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Joined 12 months ago

Which is absolutely fucking stupid because we need leftist politics when the future looks bleak and when the future looks rosy that is the time to be more conservative about change...

But we're just human, we do everything ass backwards :/

Not this exact reason, but yeah I hate most people I encounter in games so I stay away from multiplayer stuff, which sucks because that's all devs want to make anymore...

"if you owe the bank $100 that's your problem, if you owe the bank $932,514,634 that's their problem."

From what I understand bibi won't let this end until he's safe from prosecution for his previous crimes (that I don't know enough about) and supposedly the law protects him as long as the country is in a state of war. That would also explain their desire to expand their conflict into Lebanon and continue to be in a state of war.

Selfish mother fucker. Gets thousands upon thousands of people killed so he can get himself a "get out of jail free" card...

You don't get it guys, Racism Is Dead! Republicans have said that over and over, the supreme court even did away with voting rights act protections for the south because racism is over and no one mistreats black people anymore!

/s :(

Nah in America prisoners are literal slaves as allowed in the 13th amendment so the GAP and Nike will be plenty happy the more people are in prison. :(

Oh they don't need to do that, we've already determined that some companies don't have to suffer the consequences of their own actions because they're "tOo BiG tO fAiL" so society has to suffer the consequences.

Just remember: when they win, they win. When they lose we lose and they still win.

Our form of capitalism is a fucking joke. Socialism for the wealthy owners and rugged individualism for the poors.

Isn't this just going to be "great recession 2 office building bugaloo?"

Part 1 was the great recession caused by sub prime loaning assholes and combined debt packages.

Similar story different players apparently...

Does a goosebump really make a sound though?

Microsoft is doing an amazing job keeping me off selling windows 11!

Keep up the great work!

Guess it's time for Linux and for me to give up gaming :/

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we get to spend time arguing about gay books in the library

Congratulations! You've pointed to the exact reason why we're stuck arguing about gay books! If right wingers didn't have absolute bat shit social issues to bitch about they'd be joining us in bitching about the real issues we face!

Can't have that! Propagandists, sing me a tune!

Yeah but I'm a weirdo that actually likes early access games and random indie stuff that rarely works with Linux so a large part of what I like won't work.

Also star citizen... lol

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Earth also has an interesting curiosity. Our moon is extremely large, compared to earth. It also acts as a gyroscopic stabiliser. This keeps the earth from wobbling on its axis. Such a wobble would be devastating for a civilisation making the jump to technological. Even on earth, we are in a period of abnormal stability.

There seem to be so many coincidences that make our solar system unique that it's really upsetting lol It's like we are so perfect for stability because of things like Jupiter keeping the inner system "clean" of large impactors, our part of the galaxy being more "quiet" than typical as far as supernovae, stuff like that which makes it seem even less likely for life to exist anywhere else. :(

They want people like myself to get angry at this because "I made the decision to not go into debt because of the debt part and these people without care for the outcome just jumped into taking on debt and now want us responsible people to cover their tab."

It's supposed to play on some sense of "fairness" and "I played by the rules, why do you get to just make new rules for yourself to succeed while I'm stuck in a worse life because I stuck to the original rules?" It works with a lot of people. Even I'm kinda bitter about it, but that doesn't mean I don't want people to get educated without going into debt. I just wish I was born 10 years later than I was so I could benefit too!! :P

"Aileen Cannon agrees to continue to caress Trumps balls as she gears up to be the next appointed SCROTUS judge."

American Meritocracy™ friendos!


Fucking seriously. How stupid are we that people would see exactly what you laid out and just say "hmmm, oh well the justice system is just slow or something." Except its only with his cases that are in front of Republican appointed "judges."

It's very much a selective thing. Humans vs meat machines.

I'm a meat machine. The factory I work in regularly gets over 90°F in the summer and being on long Island its also humid as fuck like 75%+.

I checked the NY state laws on factory conditions and wouldn't you know it, the fucking laws are vague as shit to allow essentially anything... "All factories must maintain a reasonable temperature and humidity." That's the fucking law. "Reasonable" is not defined anywhere in that law... I contacted my business cuck "R"epresentative about what that law means or how we determine what is reasonable, and yet again wouldn't you know, he never responded...

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It won't end until they succeed. This isn't stopping with trump they will continue until they have permanent control. They can see the writing on the wall and that the numbers don't look good for their future in government so they need to solidify that control.

"An influx of immigrants in the country also isn't helping the housing affordability equation as it has in the past."

Go fuck yourself business insider. The ol' "America is full" bit is it? The Great Enemy: the poor immigrant who is going to steal your piss poor paying job, but somehow also "steals" your super fucking overpriced house that even natural born citizens with full time jobs can't afford.

Get fucked.

Not that I needed another reason to point at racists and call them a bunch of fucked up morons, but goddamn they are bunch of fucked up morons.

People are literally killing people who's ancestors adapted to more exposure to direct sunlight than theirs did. I can't not see it in just that simple way and think "what the actual fuck is wrong with people?" You can't even say it's a culture thing they don't like, because they don't actually know the people they cast hate at other than the color of their skin. It's absolute insanity.

20 hours at most before overtime kicks in.

