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Joined 11 months ago

A 6 year old was stabbed 26 times.

#26 TIMES!!!

I have a nephew around that age. He fell off his bike 2 weeks ago and cried his eyes out because he scraped his knee on the road.

The fact that the coward is so old too. He lived a full life. Whether he lives or does in prison is irrelevant. No matter what his punishment is, it's unjustified.

26 times man. The poor mom. Fuck, imagine escaping the hell in Palestine, thinking you've finally made it and can actually make a life in the US, and this is what you get. Life is so incredibly unfair for some. That's what conservatives don't understand. They simply cannot fathom any scenario that doesn't affect them personally.

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A more sinister example was Repo Men. In that movie, the tech still worked, but people were no longer able to keep up with the extortionate payments that came with the implant.

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Wait, are you saying Elon Musk's actions directly resulted in innocent women and children being murdered?

It would be terrible if more people started saying that Elon Musk murdered innocent women and children.

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There's no need to prove stuff like this to anyone. People nowadays need to feel validated by putting everything out on social media and being bathed in positive feedback.

Putting your bank balance out there for clout just draws attention to places it doesn't need to be drawn to. Let haters hate! If you enjoy what you do and get paid for it, then no amount of hateful comments should slow you down.

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It honestly made my night to see Neil Newbon win the best performance for Baldurs Gate 3. With him talking about how he pretty much gave up on acting and went through some pretty rough times and discrimination before getting into voice acting, it's amazing to see him finally be seen.

And let's be clear, he wasn't just a voice actor in BG3! He had to mocap as well as read his lines. His likeness was captured in Astarion perfectly. He was a full actor here and did an incredible job. Best performance was well deserved.

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You know as well as anyone that this has NOTHING to do with Hamas.

Their strategy of indiscriminate bombing would not be the answer if they wanted to kill Hamas only. There's absolutely no regard for civilians here. They're not destroying Hamas. They're eradicating the population of Palestine. Anyone who lives will rightly join Hamas and after this, honestly I can see why.

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He wants the presidency to exonerate himself. That's it. He knows he's going to prison if he loses the election.

He has zero care or motivation to further the country once he's in power. He wants to save his own ass and his properties.

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The US is the world's armoury. Sure, there are other nations that could help, but everyone knows it's the US that Kyiv is hoping for

one person was killed and 28 others were wounded in a shooting by Israeli forces at Al-Quds hospital in Gaza, the organisation said.

The majority of the injured were children and two are in critical condition as a result of sniper fire targeting the hospital.

This is sniper fire. In the hands of one of the best-trained and most advanced military force on the planet.

Sniper fire. A sniper - a precision weapon used to take out targets with minimal collateral damage.

So, I wonder, why are there 28 wounded, the majority of them children, in a hospital!, when a sniper is the weapon of choice???

In order to wound 28 people, they were either a terrible shot, or they were deliberately targeting innocents and children.

A sniper is supposed to wait for a clear shot and take it only when absolutely sure. This is absolutely sickening.

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they need to go south - that's somewhere.

You're either incredibly ignorant or deliberately trying to incite hatred.

Go south??

You mean to this refugee camp that Israel told them to go to, that they then bombed anyway?

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If someone uses your name to justify cruelty, no matter how insignificant the person may be, it's always worth speaking up.

People could also take the Museum's silence on the matter as affirmation.

On September 11, some Saudis attacked the World Trade Centre. America retaliated by going to war with Afghanistan, found they had nothing of value, and then Rumsfeld said since Iraq has oil, they should go after them instead. The unprovoked attack and illegal war that still, to this day, has had zero repurcussions against Bush, Blair and the rest who started it, and caused individuals from militant faction groups to rise up and attack those nations in the form of terrorist attacks, perpetuating a cycle of hate and loss.

More than twenty years later, uneducated people still fail to see the distinction between individual terrorists and an entire people who follow Islam. Islamophobia is on the rise right now simply because people are protesting the war in Gaza, and still equating those protesters to the terrorism from years prior.

I say all this because I can see how hate, and in your case, antisemitism lingers. Your actions are not that of the IDF, your words are not the same as aggrevators like Ben Gvir and your policies are not the same as Netenyahu's, but because you're Jewish, those things are all the same now in the eyes of many uneducated people.

