0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Jellyfin is almost perfect for me, I just need to find out why it decides to randomly transcode when it needs to do nothing when serving client.

13 more...

How do they maintain morale for the remaining troops if they execute their own?

And how would they recruite fresh ones if this will be the possible fate of the troops?

7 more...

How school shooting becomes symbol of America's freedom is beyond comedy.

They learned it from the best teacher, big bro murica.

Ya know, atomic bombs, 20 years of Afghan, Vietcong war blah blah.

7 more...

32 GB memsticks are cheap. Apple is scamming their own fanbois.

Youtube wont die anytime soon

That popular support will never disappear, Hamas is using Muslim vs infidels agenda. You see, that works well to brainwash Muslims worldwide. At no point would they stop cursing Israel and Jew.

Not paying subs for YNAB.

Unless you talk about YNAB4 now that is gold.

Not everything has to follow your agenda. And those who are not agree with your agenda, definitely, not a bigot or transphobic.

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No no we need to see that face so that we are consistently reminded how fucking evil Meta are.

Gmail is a part of Google's subscription plan. It won't.

Acting like broken record is a sign of mentally ill people, though. So don't

Rogue state?

Anything that is not Western enough is rogue to this guy.

There are mistakes being done unintentionally when you develop complex software.

Take my example, Humble showed me Bandai Namco game that I could not even get in a bundle. So out of 10 games, I received 9, while other regions receive 10.

That is even worse than Epic's (probably honest) mistake.

Right, need to show this to Muslims in this country I live in.

Reply with bah, humbug!


Tell that to Muslims and their far left protectors.

Even in China, Windows rules.

If you go to China and ask to build a PC in any shop, they will most likely install Windows by default.

Bullshit. You are here existing because of World Wars.

So what? Stay silent and let the dogs come back to kill more?

The so called muskie haters are the most fanboi of him after all

Clearly this guy has never been living in Muslim world.

Valve has not optimized big library, so me with 4k games and good computer but Steam performs like PoS.

No and no.

The time lock lasts 3 months, not forever.

Spotify has never turned a profit, at least not yearly.

I just ate breakfast and watched the news. It is easy.

Call garbage as garbage. Rushed means no quality, means garbage.

You didnt answer his question. Avoiding it does not make you more right than him.

Oh those invaders country. No expectation from me.

That dog bit and killed the person's family. Fix that sentence.

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Their latest game is garbage tho.

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Meh, it cant even beat China.

Even that Christofacist is still better than Muslim world.

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I am triggered by your chanc e. Please kindly fix the typo. 👻

Even if it was legal and ethical, don't eat far-left's. You'll be so woke you will regret it.

Australia, Japan, South Korea, PH and some others are all America's attack dogs. What can they do without big brother? Lol.

The whole world condems Israel, it is only America's issue.

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You are enjoying your peace through two fucking world wars. Deal with it.

Cannot with military my ass.

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Ask any Jew hypothetical question, do you agree to disband Israel as a country?

Pretty sure they all will say no.

Israel represents all Jews. Full stop.

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