
2 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Kurt Vonnegut. Met him at a Brooklyn farmers market, sitting on a bench. He seemed lonely and talked to me for so long I had to excuse myself.

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There are graduating seniors in high-school this year. That group of unregistered voters needs to be coaxed to register, and vote. They need easy, step by step directions. They need to understand their new power of citizenship. They can be tried as adults. They should know who the sheriff is. They should know its an elected position. They need to learn this shit, and most likely it's not gonna happen in school. Please ticktock or whatever. Make it viral.

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A. Riding a freight train from Midwest to California. 3 day trip, very crazy.

B. Taking a motorcycle trip to a small tribal village in Thailand, smoking bong rips with a Buddhist monk, slaughtering a pig and eating it raw, drinking homemade rice hootch until blacking out. Hiking around drunkenly accidentally ending up in Burma, running away from the Burmese military. Them chasing me until I got back to the village.

C. Getting bitten by a unknown spider in Nicaragua, swollen, blistering boil, feverish, infection. Taking a bus to san salvador, then quezaltenango Guatemala, doctor cutting a blister open and pushing out the puss, excruciating pain. Then after days of it not healing, going to a local hotspring, dunking my arm in steaming hot lithium water, and basically watching the infection fall out in one massive puss ball leaving a gaping hole in my arm.

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They're getting pretty fucking close to literally being Nazis. They condem social welfare, call opponents pedophiles, lie and cheat, are actively trying to disenfranchise voters and dismantle democracy. The GOP has put business interests above human interests at every turn, they use antisemitic dog whistles, use physical violence to attack political opponents, they're anti intellectual on every level, anti immigration, anti ethnic minority. I really don't know where you come off thinking they're not Fascists, but maybe you'd care to elaborate?

I remember the GOP used to be the party of family values and fiscal responsibility. Now they're just obstructionist. What meaningful legislation has GOP introduced that would benefit anyone but their own business interests?

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Don't tell us facts. We've already decided to believe whatever the fuck we want regardless. /s

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!Do it! Do it!

My retirement plan is to die in the climate/water wars or famine or disease. If not then I'll be working till I die. Both are suboptimal choices.

My boomer parents try to help me feel better by reminding me of a social security that will not exist, pension funds that will not exist, and social stability that will not exist. Yay. Thanks.

As a public school teacher, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you!

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Funny because GOP notoriously vote AGAINST banning child marriage.

“If you’re against the Anti-Grooming Bill, you are probably a groomer or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of four 8-year-old children,” wrote Ron DeSantis’s press secretary Christina Pushaw on Twitter.

US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene proclaimed “the Democrats are the party of pedophiles,” adding that "either you are pro-pedophile and pro-transgender biological men or you defend children and women.”

Greene’s comments might be dismissed as the ravings of a crank if the rightwing weren’t united behind her. The moral panic over child porn extends from the lowliest 8chan poster to the halls of the United States Senate. The GOP is tapping into the energy of the QAnon base by repackaging their entire domestic agenda, from education policy to Supreme Court confirmations, as a crusade against pedophilia.

Source: https://www.alternet.org/2022/04/republicans-enemies-pedophiles-stochastic-terrorism

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Whose leader has been Thrice divorced...

God is real. Jesus was a socialist hippy. He preached love, forgiveness, and tolerance. Jesus condemned money traders in the court of the temple. He would be chase by a Lynch mob, called an Arabic terrorists, and probably shot by contemporary Christian conservatives.

What's your point? Please elaborate as to what 'reality' you are referring to. Sounds like you aren't a Christian as much as you are a cult member.

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For me it's become the opposite. I open reddit /all and see twenty adds for joining the US Army, US navy, I see a few posts with 9k comments. I feel bored. I close it and look on lemme and there's always at least as much if not more content, and the sheer mass of it isn't overwhelming to me at all. People are stupid on both platforms, but for me this one has become a less stressful alternative.

The advertising on reddit is quickly getting out of hand.

I remember intellivision. I played pit fall. God damn that makes me feel old

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I don't think you know what Irony means. But I feel like you are the one who the irony is lost on..

John 13:34 Jesus said "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Have you ever actually READ the bible????

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Can you read this? Thank your elementary school teacher for their effort.

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Young people need to register. Help them!

History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.

Care to elaborate?