It was the same with idiots attacking random (elderly!?) Chinese civilians on the street as a result of COVID lockdowns. The blame lies chiefly with the media and its incendiary bias towards all things that don't align with their backward views, and allowing people like Trump to stand on a podium and address millions of people with lies and baseless claims.

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FYI, Infosys is the family firm of the wife of current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

Reading articles like this makes it clear how backwards his policies and view of the working class is.

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The articles I've read about Uttar Pradesh contain some of the absolute worst crimes I've ever read about outside of war. It must be an absolute hellhole for there to be so many violent crimes that are in the realm of extremely disturbing.

I’m not sure what she’s upset about

I mean we can all sympathise. We know why she's upset. If she took more than a couple of minutes to calm down, she'll argue herself that the country needs tourists and that they can't be blamed for wanting to make the most of their holidays.

Out of personal experience, it's incredibly frustrating to see people happy and smiling when your whole world is collapsing around you. It's irrational but it makes sense.


Make supporting this make sense.

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Even if you halved them, the casualties and dead on Gaza's side are atrocious. When such a high proportion of the population are children, of course they will be.

Just think about how many hospitals were bombed, and how aid is being limited. They want the injured to have no hope of being treated and die agonizing deaths.

Children are being treated without clean equipment and anesthesia FFS.

It's ridiculous that they're monitoring what courses are being taught at schools/colleges and have the ability to blackmail them into censorship.

It's about time we strip them of these privileges. I think they should lose their ability to abuse anti-semitism when they carry out those same injustices to other people.

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This is a total non story.

Hamas complained a bunch of times that their soldiers in Northern Gaza were constantly being fired at, and they were having to respond to.. Israel was already in breach of the truce but Hamas kept it up in the effort to have as many of its innocent civilians imprisoned illegally without trial.

Genuinely innocent women in children prisons are being tortured, beaten to death or maimed, are psychologically tortured and had no hope of being released. This whole war is the closest Gaza has gotten in many years to have those innocent civilians released, and Israel is actually arresting as many people as it's "freeing", and in some cases is arresting the very same people it let go, months or years after.

As of yet, not a single piece of credible information has been released from Israel to suggest it is targeting Hamas fighters. Hundreds upon hundreds of homes, schools, medical facilities have been destroyed with survivors saying there were no Hamas members nearby. They've begun bombing hospitals again as soon as the truce ended, and are saying they want this war to go on for a year. They say they're using precision targeting to minimise civilian casualties, but all we see from those who are dying are innocent civilians. It's genuinely pathetic.

If they were able to brutally murder more innocent civilians in one month than Russia has killed in the entirety of its war with Ukraine, then 11 more months is nothing short of annihilation.

This has to be the most barbaric, most inhumane nation on Earth currently, as not only does it have very clear genocidal intentions and outwardly speaks about it, it has the weapons and military capability to do what it wants with the blessings of the US and Western allies.

Way to make this about you

You're really, really stupid if that's what you got from it.

From this link:

"I do not want the administrative workload that comes with donations. I do not want the project to become in need of funding in any way: no dedicated home page + no forum = no cost = no need for financial support. I want to be free to move on to something else if ever I get tired of working on these projects (no donations = no expectations).

Have a thought for the maintainers of the various lists. These lists are everything. I can not emphasize this enough."

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"Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, Lauren Boebert got fingered in a public theatre, or that she was dry jerking her bf in public while her divorce is still warm, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that AOC was protesting abortion rights outside the supreme court, well then everyone loses their minds!"

So you're depressed and can't sleep, so you sleep less which makes you more depressed, which means you fall asleep late, so you get even less sleep...

"Just snap out of it" - people who have no idea what you're going through

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"it's easier to apologise than it is to ask for permission".

So Israel is conducting airstrikes in Lebanon, killing journalists and their families, but the guided missile sub is stationed to prevent this from spiraling out of control...

Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if this sucks?

There's no way a game announced 10 years ago, is still 'up to date' today. Games have changed. Gaming itself has changed and Squadron 42 will be judged by those modern standards. If it isn't perfect (with the money and time spent on it, it better be at least free of major bugs and with a significant story element etc) then RSI is heading for probably the most embarrassing incident in gaming history.

