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Joined 12 months ago

Obviously the cops and prosecutors are real shitheads here, but I think some blame goes to a piece of shit principal who woukd call the police on an 11 year old.

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So, the bonus goes to the guy who was playing Factorio when he should have been working?

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Late last year, I arranged to get a vasectomy because my wife is amazing, and I don't want to put her through a pregnancy in my state. The urologist who performed the surgery said there had been a significant uptick in the amount of vasectomies he had scheduled because of the recent abortion ruling.

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The most obvious one I have experience with is guys refusing to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle because they're so tuff and manly and they "just won't crash".

I wear a helmet because it will protect my beautiful face if I fall off, and because it keeps bugs and birds from hitting the aforementioned rugged bearded handsomeness at high speeds thus preventing some accidents, and because I can have one with a cool design on it.

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I just want to drop in and remind everyone that "conversion therapy" is just a fancy way to say "child torture".

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The only dangerous minority is the rich.

I did this to someone once. Had no idea who he was, then he told me and I admitted the name sounded familiar but I still wasn't sure, he seemed a bit confused, but overall relieved.

I didn't know who Garth Brooks was at the time. I at least knew his name after that. It was a long time ago, I was just an autistic weirdo in a Slipknot shirt.

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It's not finished. It will look like this when they complete it. It's a nature bridge.

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I hope you don't have children that you're forcing to be babysitters. I know people who did that growing up, their relationship with their parents is... not good.

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The only reason I even knew The Escapist existed is because of ZP.

Mine was "Not all women like being touched the same way". As in, some women can't reach orgasm from penetration alone, but some do. Some want direct pressure on their clitoris, some do not. And this all makes sense, not everyone likes the same things.

And that is, for me at least, where the fun is. I like to figure things out. I like to see how stuff works. And women are pretty awesome. What would be a better evening than figuring out exactly how to pleasure someone, through communication and experimentation? I'm still finding ways to push my wife's buttons 14 years later.

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People whining about 3D printed guns always forget about the much more terrifiying things that can be made with a 3D printer - like a kamikazie drone.

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Technology Connections!

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Speaking as someone who grew up in the 1980s...

Micro-SD cards almost don't make sense to me. I'm not saying I don't believe in them, because of course I have a few of them. Obviously they exist and they work. But. They're the size of a fingernail and can hold billions of characters of data. I uwve a camera that ive put a 128 GB microSD card in. A quick tap on the calculator tells me that's over 91,000 3.5" floppy disks. Assuming they're 3mm thick, that's a stack of disks 273 meters tall. But this card is so tiny that I have to be careful not to lose it.

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I've heard the term "tradwife" before, and it always seems to equal "Someone who will be a new mom, but does what she's told".

Based on direct personal experience I recommend a witch wife. Intelligent, capable, not submissive (unless she wants to be) and definitely not helpless.

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John Deere is creating a national security issue by not allowing tractors to be repaired, change my mind.

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This makes sense, every gay person I've met drank water.

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Super strength is something I could see being problematic.

The movies always show the super strong hero picking up buses or trains with one hand, but in reality you have to lift such vehicles in specific places, or they will be damaged. Youtube is full of videos depicting cars falling from mechanic's lifts due to improper lift point placement, or just old fasioned rust. Imagine Mr. Incredible going to pick up a bus in a state where the roads are salted, and just breaking off a handful of the frame.

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Yes, it's against the law to murder people, very good.

It's supposed to get cold there this weekend Greg, maybe worry less about migrants and worry more about keeping the lights on.

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That didn't take long.

I bet it's financed ar 29.9%

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they are the ones who will reap any benefits of that investment and they should be the ones eating the cost.

They seem to have forgotten that "The investor takes the risk", sometimes its not all fst dividends.

A month or two ago five rich people died suddenly in a wrinkled chunk of carbon fiber and metal and the world cheered.

Baby steps.

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This is especially frustrating when trying to find parts for vehicles or machinery. Used to, one could search for something like "1988 Suzuki Samurai Oil Filter" and get the answer for all the common filter brands. But now all you get is links to an auto parts website, where you have to use their shitty search function and hope they have what you need.

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I understand your concern, but "Boebert" is someone's name in this case.

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First of all, disclaimer, I'm just a random weirdo on the internet. I don't have a law degree, I'm not a politician. I'm probably naked and masturbating while writing this.

Are we going to have a Civil War 2: Now With More F150's where it's the north vs the south? No.

Are we going to reach a point where the US sort of falls apart into separate little countries after a lot of unpleasantness? I'm not as confident in saying "No".

I think what will happen first is less "civil war" and more "societal collapse". There are very few places in the US where someone can rent an apartment by themselves, and have a decent life with nice hobbies, while only having one income. Buying a house by yourself is even farther out of reach.

But I am noticing something that is a lot closer to everyone than real estate: food is getting expensive. A hamburger at a fast food joint used to be a quick and cheap, although not healthy, way to get lunch, but now a combo meal basically anywhere is $15. For one person. So cook at home, right? Ignoring the difficulties of cooking for oneself after working both jobs, or working all day at one job, that isn't much cheaper. Making a healthy meal for yourself and your family is a skill that not everyone has, and groceries aren't cheap either. I think the first thing that is going to happen is going to be mass food theft, followed by food riots. It's already starting in fact, how many memes have popped up with variations on the saying "If you see someone stealing food, no you didn't"? Stealing food from a large company is acceptable for a lot of people. With rising COL, we will approach a point where a majority of people cannot afford food, and food isn't a house or a shiny new car. Food isn't a choice.

