The insidious rise of "tradwives": A right-wing fantasy is rotting young men's minds to politics – 404 points –
Tradwives are making male loneliness worse

If the average American were asked what they imagine the priorities of the feminist movement are these days, most people would likely cite concerns like "fighting abortion bans" or "getting justice for sexual violence victims" or boring mainstays like "equal pay for equal work." But if you listen in to the world of right-wing social media influencers, they have a different answer. To them, feminists are single-mindedly obsessed with destroying women who identify as "tradwives."


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I've heard the term "tradwife" before, and it always seems to equal "Someone who will be a new mom, but does what she's told".

Based on direct personal experience I recommend a witch wife. Intelligent, capable, not submissive (unless she wants to be) and definitely not helpless.

Young disillusioned men who don't think they are getting the respect they deserve fantasize about a submissive wife and family that they can rule over as a Patriarch. They think that this is more natural or normal than marriage as a partnership of equals.

Yuck. My wife is an adult with her own feelings, goals, fears, and strengths. Most of which compliment my own. I can't imagine trying to keep her held down, because it's too much fun to stand back and watch her.

Woman In Total Control of Herself. There's a song and everything!

Great song too, I listen to it on my way to work when I want to get upbeat!

[off topic] There was a hilarious episode of Dharma and Greg where Greg's mother turns 50 and starts to freak out. Dharma tries to help by getting her to embrace her "inner crone."

Exactly who I want!

My friend couldn't understand why I was into his sister when "she's stubborn and thick headed!" No, she just knows what she wants and she knows when to argue. I like that she has a brain...

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