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This isn't a show where CEOs get jerked off. It's not a celebration for the 1% at the top who get to smile and pick up an award after laying off hundreds of developers that earned them that trophy.

Developers make the games that are being awarded and shown off as "World Premiers". They get laid off right after launch as they're no longer needed once the crunch is over.

Acknowledging this would make the malpractice known to many of the viewers who are watching.

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It's not on the chart. Not only did it not happen prior to the current October 2023 war (as it clearly states in the title of the graph and the post), it didn't happen at all.

What did happen is the overwhelming murder and maiming of innocent civilians who have no way to defend themselves, against one of the most powerful nations on the planet.

You legit looked at this graph, ignored ALL of it, and still went "Hamas bad".

Why are you here if you're not going to even try to understand the situation?

While the developer doesn't accept donations, they do encourage donating to the people maintaining the block lists. I've contributed in the past and would happily keep doing so.

It would be a shame if the devs maintaining the block lists stop doing what they're doing because it's not sustainable enough for them.

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It was Hamas who killed those children and women in Gaza.

Omg this is a new one. There's a level of delusion you need to cross beyond which there's a point of no return. Beyond that boundary are thoughts like this.

Even if this is true, which... I mean I have no salt left anymore...

That would be the target you want to take out. But no, that refugee camp, that school with children in it? Yeah that's the target because.. uhh "Hamas are using civilians as shields".

He went up against tech industries by getting the right to repair into law.

Now that the train is fully in motion, he's turned his attention to other shitty things that corporations are doing to inform, educate and sometimes fix.

It's a public service and I'd rather have more of him then internet shills who sell their souls for more ad revenue (advocating for dodgy/bad products which in some cases are outright scams, inflating video lengths to 9 mins so they can get extra revenue etc).

A lot of us just treat this like the Superbowl and watch it just for the ads.

That is crazy to admit. Here we have people trying to do their best to remove ads from their lives; using PiHoles, AdBlockers and VPNs to get rid of as many ads as possible, but they would sit down and willingly watch ads instead of watching world-class athletes battle for supremacy on their grandest stage.

The closest thing we have in Europe is the Football World Cup. I reckon due to the nature of the sport, they play for 45mins each half and fitting in ads during play would be met with fierce backlash and boycotting. It's insane to me that you'd look forward to ads instead!

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When Jamal Khashoggi, a US journalist was brutally murdered and dismembered in Saudi Arabia, the US decided it wasn't important enough to worry about.

I can't see how this is any different? Must be all that gold and oil blinding me from the truth... /s

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There was no Biden to begin with. Bernie starts gaining traction and then, what? Biden comes out of the woodwork at the 11th hour to split the dem vote and gets bankrolled to prevent a far-left and progressive democrat party. Yeah, he was running on donations from the public, but he was absolutely gaining traction. He absolutely was sabotaged.

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The conspiracy theorist in me always thought stuff like this was the result of corporate espionage; a loyal employee of a rival firm joins their competitor's ranks and works their way up and finally gets the commanding role, only to announce something this dumb and then take it back (losing their reputation without anything in return) and then the guy leaves the company and finds a comfortable position on the board of their original rival company.

But... No? These people really are that stupid and actually did that to themselves.

And these are the people being paid 300x the salary of ordinary, hard working people!

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The real story is how a king as old and frail as him managed to get a queen as young, fit and loyal as her, willing to slay anything that appears within her sight...

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You seem to be confused. I'll help you understand. It's a matter of perspective:

For Israel, this 'invasion' has nothing to do with Hamas. They were just waiting for a reason to seize more land, and this was the perfect opportunity to get the international community behind them. War crime upon war crime under the pretext of defense. Calls for a ceasefire will be ignored because this is their best chance in decades to take a sizeable chunk of Gaza.

For Hamas, the constant, near century-long murdering of innocent men, women and children is causing the survivors of those attacks to take up arms in anger and fight back. They're not getting a proper education. A Palestinian child born in the early 2000s has already survived 5 wars by now. Hamas is their only vocation. Yes, they're terrorists to us (sitting in our armchairs and engaging in backseat politics from the comfort of our homes), but not to the Palestinian people who seem to be "shielding" them. No one in Palestine is blind to the real terrorists, i.e. Israel.

This is a land grab pure and simple, and Israel is prepared to dig deep.

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Time for superroot!