As a perpetually single guy I'm actually behind this. Most of the time I'm completely forgotten about and the conversation goes as if being married is the default position for everyone.

That's actually the area where I went to learn HVAC! I'm much more east now past Riverhead actually, I couldn't deal with the traffic lol

Happy cake day apparently! Lol

Back in my day a weird yell was enough to kill your run.

Just a yeeaaoowww and you're done. Now, if you're Trump and you are literally strangling someone to the point that they make that sound, you're presidential material because "that person getting choked was probably a democrat pedophile communist so he deserves it."

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I don't see pizza party or ping pong table on that list so you're obviously not a professional.

A real professional knows employees want pizza parties instead of higher pay and they want more responsibilities with the same pay!


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"I believe that Scripture, the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority."

Oh, so since God raised Biden to Authority that means you're going to respect God's plan right?

Lol... Yeah... You'll all continue to pay lip service to the Bible as long as it serves your purpose.

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It's such fucking childish bullshit... Every goddamn time someone on the right is called out on something they just pull a "I know what you are but what am I?"

Everything is just flipped: Trump is the fucking crime family... Now apparently Boebert is too.

They pull this shit with everything so that they level the playing field, when BoTh SiDeS are the same you can stick with voting for your asshole of choice because "the other one is just as bad so my dude says I'll get free cookies, I'll go with him."

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Honestly I was expecting all 27 to be the journalists that covered it knowing how fucked this world is when it comes to justice...

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I think I'm actually more mad about "Murdock owned media outlet, Murdock owned, also Murdock owned outlet oh and Murdock owned media. By the way, Murdock owned media outlet. Would you believe it, also Murdock owned outlet."

Ffs... Right wingers go on and on about the "deep state." How about how all of your goddamn brain rotting anti-reality "news" is coming from ONE GODDAMN ASSHOLE.

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The thought of clicking on some random.exe hurt me a little inside...

So much trust, or ignorance, or both lol

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Fucking seriously... There is so much money in these asshats hands that he's dealing with daily interest that amounts to 1.5x my YEARLY income...

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Slavery never ended. A carveout for slavery is still legal slavery. We haven't ended slavery in America at all, just changed the legal method of obtaining a slave and making it so only corporations get to have slaves.

We're such a fucking disgusting sorry excuse for a country.

(For those "JuSt LeAvE tHeN" I wish I could, but any country worth a damn has strict immigration requirement$ I don't meet...)

13 more...

I'm very close to this as well.

My coworker needed a heart implant that his doctor ordered but the fucking insurance company (read: NOT A FUCKING DOCTOR) says he didn't have a stroke yet so he doesn't qualify...

They literally fucking said "he needs to be almost dead or possibly already dead and then we'll consider it."

I want to burn that fucking place to the ground.

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I'm pretty sure the intent when upvotes and downvotes were created was to use them in regards to relevance. Is the topic about ducks and someone is going off about jeeps? Downvote. Is the community about posting DIY peanut butter but someone keeps posting Skippy™? Downvote.

It shouldn't have anything to do with agreeing, effort, or anything like that. Just a way to keep the topic/community on track.

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No no that's only the rule for us.

My fucking uncle, who is normally a really nice person, had in his retirement party a big poster of Trump with "If you cant respect the president then get out of America."

Now it's "fuck Biden." Rules for thee and not for me is the Republican way.

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Yeah.... No. The real losers are the asshats that have to get up, shower, get lunch together, drive to a factory, inhale shit all day, fantasize about unrealistic things like unicorns, homeownership, and retirement, and then drive home.

Source: Me. Am loser, driving, breathing shit, and all with no cat blanket...

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I really can't fucking believe he's going to get away with everything. Their plan of running the clock is working and I have absolutely no doubt Trump will win the election allowing his AG dog to dutifully wipe everything away. Hell, seeing how this timeline is going I could even imagine his new AG opening an investigation into Biden that gets fast tracked somehow.... We've all collectively somehow become even fucking dumber over the last 4 years that I could even be so sure Trump will win...

It just blows my mind how someone so unbelievably stupid, someone so obviously corrupt in his personality, someone so abhorrent, could skate his way through the justice system. "Teflon Don" suits him. The only "positive" here are the civil suits that hit him where he cares most, his bank account.

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"Tonight on Hannity: Liberals want to take your Lead away!! The Romans used lead everywhere and they were a gigantic empire! Leave it to stupid liberals to think they know better than our ancestors! Take Back Our Lead!"

While also taking away starter homes.

What the fuck am I supposed to live in?

I'm sick and fucking tired of moving from rented basement, to rented attic, to basement, to garage... Etc... every 2 goddamn years I have to move. I'm almost 40, never going to be married, and stuck renting absolute overpriced shit. I'm so over it.

Unfortunately that's not how Democrats work. For good or for bad they stick to morality (except when it comes to Israel for God knows what reason) and they'll take the "high road" that just so happens to lead off a cliff, but it's the high road so they need to take it even if it means their certain death.

We're a joke, doomed to die for the sake of the moral high ground that we have no right to even assume we have (see previous Isreal comment.)

Edit: but also, from the article, this isn't the actual desire. They already got what they wanted and that was a delay.

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