1 Post – 1183 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Donofrio repeatedly knocked, banged and kicked on the front door "while manipulating the door handle" while trying to enter the home.

Donofrio broke a glass window on the front door "and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob"

Yeah, that's more than just trying to walk into the wrong house when you're blackout drunk, so I can see why they would consider it justified. But that's the word of the police, so we'll see if a different story comes out later.

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His son Lachlan Murdoch is taking over. Lachlan has been co-chair of News Corp since 2014, and a director before that. Given that Rupert is 92, I'm sure that Lachlan has already been calling the shots for a long time. This is not really a change.

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If that behavior is typical, he belongs in a home, certainly not Congress.

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The simplest explanation is 4chan types just doing it for the lulz.

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Wow, never thought I'd see someone literally say "fuck you, got mine".

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So while the poor got poorer, the rich got even richer than that.

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And they said that "don't say gay" was inaccurate.

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“In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung,” Gosar wrote.

I'm sure a lot of people engaging in sodomy would enjoy their partners having large penises, but I'm not sure how that's relevant. Or how or why Representative Gosar knows how big General Milley's dick is right now.

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No. Good would have been getting him the help he needed before this.

I thought we were supposed to be more restrictive with antibiotics, not less.

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Assuming that it wasn't friendly fire they blamed on Tortuguita, anyway.

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For the love of god, can we stop treating everything he does like it's news? Let him be a shitty person in some dark corner, don't feed his ego by putting him in headlines.

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Yeah, but you're still in Alabama.

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Next can we strip Elon off news headlines? Let him fall into irrelevance already.

Or the EPA, or the CDC, or the IRS, or...

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Canada: "If you want to link to news, you have to pay"

Facebook: "We'd rather just not link to news"

Canada: passes law

Facebook: blocks news

Canada: :o

Teddy bears don't sleep with guns and make death threats.

Also, fuck the post, it's a conservative tabloid rag.

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Friendly reminder that piping curl/wget to a shell is dangerous:

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And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

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It's not ad hominem to say someone is acting in bad faith.

They also have to check their guns when they go into places like prisons, so those guys are just idiots.

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Considering that I haven't seen any substantiation for those claims, it's properly charted already at 0.

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That's the thing about effective prosecutions. They break it down into tiny little baby steps, each of which are simple and true, and nobody can argue against them. Then they put them all together, and the case is ironclad.

When you buy something off craigslist and swap out half the parts it's neither $250 nor pre-built.

It's been running stuff like ATMs for years. And probably still will.

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Based on the writing pictured in the article, she was seriously mentally ill.

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You could switch to a company that isn't openly hostile to its customers.

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Someone walked away leaving it unlocked and it doesn't automatically lock after inactivity.

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it does not appear he had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical

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Take the subsidies from animal farming and give them to meat alternatives.

I'm on my phone so it's a pain to try and find the original studies, but I see that in one, they didn't account for smoking vs eating edibles, and the other seems to have mostly focused on smoking.

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She then walked back in to allegedly find a co-worker “having sex with his wife in front of everyone at the party”.

Wow, the bar for group sex has really fallen. Back in my day you had to have at least three people (and no, kissing doesn't count as a sex act).

The joke is that Israel would say the solar panels were Hamas.

Good thing that that's not happening. Nobody is shoving anything down anyone's throats, nor forcing any kid to make life-changing decisions.

(Excluding conservatives and regressives, anyway. And if there are any progressives doing it, they're in the wrong.)

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It's absurd that they were forbidden from negotiating in the first place. It was basically a blank check to drug companies.

In civilized countries, this would result in dissolution, votes of no confidence, or recalls, and a snap election.

Or they could just elect Hakeem Jeffries.

Yes, it's surprising when a loss leader leads to losses. For example, Olive Garden and their soup, salad, and bread sticks are probably loss leaders because of how cheap they are, but they make up that little loss with much better margins on entrees (and, I assume, drinks).

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And nothing of value was lost. Opnsense is still free and open source, and doesn't start petty drama insulting its competitors.

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Not to mention, if she was diagnosed with something severe, she would probably lose her job if not her entire career. A lot of people avoid seeking help for that reason.

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I'm not really surprised. The text is Cyrillic, not something most Americans can read, and it says:

1st Ukrainian division
To the warriors for the freedom of Ukraine

Nothing about the SS unit, only the dates 1943-1945 and the shield of the lion and crowns. It's not explicit.

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