Trump goes all in on Nazi rhetoric, and the media gives him another free pass

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 557 points –
Trump goes all in on Nazi rhetoric, and the media gives him another free pass

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Back in my day a weird yell was enough to kill your run.

Just a yeeaaoowww and you're done. Now, if you're Trump and you are literally strangling someone to the point that they make that sound, you're presidential material because "that person getting choked was probably a democrat pedophile communist so he deserves it."

I agree, the more negative shit he does, the more momentum he gains with the right.

And you better be able to spell potatoe! (And after Mr. Quayle's call to Pence to shore him up on preserving our democracy, I'm sad I ever laughed at him.)

Trump has said and done enough things to kill his run, too... But Republicans and conservatives wanted him to win, so the media machine was on his side, instead of against him.

It's because republicans demand "Fairness", and define it as "You can't say something bad about us without saying something bad about Democrats, even if you have to make a false equivalence."

It was altered by the press to sound extra weird. It was a regular whoop in a cheering crowd, but isolate the mic and hey-presto it sounds weird.

I don't think it was altered, I heard that he was using a microphone that was designed to not pick up crowd noise


I feel like it was more of a yeeaaaughhhh

But hey, potato potatoe.

A yell was at least brazen and bold. A later candidate got canned for "Please Clap"