Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll to politics – 531 points –
Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll

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We need to find some way to meet their needs that isn't politics, because the needs they are meeting have nothing to do with governance.

There is nothing you can do that they won't turn into politics. They turned the existence of groups of people into politics. That's right by simply existing its politics. And there is no way you can avoid it.

Except that's not politics. Not in any meaningful, constructive sense. It's partisan but it's not political, and I think there's a pretty big difference.

But that's the problem you and I may think that way but a lot of people don't. It has allowed them to make a myriad of non-political subjects political.

We need to find some way to meet their needs that isn’t politics

Uhh, an MMO where they can run around shooting at minorities and yelling racial epithets into their mics?

They're scared. They are powerless to affect an uncertain future. They'll get worse the longer they have to live like this. I guess we have to fix the world?

They need to stop actively working against that then.

Yeah, and a drowning man needs to stop thrashing and pulling down his rescuers, but he's fucking drowning.

They are easily scared you mean? For people who are so easily scared of everything, they sure seem to embrace guns and COVID like it's their new Jesus.

An acquaintance of mine and I were discussing a physical altercation that occurred between him and a random other customer at a convenience store and the ubiquitousness of guns. A scary (jumpy;nervous) person with a firearm is perhaps more dangerous than the habitual criminal with a gun because they’re more likely to fire without reason.

Your false bravado isn't fooling anyone. If you're not scared, you should be. If you feel in control of your future 20 years from now, you're lying to yourself.

They've been so annoying since burning crosses fell out of style.

More to do with enforcement than fashion. Which means it is still happening where they can get away with it.