
21 Post – 494 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who doesn't like pizza?
Detroit style pizza ride or diester.

                                    PIZZA TO THE GRAVE!

What is this country coming to when you can't even go to a production of "Beetlejuice" and jerk your date off a bit while you get your hooters groped? Everyday our traditional American values of vaping indoors and being loud and unpleasant to those around us are being stripped away by cultural Marxists and the nanny state. How are our children going to meet their future husbands as minors at bowling alleys, when said husbands can't even publicly expose their genitalia without fear of the woke mob?

America isn't even half of what it used to be anymore! It's barely even Amer! That isn't even enough to guess the full word without the i, and soon enough we'll lose the r, and then none of us will ever get our tits wrenched in public again!

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Living has gotta be tough when you know Ben Shapiro is updating your Wikifeet entry daily. Keep up the good work AOC. One day Ben will be gone and you'll be able to wear strappy shoes and sandals in peace once again.

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This guy has three kids in college and no fucking bank accounts... Dude, is this guy congress Clarence Thomas? Fuck, it feels like these people are all body snatchers!

edit: a word

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From the article:

“But you know that there are a lot of refugees, a lot of innocent civilians—men, women, and children—in that refugee camp as well, right?” Blitzer asked again.
“This is the tragedy of war, Wolf. We as you know, we’ve been saying for days, move south. Civilians who are not involved with Hamas, please move south.”

Holy shit, Wolf is getting trolled on just as hard as us, but on live TV... I hate the future.

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From the article

Katyal is an MSNBC mainstay who came to prominence as a liberal defender of Republican president Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominees, all of whom will now rule on the case. In recent years, Katyal has helped Nestlé defend itself in a child slavery case before the Supreme Court and represented Johnson & Johnson in its bid to use bankruptcy to block lawsuits from cancer victims.

Modern society needs a way to deal with people who are cartoonishly evil. Maybe we should start trying to drop anvils on them or something...

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This seems more like an example of wrong place wrong time because nowhere in the article does it state that they were specifically targeted. What it does say is that they lived right next to the fence and that they and their neighbors both had safe rooms. To me, when you (and your neighbors) feel the need to build a fortified room to protect yourselves during a potential attack that says this area is potentially very dangerous.

Also, stop conflating the Palestinian people with Hamas. Not all Russians are committing war crimes in Ukraine. Not all Americans stormed the US capital on J6. Not all Saudis were on planes on 9/11. We do not need to further dehumanize ANY of the people who are now suffering through this now and the MANY who are continuing to have suffering brought upon them.

Nobody can excuse attacks on civilian populations for revenge. This goes both ways. And whether or not this poor sweet lady and her husband are still alive, I'm sure she would be equally abhorred that her life's work is being used as an excuse to undo the very thing she worked towards.

Edit: I've been informed all homes in Israel must have safe rooms by law.

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This guy is popping a wheelie right off the starting line. Where in the ever loving fuck do they dig these idiots up at? How is this government? I wouldn't trust this lunatic with a book of matches and somehow he is third in line for the presidency.

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wouldn't Elon be the "cuck" in this scenario, as Mark is taking what was his as he watches intensely?

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So question, can you be anti terrorist and anti Israel?

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Hamas are very much like Visa, they're "everywhere you want to be."

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This worked famously well for Hitler in WWII. Maybe we can just fast forward to the part where he suicides in a bunker?

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This is bad news for Israels current course of action. When the guy who was popular (enough that the current guy could "best friend" his coat tails into office) starts saying this stuff loud enough for everyone to hear, it's intentional. This looks like more subtle public distancing and changing of narrative.

The former president argued that it was important to acknowledge multiple seemingly contradictory truths: Hamas’ actions were “horrific,” but “the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians” were also “unbearable.”
Obama previously spoke out on the conflict, saying in a statement that any actions by Israel that ignore the human cost of the war against Hamas “could ultimately backfire.”

