
3 Post – 312 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But replacing Youtube is sadly much harder.

I bet we'll just get better ad blockers.

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Getting promoted isn't a race. It's a marketing campaign. The squeaky wheel gets the grease sadly. I hate it but that's the game. You can be great but if the right people don't hear about it it won't bring a reward.

The funny thing is it's a loss for the employer since it means people spend time self-promoting themselves and their achievements instead of just doing things well.

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TDD: Tantrum Driven Development

Kodac invented it and predicted the shift to digital but execs buried it because it wouldn't be good for their film business.

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Actually that F-14 in the picutre is missing the highly classified [REDACTED] pod which is capable of [REDACTED] up to a distance of [REDACTED] for IR and [REDACTED] for visual targets. /s

Crossover? Crypto is built-in! https://brave.com/brave-rewards/

I groaned hearing Louis Rossmann recommending Brave during one of his videos about Youtube ads. Firefox uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock would be a better recommendation.

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Especially when there is Firefox and Firefox-based, privacy-focused alternative with great add-blocking and privacy extensions.

Human traffickers tend to not be very honest.

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The downside is that in smaller companies, assholes have a bigger impact on you.

Personally, I don't care how good it is, I refuse to use a Chromium-based browser and insist on supporting its only serious competitor: Firefox.

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A centralized Lemmy.

Everybody wants to be We Chat.

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Its powered by Bing which is meh but I don't mind it so much. If I don't get good results I throw in "#g" in my search and it will run the query with Google.

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Rich people.

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No no, it's all part of Putin's 4D-chess masterplan!

[Snorts copium]

And fiction has been key to inspiring the next generation of scientists/engineers. So many NASA people have claimed to be inspired by Star Trek just to pick one.

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There were drafts for the Vietnam shitshow as well.

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Or Ubisoft. A colleague of mine was super hyped for Far Cry 2, both the collector's edition but it wouldn't start on his PC. He contacted Ubisoft support and they gave him an actual scene crack. There were other reported cases of Ubisoft support handing out scene cracks to go around their shitty DRM.

"A" for effort for the support people in finding ways for customers to be happy and play the games they paid for. But a Steam release for a humongous corporation just straight up using the crack and releasing it as is, that's a new low.

Yep, have to do all those things all the while it's too hot/humid/cold/wet/dry in some wild random combination.

Is it piracy? He owns a license for the game.

Are Ubisoft or Rockstart Games pirates for using scene cracks themselves?

And he could have gone down the "Mike Row Soft" route and offered the guy some free stuff as compensation. Terms allowing them to do something doesn't mean they have to be dicks about it.

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And it's not like their win is our loss. Why would we fight amongst ourselves? It's the ultra-rich we should be sizing up.

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Ford? More like the whole Western auto industry.

LTT claims to be hitting the brakes and asking itself how to proceed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cTpTMl8kFY

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They don't make their engines.

That's some serious reaching.

Alexei Chernykh of Russia's anti-corruption police

Who knows but he probably had many enemies in his own team.

Old enough to have an X-Files episode. Remember when wacky conspiracies where good old fun?



What Hamas has done is horrendous and undefendable but there's no military solution to removing extremism. They'll just end up killing many more civilians than Hamas has murdered and cementing the next generation of extremists.

Israel will likely be able to crush Hamas as an organization but I doubt anything better will rise from its ashes. I'm certain it was Hamas' goal to trigger such a reaction and with the escalation triggering a wider conflict.

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In Minecraft.

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The one with a rocket program. Oh wait...

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They are popular because they really know how to leverage the Youtube algorithm and end up being suggested to a ton of people. Technically knowledgeable people might reject LTT even more due to this mess but there are still a ton of viewers following what Youtube suggests.

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That's perfectly normal, pay no mind to them or the plumber van parked day and night on the other side of the road.

And BS green washing with dead end hydrogen demo cars.

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12ft has been disabled for this site

Yeah, I enjoy the gameplay and atmosphere a lot but it's obvious this game was rushed out in a bad state.

They wasted a lot of goodwill with the initial release, I hope with changes like this they do good with the players and then they'll have a chance to bring in new ones.

They messed up initially with Vermintide 2 and then caught up and did the same thing again with Darktide.

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Somewhat. Fighting in emeny uniform gets you tried as spies. No Geneva Convention protections for those.

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And I guess these sails don't require a huge crew constantly adjusting ropes and canvas. If it performs well that's a huge innovation in sailing.

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