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Joined 1 years ago

Texas signed up first because it has “bullet” in the title.

Looked at this from an organic chemistry perspective for a solid 20 secs before I realized this wasn’t organic chemistry

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The more we look, the more we find, the more the crazy’s love him. I don’t get it. Will be happy when he is no longer in front of my face at every turn.

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This is the new tactic for the dictators, just call a nazi. The Ukrainians, the protestors, my dog, all nazi’s. Projection at its greatest.

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Anybody else disappointed after watching the most recent season?

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Texas, wow, never would have imagined that. And they got caught, surprised again.

This is fantastic, need more like him

Sounds like a statement from North Korea.

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She’s representing her constituents….unfortunately

this was generally regarded as a bad move

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Need more representatives like Bernie

Can’t tell you how many times in my clinic I heard “I can’t stand that Fauci”. Every time a look of disgust would envelop my face and I would ask ”why?!” in disbelief. Most of the time they couldn’t tell my why other times because he “lied”. It was clear they didn’t understand basic science and we’re being told what to believe. These were your run of the mill MAGAs that constitute the majority and the norm where I’m from.

I agree, the more negative shit he does, the more momentum he gains with the right.

Why worry? Trump has made it perfectly clear that the president can apparently do whatever the hell they want to and good luck at stopping them. I believe Biden should take the same liberties. Perhaps I’ve just lost faith in the system.

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Friend, you are the one who posted this link stating “Significant, Positive Announcement Alert”; you should be the one explaining why it’s significant. If you are not certain why you are posting something, then wait until you fully understand, otherwise you may get yourself in trouble. Perhaps you are a robot?

A short 110 lights years. Let’s pop over and say hi

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Bed and nozzle settings plz

Pp boy is a dog

They will always persist with anti-logic. The “grand ol’ party” is a continuation of the confederacy. They’re here to act as persistent trolls.

Pretty sure Texas is the big brother of Florida

Really wish I could figure out how to set up a filter for this POS so I don’t have to keep encountering him.

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By sacrificing this one mri machine they were able to save hundreds of MRI lives

I believe that statement is true for waves hand freely at that whole situation

And behaving. If not, then I believe he believes he is above all of this.

Of course…the gop way

Or we can start putting that high quality h2o in barrels and start raising the price.

I feel like we could benefit from a support group. There has to be dozens of us.

It would look like the magneto prison escape scene

Agree. We’re a species still very much in its infancy.

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They couldn’t access the article as they were unable to access the mastodon link.

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Article is paywalled

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Good point

This is going to happen in America soon

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Thank you. I have learned something new today!

This is great because I self identify as a penguin. I tend to keep this private though, because of the war crimes.

Israel is #5

Magnesium oxide tablets

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