Israel and it's supporters should be sobered by this soft diplomacy. It's very much aimed at them and the timing should make it clear that they are being isolated.

A system that fully accepts environmental realities and works against the wholesale ecocide of the planet as it's first tenet. The rest is kinda whatever at this point. It could be a resource based economy or some sort of mixed planned/free market. Just gotta make sure that invisible hand doesn't strangle us all in our sleep, ya know?

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This is an article about how veteran news man Wolf Blitzer found such logic disgusting. You think swooping in and doubling down is helping disprove that?

"My three kids are gone, my kids, no one is alive," one despondent man named Jabar could be heard saying as his friends tried to console him.
Dr. Atef Al-Kahlot, director of the nearby Indonesian Hospital, said the total number of people wounded and killed is about 400.

What a just and noble war the brave bombs of Israel wage. We can all learn a lot from this I think.

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From the article:

But all Hamouda and Abu Shaban want is for the killing to stop.
“We’ve never seen in this day and age where the whole world is watching innocent people just being torn apart. Families, whole families, just wiped off the map,” Abu Shaban said.
“I want everybody to know that the people of Gaza are just like them, they hurt, they bleed, they have families, they have feelings.”

Until the killing stops, Abu Shaban says his family still reels: “I’m still in this nightmare. I haven’t woken up yet.”


They knew 3 years ago and suggested suing her:

I wonder if that's why this guy turned into a right wing grifter around the same time? Elon Musk did the exact same shit with that flight attendant story.

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Clarence Thomas is one of the more startling examples of the "fuck you, I got mine" generation. How do you go from being in the black panthers to this?

Edit: Grammar

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“But even if that Hamas commander was there amidst all those Palestinian refugees who are in that Jabalya refugee camp, Israel still went ahead and dropped a bomb there attempting to kill this Hamas commander knowing that a lot of innocent civilians—men, women, and children—presumably would be killed?” Blitzer asked. “Is that what I’m hearing?”

Dude, Wolf Blitzer gets it. Don't let yourself seem like the less reasonable party when Wolf Blitzer's involved.

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The ol' "you shot me in the foot so I burnt down your neighborhood and killed your entire extended family" defense. Unbeatable in the court of law.

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I volunteered to fight for leopards and then they ate our faces, says lady in an actual leopard shirt. Are we sure the writers strike ended? This just seems so lazy.

He does have kids!

Mr El-Estal said he had "lost everything" but is hoping his two young children can join him in Dublin.
"I want to take them out, I want word from the government. They are Irish," he told Irish broadcaster RTÉ on Friday.
His children, aged one and four, remain in Gaza with their grandparents, he said.

both of Khalid's children were buried in rubble.

Really hope they make it. Hope everyone makes it.

Narrator: They did.

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I've seen this on vehicles with children in them. Do y'all think they might be pedo abduction wagons? A lot of them had excessive window tint and it could have been to hide the poor kids! I'll pray on this.

Logan Paul is the new spokesperson for Raytheon. The app determined an automatic synergy and decided it was time for you to learn how to buy and sell "shitcoins" and drop $25k on mint quality unopened pokemon booster packs.

It's time to leave your silly Robert and Gareth behind and come join us in the land where showing suicided bodies in a Japanese forest is the new content.

I have nothing helpful to say but being forced to listen to Logan Paul is a flavor of dystopia that even Orwell wasn't cruel or mad enough to imagine. Fingers crossed for you.

Was trying to figure out why imgur just always seems broken now (it's because of my VPN) and as I scrolled past all the reddit results like 1/3 of the answers had been deleted. It brought a tear to this former lurkers eye.

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It was the uncomfortably long soul patch. That's what he did and we deserved it.

Here is reporting from Check Your Fact that the video showing a failed Hamas rocket is from 2022 and has been circulating previously to this event

A video shared on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, allegedly shows a “failed rocket launch” from Hamas that purportedly caused the collapse of a Gaza hospital on Tuesday.

