayStation billing support. It wasn't mildly infuriating, it was enraging. They made me do 16 of them, and then just took me back to the same page as if I hadn't solved any at all. Then I had to do 16 of them again to be told that support was offline. Then the next day I did 16 more to be told support was offline, so I tried it in chrome instead of Firefox and had to do 16 more to be given a phone number to call, which I had to hold on for 67 minutes before I could talk to someone about a refund for a mistake on my billing. That type of dark pattern "fuck you" practice should be illegal. Fuck Sony.

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Indicator 9,876,872,820,111 that that fucker has more money than anyone should ever have.

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New expectations? Lol. These were always the expectations!

I love how Torvalds always calls it like he sees it.

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It's bullshit how the entire OS keeps trying to force you into saving everything to OneDrive when you're just trying to save a file to your hard drive. They're bordering on dark patterns with how they try to trick people.

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And vaginas, and MRI machines, and hearts change dramatically every couple of years. Plus the human body grows new organs and limbs every few months and you're expected to immediately have 5 years experience with these new organs and limbs that have only existed for 2 months. Perfectly healthy suddenly people fall unconscious for no reason, despite all of their organs operating perfectly. When you check your human body documentation you discover that the lungs no longer work as of today, and you now need to use the sclurtleplussy instead. You have no idea what a sclurtleplussy, but you better figure it out immediately, or all these patients will die.

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Teens will feel like outcasts if they get an Android phone while their friends still use iMessage because of the green bubbles

I know a 46 year old man who constantly complains about green bubbles in group texts. He doesn't seem to realize that it's his phone that isn't following a standard and instead has chosen to refuse the RCS standard and lock him into proprietary bullshit.

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Edit: in short terms: Capitalism took the internet from the people.

Well said. The Internet was certainly a lot more fun before anyone figured out how to make money on it. But it's insane that these companies make more money now than even the largest giants did when I was a kid, and it's still not enough for them. I'm just flabbergasted by their insatiable desire. They could keep a good product and still pull insane profits, but they're willing to burn it all down for another percentage point on their quarterly return. I guess that's a change to the world in general now too. There used to be a common wisdom that if you built a great product, and made your customers happy, you'd be successful. The prevailing attitude now is that the success that comes from that isn't enough anymore. You need to make the worst product that you're still able to sell, and then make sure you sell it to the same people multiple times. It's gross.

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Hunter is facing some federal tax and gun charges right now. Not that it matters, he's not an elected official. It also says something about Joe's character that he's not threatening judges & prosecutors, or pardoning Hunter, like a certain someone else would do.

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The audio port for headphones and headsets. Replaceable batteries. Extendable storage. Fuckers charge 100x more for every little upgrade now.

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I just want a single button that says "Fuck Off" and it makes all the trackers fuck off.

Oh cool! So cars will be free now since the manufacturers are turning drivers into the product. Right? Right guys? Cars will be free?

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They were both born wealthy so it would be pretty stupid to listen to them explaining how to get rich, unless you were also born wealthy.

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They call him a traitor for adhering to the constitutional laws that the nation is governed by? These people say words without ever stopping to think of what they actually mean.

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I think it's important to call most of these stories what they are. They're not toxic masculinity, they're homophobia, in the most literal sense of the word.

Edited for clarity

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Starfield has been out for long enough now that anyone interested in playing it likely already has.

Not even close, especially not in the year that also brought us Baldur's Gate and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. How much free time does this writer think everyone has?

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There are tons of other studies that show massive increases in productivity. These bullshit studies are probably sponsored by commercial real estate landlords. They're losing $850B per year since 2020.

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I'm over the Reddit posts / comments

Then why are you submitting more of it?

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Saltwater doesn't revive soil, it kills it.

“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.”

― Captain Jean-Luc Picard

I have seen none. Zero.

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So they recognize that the owner of the product is trying to prevent them from collecting data, and actively try to circumvent the owner's security measures? This shit should be illegal, and carry a huge fine. You paid for the device, and it's connected to your network, which you control. I'm sick and tired of corporations thinking it's totally okay to be straight-up spyware and adware. Some supposedly legitimate companies these days make old-school computer viruses look down right respectful.

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we’re going to be utilizing our assets to go up and go check on the party

Still bitter that they were never invited to any parties in high school and college. Seriously though, they need to back the fuck up. We have an amendment that requires them to get a warrant to spy on us on our own property or in our own house. Civil liberties groups need to stop raising questions and sue the fuck out of the police, judges, Mayor, and legislature. I hope someone knocks those drones out of the air. This kind of shit is infuriating. And no this isn't a sci-fi scenario, this is a clear and present dystopia.

"Ad enabled"

This is the real reason why torches and pitchforks were invented.

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That seems about right for Meta. They probably broke it on purpose to see how many times you'll try to log back in before giving up. They do these types of tests to determine how much of a hold they have on their userbase.

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They've always realized, they've just never cared.

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At least Paramount has all the Star Trek shows.

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They're not designed to stop spam, they're designed to stop legitimate customer service requests, like refunds for billing mistakes. Sony uses them.

Prosecutor: "we urge you to ignore the behavior of Cook so we can throw another person into prison, and bump up our conviction rate, helping our careers. We're unconcerned with justice, only convictions matter."

TlDR: no judge, only convict!

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Shut up, man

--President of the United States, Joe Biden

Agree to disagree is for things like "what ice cream flavor is best", not for things like "2+2=4".

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