Mexico supreme court decriminalizes abortion across country to World – 1517 points –
Mexico supreme court decriminalizes abortion across country

Mexico’s supreme court has decriminalized abortion across the country, two years after ruling that abortion was not a crime in one northern state.

That earlier ruling had set off a grinding process of decriminalizing abortion state by state. Last week, the central state of Aguascalientes became the 12th state to decriminalize the procedure. Judges in states that still criminalize abortion will have to take account of the top court’s ruling.

The supreme court wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, that it had decided that “the legal system that criminalized abortion in the Federal Penal Code is unconstitutional, [because] it violates the human rights of women and people with the ability to gestate.”


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Did y'all know that Mexico also has a form of universal healthcare. Pretty soon the flow of illegal immigrants might start going the other way.

Lot of folks hop the border for a bit for the far cheaper dental care down there.

I've heard of a lot of people doing this. Pretty bad when driving to an entire other country for dental care is cheaper.

Pretty sure Palin admitted to her family hopping the border for cheaper healthcare in Canada.

I'm picturing her going to Russia for cheaper healthcare. She did claim she could see Russia from her house.

That was Tina Fey. Palin said that you can see Russia from part of Alaska which is true since there are a couple islands that are like 10 miles away from some Russian islands. Saying that that gives you some sort of foreign policy experience is idiotic though.

Driving? Hell I had a coworker who would fly there from Alaska to get dental work done and even with his week long hotel stay while he recuperated still saved thousands of dollars

I've done this with my wife. It saved us thousands of dollars. And the place was very clean and professional.

I've heard horror stories, ironically all from dentists in the US, about dentists in Mexico. But I hear a lot more stories like yours about how it was great, and they managed to save a ton of money.

I'm sure there are scammers, but my wife did a lot of research before we went. The dentist we went to in TJ actually got her degree in San Bernardino, CA like 40 mins from where we live. If you do your due diligence the process can go pretty smoothly, and yes, save a ton of cash.

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There is already a good amount of medical tourism to Mexico from the US.

Like how Utahans were buying insulin from Mexico because it was something like 1/100 the price.

That said, the entire mexican public health service system is absolute shit, so much so that the president acknowleged it as recently a last year.

so much so that the president acknowleged it

Acknowledging it is the first step to improving it. We have Republicans who have the gall to claim that we have the best healthcare in the world.

Completely agree. The fact they're restructuring and allocating funds at least seems to suggest that they're taking it seriously, and even if it's baby steps, it's something

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Actually... No

The facilities could use some work, yeah, red tape and waiting times are terrible, for sure, medicines availability, thanks for this president have been inconsistent as of late, yes

But.. thanks to the perks offered in the job, many of the best doctors and surgeons treat there, the ones that treat also in the expensive hospital are treating in the IMSS (name of the service), so yeah, great surgeons for free if you are willing to go through the long bureaucratic process.

I've indeed heard frequently that the best practitioners are found in the IMSS, although in my own experience, whether you have a good experience with the medical professionals and procedures is basically a coin toss, unless you have connections and are able to ask for someone in particular, or personally know one of the practitioners.

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