Another video showing a failed rocket launch from Hamas. pic.twitter.com/53zTr5oN0L

— 🇮🇱🌵 Mooning Knight 🌵🇮🇱 (@IsraeliSabra) October 17, 2023

Verdict: False

The video is miscaptioned. It was actually taken in 2022 and is entirely unrelated to the recent attack on a hospital in Gaza.

Fact Check:

At least 500 people are estimated to have been killed from an explosion on the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip Oct. 17, with the cause of the explosion currently unknown, according to Reuters. Thousands of displaced people were sheltering there, and more victims are still being discovered in the rubble, CNN reports.

A video taken at night appears to show a rocket launch that soars into the air before turning sharply and falling on an urban area. “Another video showing a failed rocket launch from Hamas,” the caption reads.

The video was not taken recently, however. It was originally posted on X in August 2022.

כך נראה שיגור כושל של הגי’אהד האיסלמי לתוך הרצועה pic.twitter.com/bVE53OUSUD

— איתי בלומנטל Itay Blumental (@ItayBlumental) August 6, 2022

Translated from Hebrew, the caption reads, “This is how it looks like a failed launch of the Islamic Jihad into the Gaza Strip.” At least 14 Palestinians were killed in August 2022 by Hamas-fired rockets that fell short, according to the Associated Press.

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A career criminal (with chronically bad spray tan) and host of the apprentice managed to do it, and he thinks you need a license to buy bread. I think she could manage and for her to be the first woman president would actually be a meaningful harbinger of change.

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Israel could begin by not bombing internationally recognized medivac convoys an hour ago? Since they're the ones doing all the killing at the moment why don't we start there?

Edit: also, was that you just justifying collective punishment, a literal war crime? It's so common now, I almost completely brushed over it.

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Detroit: Tragedy at Binford Sex Tools show, when speaker Tim "Toolman" Taylor got stuck in one of the new XL Ejacu-Pumper models, whilst demonstrating features to the audience. Eyewitnesses say that while inserted into the machine, Taylor began to mimic riding a bucking bronco. During this animated outburst, Taylor lost his balance, falling backward, and accidentally pulling the refrigerator sized sex appliance down upon himself. In a scene that had played out countless times prior in his life, Taylor lost control of the unit, as it went into what a Binford representative called "overdrive mode."

According to an attendee, who wished to remain anonymous "I heard a noise that day that will haunt me for the rest of my years. I was across the expo hall, and amidst a low rumble of screams came a piercing cacophony of confused cries of pleasure and pain. I don't know quite how to explain it. It was like a wolf, gurgling, grunting and howling all at once. The noise went on for minutes, getting louder and more desperate sounding. When it stopped, I guess that's when his pelvis was crushed."

A public memorial service will be held at Ford field this coming Sunday, prior to the Lions game, with a private burial ceremony to be held later in the week.

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From the article:

Israel has created a “permanent condition” for Palestinians in which “one state ruled by one group of people rules over another group of people.” They argue that it is counterproductive to continue to see Israel-Palestine through a two-state framework, given the Israeli-dominated reality that exists on the ground.

There’s an understandable impression that can come from the coverage of the October 7 attack that Israel and Palestine had been at peace, and now suddenly they’re at war. Was the Israeli occupation peaceful for Palestinians prior to October 7?

An expert who gets it. This article was wonderful. Certainly worth the read! Thank you for posting!

It's so weird to think what will happen to the voices of movements that were widespread and then become fragmented as time goes on. Somehow it feels like the internet never forgets but then what happened to the voices of Occupy? I hope the Fediverse will help in preserving such things with it's decentralized nature. No fuck boy Elons running around deciding what history stays written.

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From the Washington Post:

The Order of St. George, an associated order of the church, issued a statement confirming the strike. “Archbishop Alexios appears to have been located and is alive, but we don’t know if he is injured,” the Order of St. George stated. The blast hit “two church halls where the refugees, including children and babies, were sleeping.”

The IDF claimed responsibility already you dunce. Go back to polishing the next set of boots you plan to lick.

