1 Post – 330 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me


You're already misusing our cool new word. Cut it out.

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I think it just means to literally lower your hips while dancing. Ie dance such that it shows off your ass, in a position suggestive of intercourse.

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Your low-effort comment wasn't even funny.

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We need to find some way to meet their needs that isn't politics, because the needs they are meeting have nothing to do with governance.

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why pirate when bandcamp has everything I want on FLAC for pennies

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Electing positions that require specialized skills or have judiciary authority. You elect your law enforcement, your judges, your fucking dog catchers. What the fuck?? Is it so hard to come up with a meritocratic method of selecting a fucking dog catcher that you must just throw your hands up and just ask random people what to do?!

If it's not on F-Droid, it's probably out to get you.

Remember how bored everyone got of ignoring news about the massive issues in the 90s that still affect everyone? You still can't bring it up without people's eyes glazing over. Drives me nuts that people just don't give a shit.

I have never seen any indication that Boebert has experienced a moment of shame in her life. She's pathological.

If you cannot name, let alone quote, a single piece of feminist literature, are you really against feminism, or are you just railing against your own fucked up projections?

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. But to actively say, ‘I downloaded X, from Y. It worked great.’ and/or ‘I’ve downloaded loads from X, I have over a thousand X, and they all work.’ it makes me cringe.

Not evidence of a crime.

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I remember 20 years ago. I remember 40 years ago. It changes pretty fucking fast and it gets faster every year.

I'm not thrilled that copyright exists and that it is used as a weapon against innovation and artistic expression. But if it's going to exist, I want it to actually fucking protect my works.

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Veganism is a moral philosophy regarding the treatment of animals. I feel it is disingenuous to present veganism as a solution to climate change. What if we discover a way of torturing animals that tends to restore the environment? Then you're fucked. Call it a plant-based diet, not veganism.

Sucker punched by a stranger on the street ranting that I was a police informant. Smashed me right in the forehead so hard everything went dark for a minute, and when I woke up he was straddling my chest and punching my face and throat. I don't go out in public a lot anymore.

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Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.

I just realized what this actually MEANS.

It means that when you like or dislike something so much that you unvote and then vote a second time, people can tell. This will change karma forever.

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It's interesting to see the people who are willing to "cross the picket line" as it were and use it for self-promotion. Nationalists and TF2 players.

I suspect most don't even want to see a Biden vs Anyone or an Anyone Vs. Trump election.

It isn't so much a front end as a privacy-enhancing proxy service. You can't participate, you can only consume. If our governments are going to conduct their interactions with us on fucking Twitter, we need services like this. Or we need our states to stop neglecting our need for online infrastructure and punting to capital interests.

Pretty grandiose to refer to discussions with a bit of trolling as a war.

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PeerTube offers self hosting of video. You can host whatever you want and no one can stop you with anything short of extreme state intervention. Video is distributed to viewers via a P2P channel. This means that you don't need YouTube's vast network resources to serve a modest number of videos; any super popular video will be distributed mostly by the P2P network rather than your own server.

You don't necessarily have to self-host. There are publicly accessible PeerTube servers who will host your videos for free. However you won't necessarily have as much resistance to censorship in that case.

YouTube offers baked-in monetization. For good and ill. If you want to monetize your videos, you will have to figure that out for yourself on PeerTube.

This post is arguing that we should not allow people to fucking quote: "freely worship their god" to prevent being sent to an internment camp, and you incels are eating it up.

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Who would have thought?

Aldus Huxley?

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If this report is correct, then it can only mean that I am ... old?

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In what ways do the existing alternatives fall short of compelling?

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Can you elaborate on "limited"? Surely that is what we want. One of the problems with the Play store is certainly not that it does not have a wide enough selection, but rather that it is full of harmful, hostile, dangerous, exploitive software. Any solution to that problem is necessarily going to limit (or one might prefer to say curate) its contents. That is exactly why I use F-Droid. It is limited to software that is not trying to hurt me.

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Knees don't fail from wear, they fail from tear. If you're not actually injuring yourself, they get stronger from use, they don't wear out.

demon core

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Probably not the last time this trick works on ol' blockhead.

They're scared. They are powerless to affect an uncertain future. They'll get worse the longer they have to live like this. I guess we have to fix the world?

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Because of the mathematical structure of the public rules of the games, not because the casino fucking steals from you.

Please don't feed the troll.

It's not a public service. It is a service offered to the public. That is something completely different.

The leading cause of death of all birds and mammals in North America is the domestic cat. That's not okay.

It's hilarious and telling to see "net neutrality" shoehorned in there. Goddamn queers and their net neutrality!

What is illegal for Americans is not illegal everywhere.

Well, fuck. My hopes were raised and then dashed in the span of minutes.

So triggered, so fast.

The Steam Machine lives!