There will be hysterical articles in NYT about how these poor struggling retailers are losing SO MUCH money (but not really) from theft, and you'll start seeing two squad cars parked outside of every grocery store and walmart - even in "nice" areas.

And that's where things will start to escalate. Not everyone likes police now, and seeing a neighbor thrown on the ground and arrested, if not just killed, in walmart because she was trying to get food for her family isn't going to make them more popular. One or two cops cannot fend off everyone in a walmart. Oh, the cops have guns? That's adorable, so do some people in a walmart. Political feelings about police won't matter when it's your stomach growling, when it's your children going hungry.

I expect this would be the point where food would get locked up, only distributed by employees. Which would make it cost more, and more time consuming to acquire. There will be lines. There will also be people who will grow food - but not everyone can do that, and I'm cynical enough to think that some locales will pass laws against "backyard farming" in the name of "food safety", pushed by grocery stores trying to get that extra .025% profit this quarter.

What will happen once people can't get food, will be the local PD being completely unable to enforce anything.

Remember that it's bread AND circuses.

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The rightoids make death threats for everything.

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My wife's mother had a complete month-long meltdown the day she found out that my wife, who was the girlfriend at the time, had sex for the first time. Called her a slut, said nobody would ever want her now, life was over, etc. My other half was 20 years old when this happened, so it's not like the MIL was worried about her teenager.

Of course we got married months after that, and I'm the only one my wife has been with. Almost immediately the woman who flew into a rage over her daughter being touched by someone else was insisting that I get her pregnant pretty much every time we saw her. We did have one kid, after a few years.

But my wife, who is an amazing person, has a petty streak. When her mom spends the night, I have to make sure I'm hydrated and rested because the wife will be loudly fucking my brains out, because she wants her mom to have to listen to us. She also has said, many times this year, that we are trying for a baby, which will cause someone to point out that I've had The Snip™, to which she will reply "Well we are going to keep trying anyway".

Such antics have kept relatives from asking when we will have kids. You won't get a kid out of us, bit you WILL get Too Much Information.

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In the early 2000's, I bought a 1986 Honda XL250R. Just an old dirt bike.

The motorcyckle shop was across the road from the pawn shop I was originally going to buy a gun from, for the express purpose of taking my own life, for reasons that made sense at the time.

Since I bought that bike, I've made friends, learned a lot of new skills, and I met the best person in existence, who I am now married to. I passed on a final exit, and ended up with a pretty great life.

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I'd have to give it to my father in law. I don't care how he treats me, he's an unemployed loser living in a falling-down house his mommy gave him and his opinions on many things aren't valid.

No, the issue is how he treats my wife. Yes, his own daughter. He's your standard Deadbeat Dad™ who never paid any child support, never helped his kids in any way, and in fact blames his children, and their mother, for everything bad in his life. When my wife, along with our five year old kid and myself were flooded out of our house at 2am, we were blamed for the flood. As in, "You two literally caused the flood and I'm going to sue you for it".

That's his favorite thing, hes gonna sue. For realz this time. Whatever percived slight he has, hes going to lawyer up and take everything someone has. Hasn't had any successful court dates yet.

This year it got easier for my wife, according to her. She went to see him on fathers day, and he was having his man-period or something and was pissy about the flood and everything else he coukd think of, and he just tells her to get out of his life. Which after 35 years of mental and physical abuse, my wife was happy to do. It took a week before he tried to call her to demand something or other, and she blocked him. I felt bad for her, but she says not to - her life is easier now.

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It might have something to do with weed being easier to get. Where I live it's easier and faster to get weed than it is to get beer, especially on sunday.

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I sometimes back into parking spaces that are in front of a glass storefront so I can see that my brake lights are working.

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God damn you people are stupid. You dont even have an argument, you're just crying that someone doesnt like racists.

This one seems silly, but one really useful cheap thing I bought that I use much more than I thought I would is an electric kettle. (I should point out I'm in the US) I use it to make iced tea, my wife uses it for hot tea, and we both use it for boiling water for whatever cooking project needs it. We have a gas stove, and it takes about twice as long to heat up a liter of water as this kettle. It uses a normal US 120v outlet and I think it draws 1,000w. (Edit: I looked it up and it's 1,100 watts)

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My better half works in a nursing home. The one she works in now is more "independent", she used to work in a nursing home that also had a "memory care" (Alzheimer's/dementia) wing.

She explains that the sex is rampant. Her favorite story was about a couple who would sneak into a supply closet to do the sweaty, wrinkly deed. But they weren't as sneaky as they thought, because they would park their walkers outside the closet.

What happens sometimes, is you have these elderly people, who have lost someone they have been married to for decades. And they're lonely, but they are surrounded by other people around their age who have also lost someone who was in their lives for decades.

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So, to be clear, you support prison and solitary confinement for preteens?

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Of course they left. They didn't want to get shot. You have noticed that cops kill a lot of unarmed people? It's because they don't shoot back.

She just wasn't ever happy with anything. Swore up and down she loved me, but she was always mat at me and couldn't ever articulate why. I wanted to be better, but after a while, I just wanted to stop treading on eggshells every time I was around her.

I hope she has found something or someone to make her happy.

If this were legal, he could prosecute Southwest for flying people to Vegas to gamble. He could prosecute United for flying people to Denver to smoke weed.

Give it time.

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Im not a younger veteran, but I've learned not to tell anyone that I am. I don't want people to thank me for stuff Im ashamed of from 20 years ago.

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