2 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm waaaaay out of my waters here, but if I had to take a wild guess: over fishing, changing of chemistry of the oceans do to climate change and yeah rising of median temperature (as we can all feel) of the world .. in summary: my guess is human activity.

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So.. no disrespect but, are all scenes/crackers really creepy and angry people then?

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Well.. do we all need to change our perfectly fine, advanced and fast pocket computer every year just to have always the latest -> IMO No.

Good for the environment that it's a bad business year.

Because ... You can say to tech illiterate investors: "hey look, look at all the activity that goes on in my site"with not much scrutiny and inflate those rookie numbers up.

There is no much incentive, in the capitalists sense, to deter spam or trolls, fear mongering and explosive comments, clickbait journalism, etc etc etc ... for owners of any online outlet, it's all in the service of ever growing traffic.

Welp this question here really fits today, I have been playing lately, for nostalgia reasons, in a sever of an old MMORPG game called RO (Ragnarok Online), and is kind of knowledge intensive so Im searching an hour or so ago about a in-game skill called "Create Deadly Poison" that's it, that is literally the name of the skill, and thought to myself hmm this is going to raise all kind of red flags over the security institutions. Lol.

This is the answer.

... right?

Yup, I saw this yesterday, now apparently for what I can see they are trying to minimize bandwidth downloads and mass sharing of files by the account having to give one by one authorization to everyone that wants to access a file

It's not that hard to read fam.

The title of the chart clearly states prior to the Oct 2022 war. So ..

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Actually... No

The facilities could use some work, yeah, red tape and waiting times are terrible, for sure, medicines availability, thanks for this president have been inconsistent as of late, yes

But.. thanks to the perks offered in the job, many of the best doctors and surgeons treat there, the ones that treat also in the expensive hospital are treating in the IMSS (name of the service), so yeah, great surgeons for free if you are willing to go through the long bureaucratic process.

Absolutely loved season 1, literally slept through 2nd, why was it so bad?

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My two cents ...

As much as I have loved FF and other Square Enix franchises since I was a child, as of late, I feel like they want to continually disrespect their fan base. I should be clear that I am not anti-capitalist, by all means, they work in those games and deserve to be paid (even more so the devs to be compensated fairly), that said, there have been this trend over there in the last years, imo, that it's ok to release unfinished games and sell you the complete version of this games either on dlcs which ... not ok, but still manageable, or making you purchase a whoooole new game, sometimes not even being available on one console or the other, just to enjoy the game as originally intended. I'm looking at DQXI, and FFXV, which I love, both of them and feels like a F you to buy a whole complete 60$ game just for added content (not extra, part of the main story) or features.

So, came FFXVI, I decided I'm not a little kid anymore that can't wait for something, also have already a monstrous backlog from years since I don't have the time to play so much anymore and I can wait one or two years till they release of, inevitably, the finished/revised version: FFXVI "Royal" "Plus" "Definitive" or whatever "cute" name they are going to slap on that to justify the re-purchase.

Atlus, pulls this also.

That's the rant.

Still works!

Fellow joey user, love this feature and need it too

Mark as read while scrolling > hide read on re-open > (in case you need to re watch something) temporarly unhide read posts

Not very knowledgeable on programming, but isn't there a way to implement this code with the Lemmy/fediverse devs to integrate this to the site and afterwards to the different apps used to browse it?

Great contribution regardless, thanks for your work!

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Same, this big catchy over optimistic and click bait headlines make me automatically really suspicious of the claims. Great news if the second trial goes well

Bought a smartwatch from Amazon while I was out of town, my brother recived it a few days ago. Got home yesterday and opened the package to find inside a freaking cheap microphone, I'm guessing for influencers, or YouTubers, I know the feeling.

On a little more positive note, yeah, reach out to them, customer service agreed to send me the correct item by tomorrow. (Fingers crossed they get it right this time)

Had a lot of fun with Elona (rougelike) a short time ago, didn't know a game like that existed

Oof , those set managers screw up worse than the guys over there at Game of Thrones with the Starbucks cups

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Came to say exactly the same, this rules should be standard good parenting practice.

... except if it's the beginning of the trend, and specially if that 3% is from the people that actually contribute meaningful content to reddit. You could be seeing +15% less traffic by end of the year, then it's a problem and a loss

That was a great, concise, technical but simple at the same time explanation, beautifully done. Thanks.

Laughed so much at this, thanks

Good bot.

¡Nay! Great bot

That suuuurely won't blow up in spez's stupid face /s

Civil Engineering, do a lot of things to keep me interested from design, construction, pm and administrative stuff depending on the phase of the project. And yeah, there is a lot of IT/Programming Guys in Reddit and Lemmy now.

You are, and you are right to be

Great job keeping track of this, thanks

Don't get me wrong, even thought I don't pirate as much as I once did in my younger days I'm super appreciative of the work they do, free mostly if I understand it correctly. But some of the things they say on this nfos (mostly homophobic slurs and name calling) are super out of place, but at the end to each their own lol

This is what I meant, and in a broader sense, we just leave it at: scientist are baffled and do not know the answer when I think we all know damn well, almost sure it has something to do with human activity and the disruption it causes in nature.

Kept in check and rooted in your goals, it's a map in life and it's a motor that build momentum and thrustes you to achieving the things you want in your life... Uncontrolled and without an specific end/goal, it's the thing that's gonna turn your life upside down, get it totally unbalanced and will cost you all your quality relationships. So, a double-edged sword.

I really really hope, one of the things I'm loving about the idea of Lemmy or the fediverse is the cooperation aspect, at least in jerboa which is the browser that I am using for now, there is a sense that anyone is pitching in either ideas or actually implementing them, and I guess Lemmy devs are of the same mentality. Anyhow, let's hope you can merge them and optimize in the future, it would be huge, congrats and good job again.

Thanks for that great great rabbit hole read (and some YT videos watch)

Following colleague, thanks for doing the community

You are correct, damn typo, thanks!

Thanks for the super complete answer, gonna be checking a lot of the listed games

Ohoo! Has so much fun when I was a kid with many of this! Thanks for the nostalgia

Two-three years, to quit job, buy materials and needed machinery, little cushion and make the same work I do for other people and make money for myself instead as others.

The future is ... physically paywalled