Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war to – 431 points –

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Considering that I haven't seen any substantiation for those claims, it's properly charted already at 0.

Phew. I'm so glad to hear Hamas draws the line at murdering, raping, kidnapping and using human shields. I was really worried they were the bad guys.

Did we look at the same graph? Can you truly say these attacks caused more suffering? Who murdered more innocent children (considering the demographics of Gaza and the indiscriminate nature of Israels bombings in the past)?

I don't think anyone is innocent here, but if i had to blame someone, it'd be the oppressor, not the opressed.

You legit looked at this graph, ignored ALL of it, and still went "Hamas bad".

Why are you here if you're not going to even try to understand the situation?

Hamas IS bad. They repress secular movements for a free palestine. We shouldn't forget tho, that is the role Israel intends for them.