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Watch the video segment on the article till the end "no signs of forced entry or defensive wounds." found a large Israeli flag that appeared to be untouched. This was, as others have said, someone they trusted and that they knew. And in my opinion, it's weird that some people seemingly want it to be otherwise.

If it's not a targeted religious attack doesn't that at least put some kind of silver lining to an otherwise heartbreaking and unthinkable loss?

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The complexity is that Israel (specifically Netanyahu has gone rouge, saying nothing will stop what they are doing) and that is starting to have consequences for Democrats, and the US world image. This, along with Blinkens recent statements, are a subtle way of telling them to stop, without Biden going back on his full support of Israel.

It is the foundations of deniability, so that if the critiques of war crime and genocide come fully to light in the public eye, the US has ground to shift to. Those drones capturing footage over Gaza can quickly be used to support whatever narrative shift the US deems most advantageous. Can the Dems lose support of Arab Americans and their allies? Can/will they lose Jewish support at home if crimes are unmasked and is that number more or less than being on the "right side" of things?

These are likely the questions that are swirling around the White House and State Department as we speak. Time is of the essence, as 2.5 million people are on the verge of succumbing to dehydration and starvation. If those distributions are equal, a heart breaking cataclysm, in the form of a mass casualty event, could occur at any time. 10,000. 100,000. Who knows how many won't be able to be saved even once aid comes through. Medical capacity is needed to reverse these things and none exists any longer. The UN is warning of this.

If it happens, blame will need to be swift to maintain appearances and Israel is running the risk of becoming the "Voldemort" of the Middle East overnight.

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Marvelous things are happening over at Reddit. Spez has locked himself in the company doomsday bunker and told everyone he'll come out once his "real" work friends get there. To watch the brush strokes of the maestro as they shape the future of so many unpaid laborers.

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From the article:

The BBC provided specific locations and dates to the IDF for each of the strikes highlighted in the article.
We asked if these locations had been struck by IDF forces and whether warnings had been given prior to these attacks.
In its response the IDF said it "cannot provide any further information regarding these specific locations".
It said that it had "called on civilians in Gaza to move south for their safety but will continue striking terrorist targets in all parts of Gaza".

Literal terrorism on the part of Israel here.

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It's funny how we all forget that JB ran as a "place holder" candidate to begin with and said he had no desire or intention to run for a second term. The thought was that by now one of the other primary candidates (Klobachar, Harris and Buttigieg) would have gotten tapped and run on Biden's behest. There was clearly a king maker deal cut so that they would all drop out and throw their support behind him to cut off Sanders momentum. They combined this with a media "bombshell" that Clyburn backed Biden over Sanders, after telegraphing support for Sanders previously. This combination of factors was snowballed into a media blitz that never let up and pushed Biden to the top seemingly by just repeating itself ad nauseam.

Still though, the tap for the next in line never came and the old guard stays in place again just by merely having a pulse. Dems have once again squandered full control and couldn't cobble together any protections from a clear and present danger in radicalized right political zealots. We could all argue about the spoilers and that we couldn't re-do the filibuster but I'm sure a couple million could have been back channeled to make that happen. They didn't want it to.

At the knifes edge is exactly where they want us to be and they will take full fascism over even moderate movement toward actual implemented progressive policy. Now they will tell you up and down that they want things like student loan forgiveness or clean energy policy with teeth, but they will never implement it in a way that ensures it's survival. It's just platitudes that are built to fail and "vote for us harder and we'll get it done next time."

I'm so tired of this political system where we've been held hostage for the better part of 2 decades. All the while our hopes for a meaningful America just slips further by and we're powerless to stop it. The only option we're presented is to press a pause button for 4 years so that we can have permission to feel ok until the election starts again in 2 years. I would take a rouge sentient AI resting control of the country and threatening our nuclear destruction, unless we do as were told, over this. At least then it would probably make at least some meaningful strides to correcting the course of our nihilistic self destruction.

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