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I lived in China and don't speak Chinese. I ordered what I thought was a cheese pizza. It turned out to be durian pizza. I tried one slice but gagged after one bite. I put the pizza in the fridge because I'm dumb. One week later I opened the fridge. It was horrible.

I'm technically Stoopid with computer stuff. I teach elementary school.

If I heard "traditional lifestyle" out of context and I had to assume the rest, I'd be thinking about, yeah, living with your family unless married. Most of the people in the world live like this still.

Why do you believe that? I mean, I can understand if you personally don't want to get divorced, but what about other people ? Would you restrict their ability to get divorced because of your personal belief?

Should all people who get divorced and remarried be forced back into their original marriage?

Bro, name a president without blood on their hands.

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US can't win a war and neither can Israel.

So wait, what position of authority are you to be so close to God??? How can I, a humble school teacher, learn to REALLY know God like you do???

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Meditation, study, gardening, self improvement are paid jobs. We've given freedom to those who are able to use it in a responsible manner. Hard labor is a 4 to 5 hour gig that we take turns doing, not because we are forced to, but because we understand the necessity and value of the work. Work is not seen as something we must do to have a house and food, but it is seen as participating in our society.

Compassion, tolerance, and freedom are primal virtues.

Personally I love work, I love the feeling of charity, I love learning how to better myself.

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Charter schools are hell for educators and students don't benefit. The reason why conservatives push for charter schools is because then they don't have to worry about the separation of church and state. Basically they want public schools, but with Christian nationalism. This means they'd strip schools of scientific rigor, tell us Teachers to teach that God made the heavens and earth a couple thousand years ago, people rode dinosaurs like cowboys, and we're all either going to heaven or hell. I have parents who push for this already. Their agenda is more of the same, anti intellectual, Christian nationalism.

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I will never give up my aux.

Justrolledintotheshop is pretty fucking funny too.

How do you know you are not speaking to someone who is a greater authority on the matter than you?

I am literally quoting Jesus christ from the bible. So, wait... You are a greater authority on God than Jesus Christ???

What kind of authority do you claim to be?

And you're calling me arrogant???


I actually don't know what religion you subscribe to at this point, if you don't subscribe to the words in the Bible.

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They should have the right to choose to do what they want.

Wait you are telling me that, at the age of 7 you were ready to make decisions that affect your entire life? If sitting at a desk for 10 years and learning basic life skills for free is abuse and gave you PTSD... As you said... Just how would you feel sitting at a gas station for 40 years, inhaling carcinogen fumes, and living at a very basic level as a result of the decisions you made as a young child? You basically had a bad experience, and I understand. I hated school as well. It's actually why I became a teacher. I don't want to be an abusive dick like my teachers were. But what you are saying is that a young child, who has no basic life skills, should just be able to leave school because it sucks. But the repercussions are that the rest of their life might suck and they're not gonna blame themselves. They're going to blame circumstances. In all honesty, aquiring an education is a privilege, and it is a recent development in society that we universally get a basic education. If it seemed like a horrible experience, well it's behind you. All I am saying is you should have a bit of gratitude for the education you received. If not that, gratitude for the education your mother received, so that she could teach you to read. You seem very intelligent, but you'd not be able to use your intelligence if you didn't have basic literacy.... And consider if your mother, herself, was illiterate and couldn't teach you. Wouldn't school be such a gift?

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He has to spend all his energy suppressing the urge to spank it to gay porn.

The fuck does tendentious mean and how do I even pronounce it?

If you went to a charter school they're just gonna let you go wandering around willy nilly?

I've been a teacher in various countries around the world. Some, mainly third world countries, do just let kids go do whatever if they don't want to learn. These kids usually end up pumping gas, working a cash register, or some other low skill low wage job.

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Does swimming, yoga, biking and gardening count as exercise, or are we strictly taking about big muscle workout?

Here is the context.

If we go private schools I will fully be unable to afford to live with my family in this country. If I start seeing this pushed for I am burning down private schools in the dead of night. They want us broke and dead and to have no choice. Society is supposed to help people live easier. This is absolute bullshit and nefarious.

User adien: 'Private in this context means charter, which is still state funded. Furthermore with more market share there would be enough demand for affordable private schools, as seen in India where government schools are infamous.'

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I'm white, and I went to a HBCU on a minority scholarship. AA works both ways but you're not ready to consider this.

And if you try to tell anyone you were sexually assaulted, be prepared to have your family threatened with violence.

It's a circle.