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Joined 12 months ago

Keep up the attacks, fuck ‘em

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something something Leviticus or whatever

I wonder how many people know that the CEO of Google participates in the caste system

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they really don’t like it when you hit ‘em with the Matthew 6:5

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The fact that this is only an “opinion” is a fucking travesty

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not even a shitpost, this is 100% accurate lol. it really is none of their fucking business

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Well shit, thats all they had to say! Little guy is just so busy doing his silly little jobs that he’s just immune from the law 🥺

Can’t wait for the judges to be paid off for this one

homophobes in shambles

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Has someone finally just given ChatGPT a Lemmy account?

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freak accidents

At least you’ve made it abundantly clear that your smug little own here is being argued from easily the worst possible position. This was not a freak accident. The event itself was not caused by a lack of government subsidized healthcare.

This event was made an inevitability by a corporation that sees people as barely human. They knew what they were doing, they did not care. Beyond that, expecting the United States government to reign in a multibillion dollar company is entirely unrealistic. Money talks extremely loudly.

And to cap it off - can we talk about how fucked up it is that you read the OP comment, thought about it for a bit, and put that out into the world? Dude. Her fucking vulva more or less completely fused together, and you saw it as a prime opportunity to brag about how great your healthcare is?

If any other first world country had a megacorporation that directly caused traumatic injury to someone? Yeah. It would be news.

psssssh nah dude I swear if we have government sponsored healthcare the rich people are just gonna pay more and get better healthcare

wait hang on

Personally I feel that E933 is where the series really hit its stride

uhhhHHHH nuh-uh dude, you have to pick ONE OR THE OTHER

This is true, you can’t criticize someone without being jealous of them.

That is what you just said

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Planned obsolescence iceberg when

It’s simply the Israeli propaganda machine working as intended, please move along

Dudes be like nooo stop trying to hurt the nice paper and go protest somewhere else so we can more easily ignore you

Putting the protection of art above what these people are protesting is both hilarious and also extremely depressing

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I just had my upper and lower jaw cut all the way through and re-set with plates and screws. Some of the feelings under the skin are damn impossible to describe honestly.

But anyways, yeah. I’m at the itchy stage.

What if someone tries to use it improperly?!?

can’t have the poors getting decent healthcare, who else is gonna die so that the rich may live

Totally agree. I just thank god every day that it is completely and utterly impossible to criticize Israel without being an antisemite. Inexorably linked, for sure. Absolutely should NOT have nuanced or subtle opinions on anything.

Because of course all Jewish people live in Israel, and the Israeli government consists of everyone in the entire country, not just political leaders. God, it’s so good being right all the time.

Honestly given the sheer amount of war crime that Israel has committed already I’d be shocked if this doesn’t instantly fizzle out.

more infighting please dear god I’m subsisting off of it alone

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happy to be here, fuck reddit

something something the deep state

It really does make me wonder if people genuinely believe something would come of this. Honestly I’d love for there to be some kind of consequence but it’s pretty laughable to think that anything will happen when the power dynamic is so skewed

I still use imperial and other US standards because I was born here and have never lived anywhere else 😎

Isn’t that the idea?

The truth is rarely so convenient

Is that all you could come up with?

I get what you mean but christ, is that where we’ve set the bar?

What distinguishes the two? Likely whatever’s most convenient in the moment, I’m guessing

jesus tapdancing christ, just say you think parents should control every aspect of their child’s lives including everything they THINK and HEAR.

Child disagrees with parents? Fuck em, parents are always right. Always. Right?

I’m so sure they’ll comply

You’re a less valuable workhorse to them if you haven’t been slaving for the man your entire life

Since Palestine has bitten back after decades of abuse and thousands of people killed, wiping them off the map is completely and utterly justified now! Three cheers for israel!

Replace that with golang and now we’re talking

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tbh I thought that was Tilda Swinton

fyi, ‘wanton’

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careful, wouldn’t want to get lashings from the edge on this one

What did your transition to Usenet look like? I just transferred from torrenting to Soulseek myself but it isn’t cutting it