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Joined 12 months ago

Tragically the plane crashed into a surface to air missile.

Edit: yeah, this is actually what happened, no subtlety here, damn.

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I'm not going to try to explain mission readiness, this is low, but the target is closer to 70%, so while it isn't great, it's not like it's half of what's expected.

Jets are complicated, they spend a lot of time in maintenance and inspection for each out of flight, its because they're optimized for performance while passenger jets are optimized for endurance, safety and cost.

F35s are terrible jets for peacetime, as are most fighter jets. For combat they're probably a lot better, they're basically f16s with worse maneuverability, but better range, sensors, weapons and of course stealth, 1 f35 is worth at least 3 f16s.

But even this doesn't matter, the next generation will be 80% drones, drones have phenomenal mission readiness ratings, often 90% or higher.

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Also impressed by their indoor plumbing and magic screens with tiny people talking!

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Guarantee that's just the tip of the iceberg, these small towns are all about small families and groups stealing federal and state money for themselves while crying about how the outsiders are oppressing them.

No real press to call them on it so they get away with whatever they like.

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Begun, the clone wars, have.

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Hey, will you look at the time!

Its 'generate political cover for the Tories privatizing the NHS' o'clock again!

2024 is going to be a bad, bad year.

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Remembering that made me spit out my covefe.

That venn diagram would make a functional wheel.

Its France, your logic has no power here!

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It was ww2, the whole thing started with Nanking, then battle of Britain, the nasty shit in the Philippines, the Eastern front, all of it, dresden, then the firebombing of half of Japan.

So yeah, but calling warcrime in ww2 is a bit like calling offsides in a preschool soccer match.

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Do everywhere

Which is ironically the same as the $1999 xPhone 24 Pro Max XXL Z-Flip 4d-folding hextuple AI 8k camera with Bionic 10Ghz chip including real neurons from last year.

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200+% over 10 years, refid in 2019 or so.

Feel like I won the lottery.

It's not fucking sustainable and it's cruel to anyone younger.

I don't understand why they use pornhub, it's so much easier for them to get actual sex with their favorite dating app: 23andme.

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Congress is corrupt, but they're just corrupt, they don't care about much beyond self-enrichment.

The BJP is MAGA on crack with 500x as much religious zealotry pitched in.

Muslim genocide isn't that outrageous to them, there were several instances where they rallied to butcher Muslims in the past.

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I'm going to go ahead and say it:

That sounds very low for pakistan, I think they're heavily undercounting.

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He was supposed to be limited to 2 terms as general secretary, the only person to break that tradition was Mao.

His anti-corruptiom prosecutions also happened to be anti-rival prosecutions.

He does have absolute power, sort of, there is just no direct path to remove or bypass him. It's like we have no direct path to become president without winning an election, though we do have indirect paths that should never happen save for exceptional circumstances.

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You just described basically the whole south.

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Noah, fuck the boat.

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He needed to take Moscow, only chance he had to survive.

I'm sorry, this, for once, seems like an actual job for social media.

I don't see a problem with doxxing and cyberbullying anyone who tools up to a food bank in a late-model beemer.

The orange line is offended by this remark and wipes vomit on you in protest.

Later added: "They need special care, we need to withdraw them from our normal schools and build camps to keep them together, preferably with easy rail access.

Thank you for defedding hexbear, otherwise I have to hear how russia is trying to prevent this Armenian genocide just like they prevented the previous Armenian genocide, I mean, no, that never happened, there was no genocide in Russia, ever, I mean, except against Russians, err, West bad!!!

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Those 4 teens should get a scholarship for this, paid for by mbta's IT security budget.

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Yes, those famously equitable contracts with artists, we've all heard legends of their great generosity.

She knows it's a multi-kill!

First and second rules exist for a reason.

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As someone who programmed drivers for nt, it's not, the reason it's easier is because they started later.

Xbox is a mature x86 windows platform, vs ps1 which is an embedded mips system.

They started with their windows directx stack and just kept with it, while ps did a random walk all over the place.

Msft also had really boring hardware, like, they started with a crappy pc, then made a crappy ppc pc, then went back to a crappy pc. The software was simplistic, while Sony made really interesting hardware designs, that turned out to be hard to program, till the ps4 when they just gave up.

Msft traditionally isn't very good at operating systems, they've just had infinite resources and infinite monkeys for 40+ years, and they've been stubborn enough to make it work somehow.

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I couldn't imagine any of these kids having to deal with a dos prompt.

Then again the thought of having to be on instagram robs me of control over bodily functions.

So, it was clear once the synthesis became public that this was BS, but we haven't reached complete scientific consensus yet.

Can we please finish the process? I'm tired of influencers and marketing suits trying to steer scientific discourse, it does nobody any good.


I agree?

It made sense under apartheid but now it would be like saying "Kill the Japs!" In San Francisco or saying "We're going to make Charlie pay!" while talking about some immigrants from Vietnam.

You gotta tone down your shit once you've won, otherwise you're kind of walking in to a crime against humanity.

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Hey man, killing invader scum isn't cheap, it's just necessary.

I think a badge might have been more ironic.

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Thank god defederated hexbear, I don't have to hear how we're spending all that money that would otherwise never go to tax cuts for the rich.

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We'll be moving bulk storage to molten sodium over the next 3 decades, lithium will be for high density applications, but they're working on sodium-air designs because the density is even higher than lion.

They keep a reserve of missiles for defense instead of blowing their load on likely decoys.

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It's astroturfing, coupled with some extreme leftist groups (tankies) who actually believe because they've never been there.

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Speak for yourself, I did the opposite, use my home patterns to fix stuff at work.