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Joined 1 years ago

Sanders wouldn't stand a chance. Too many moderate Democrats would be terrified of the scary socialist madman.

You will take it and you will like it.

Personally, I don't care if the rich stay rich. I want the rich to pay a proportionate amount of their wealth in taxes, equal to or maybe even a little more than the proportionate amount I pay as a non fecal dragon sitting atop the mountain of gold I've shit all over. I also want rich to stop staying rich because their parents and parents' parents (etc) were rich and paid to have the system rigged so their degenerate children can stay rich without merit.

You will respect my authoritai!

If ever there was someone who looked like they might be a giant tarantula in human disguise, this chick has it locked down.

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Quick, someone tell Nintendo!

Is this really a victory though or will this lead to the equivalent of domestic diplomatic immunity?

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I look forward to his adolescence as a Fortune 500 CEO.

Maybe they'll do a Behind the Bastards podcasts on the corporate influences that ruined the internet. I look forward to that listen while enjoying some delicious Cool Ranch Doritos.

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They brought Kim Kardashian as their virgin sacrifice.

Well at least there's something we can all agree on.

They were failing pretty miserably back when I was a visitor. Hopefully that's still the case, though I imagine they will gain more and more traction as the reddit brain drain continues.

Same. I try to steer people to ALDI for groceries cause they were the least fuckwadish the past few years about price gouging and I sometimes feel like I'm shilling. I only wish I were getting paid for it :\

What does the lesbian chick in the photo have to do with this Kyle guy or his family?

Even if you hate Biden because of Israeli support,

Trump said that "he (Trump) fully support's Israel's Gaza genocide."

Anything Biden can do, Trump can (and would) do worse.

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Netflix announced that it's password crackdown "exceeded expectations"

I am so disappointed in you, US consumer.

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Fuck Ajit Pai.

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Instead of "trashing Gym Jordan as an 'insurrectionist'" it should read "reminding them that Gym Jordan is an insurrectionist".

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When Kansas and then Ohio thoroughly shoot holes in your platform and you're the dominant party in those places, maybe you should start re-thinking your platform.

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Mitch McConnell staring off into space - Good thing Americans had those stimulus checks to live off of for the past 30 months.

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Did y'all know that Mexico also has a form of universal healthcare. Pretty soon the flow of illegal immigrants might start going the other way.

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By all accounts Gabe isn't also a gargantuan piece of shit, which also sets him apart from the other media sellers.

I honestly can't see how anyone can stand the not-old reddit.

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They're clearly not thinking this through. They all need to lug their frozen poo to the summit and pile it there, so they can stand on it when they take their selfie and declare that they're at a higher peak than any previous summiters due to their poo pedestal.

Honestly no idea if this is satire or something he really said.

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All true, and all a problem for which linux has been a solution (in the computing world) for decades now.

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Netflix: This problem we practically solved ten years ago but have been steadily and diligently working to bring back pledge to double down on those efforts and eventually make it the only viable option for a good consumer experience.

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here's how to turn that off

Install firefox

If this is validated by the SC then hopefully Joe makes immediate use of it.

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I am Elon Musk's throbbing need for attention.

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Rumor has it that this is a temper tantrum after a competitor unveiled 10 minute charging technology.

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I was a tenured property manager when all the shit went down initially and I didn't have a single tenant out of ~220 "take advantage" of the moratorium. I left the industry for lower paying work because of the owners' amorality.

Goodbye, unity. It's been okayish.

No worries. That portion of memory only contained the 'oya' portion of it's name. It will continue on, known now as Vger.

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Which ring of hell is he planning on spending his retirement within?

Edit: Also, give me an example of another human being that looks more like a testicle with eyeballs.

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Dude's a one percenter in the making.

Just like American consumers stood up to Netflix when they cracked down on password sharing?

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I think Trump has just turned into the personification of the little foul goblin that comprises the soul of every billionaire.

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For fuck's sake I doubt if that would cover funeral expenses.

Net Neutrality will probably be one of our lesser concerns if that happens.

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