It’s an Absolutely Terrifying Night in Gaza Right Now to World – 546 points –

Some people, communicating via satellite phones, have described the attack as the “heaviest bombardment yet,” according to independent journalist Sharif Kouddous.

“People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner,” said an unidentified journalist at a Gaza hospital, according to a translation by The Nation’s Palestinian correspondent, Mohammed El-Kurd. “The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on.”


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You know as well as anyone that this has NOTHING to do with Hamas.

Their strategy of indiscriminate bombing would not be the answer if they wanted to kill Hamas only. There's absolutely no regard for civilians here. They're not destroying Hamas. They're eradicating the population of Palestine. Anyone who lives will rightly join Hamas and after this, honestly I can see why.

The Netanyahu government is currently doing an excellent job recruiting for Hamas.

Hamas as an organization will no longer exist. The Israeli government has been exceptionally and adamantly clear about that

Yeah, like taliban?

I wish the US could've penned the Taliban in the way Hamas is penned in.

Man what an absolute slam dunk no-downsides thing that would have been.

Does this mean you strongly support this action, since these groups are roughly equal?

Violence is never solved with more Violence.

Bullshit. You are here existing because of World Wars.

That is, in fact, the only way to stop an ongoing violent act.

You’re both right.

What works is retaliating against the person or group that attacked you.

What doesn’t work, and makes things worse, is “retaliating” against innocent people who didn’t attack you.

So Hamas shouldn't have retaliated against (murdered and kidnapped) innocent people who didn't attack them (babies, the elderly and other Israeli citizens). Did I get it right?

Hamas is part of the problem. Arab countries have confirmed that Hamas is stockpiling food and water and medicine for themselves.

They don't care about the Palestinians. If they did, those goods would be distributed.

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