Israeli Rabbis call on Netanyahu to bomb Gaza hospital to World – 187 points –

The letter posted on Israeli journalist Amit Segal channel to 184,000 followers says that "the nation of Israel will stand up bravery to strike at its enemies," according to a translation of the Hebrew. It goes on to justify targeting sites even "when the enemy hides behind a human shield."


Fuck anyone who uses religion to excuse murder. The world would be a better place without your “gods”.

As Ricky Gervais said, (paraphrasing) do Abrahamic religions believe in any of the hundreds of gods before their one god? Well I don’t believe in just one more.

This comedian is a pretty smart and well spoken fellow

Prejudiced murder is about the only thing religion is good for.

It's important to acknowledge that these rabbis are fucking assholes and also that quite a few rabbis didn't sign this letter (it was signed by dozens of rabbis, which isn't a very large proportion). Religious leaders are people just like the rest of us and while they usually contain a larger proportion of empathic and "good" people... that certainly isn't a universal rule (Source: grew up in Boston in the 90s).

I hope their congregations see them for the assholes they are and kick them to the fucking curb.

Quite a lot of palestinians aren't murderous terrorists either, but somehow they're getting bombed regardless.

Yes, I read a report of a rabbi asking Biden for a ceasefire. This only comes to prove that we should try not to generalise people and that there are rotten apples in every nation!

2 more...

Israel hates hospitals and wants to bomb them. US supports Israel because fuck healthcare.

Healthcare infrastructure is clearly where all the socialists and dope smokers are hanging out.

That's not very pious of them.

Sometimes a pat on the back from god is all you need to keep committing war crimes. Chosen people choosing people.

Half of the Old Testament is just the ancient Israelites going around and committing war crimes. Numbers and Joshua are particularly bad. Like the battle of Jericho, where they killed every human, ox, sheep, and donkey in the city and then wrote a kid's song about it

Chosen people choosing people. kill.
Why is the US supporting a country that's fighting a religious war?

I don't care what people believe but when they implement those beliefs to harm others, that's wrong.

I don't care what people believe

I used to take this stance too, but then I heard Matt Dillahunty say something that really stuck with me (paraphrasing here):

Beliefs matter because it is the beliefs that inform our actions, and it is our actions that shape the world we all have to live within.

Once I heard that I decided I was no longer just an atheist, but was profoundly ANTI-theist. There is absolutely no chance that there can be broad adoption of a secular humanist social philosophy as long as there is political control being asserted via religious institutions.

It will never happen, full stop. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves, and either unintentionally enabling or directly supporting the continued mass delusions of large swaths of the human population. It is imperative that this not be allowed to continue for the survival of our species. It is that fucking serious in my opinion.

Why is the US supporting a country that’s fighting a religious war?

Continuing national traditions!

Actually, it's probably quite pious of them. Old Testament God was not really one for mercy and was pretty big on obliterating your foes.

There's a part in there about a king asking someone to bring him 400 or some foreskins to prove he was a mighty warrior.

Like just straight up "go kill hundreds of non Jewish people and chop off the tip of their dicks as a flex".

Every single Abrahmic religion started out as a violent cult that wanted to extreminate everyone else one, and every one of those religions still have right wing extremists that think those were the good ole days. And they all want to say criticizing their lust for violence is bigotry against all of their religion

Proof once again that church and state should be kept far, far away from one another.

Newsweek is getting to the front page way too fucking much. And the community is eating it up like it's a reliable source.

Another religion of peace. Judaism. Why are all abrahamic religions such a scourge on this planet?

Well dharmic religions aren't peachy either. Have you seen what Buddhists are doing to Rohingya in Myanmar? They just lack Israel's military might but they are on par in terms of brutality.

As i understood it from the reading of the bible, the god of Moses and Abraham is kind of a violent prick, this is all well in alignment with biblical old testament god; just lay waste to anyone who has slighted Yahweh's chosen people. To answer somewhat literally: To be disgusted by this you must first reject that narrative which is currently taught as foundational to the bible

And if you don’t support it, you’re an antisemite apparently.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

An Israeli journalist has shared a letter he says has been signed by dozens of rabbis which states there would be no religious prohibition for Israel's forces to strike a hospital that contained "the enemy."

The missive, posted on Monday on the Telegram channel of prominent media figure Amit Segal, is addressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and mentions by name the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City which is the strip's largest medical complex.

Israel has sent its forces into Hamas-controlled Gaza following weeks of air and artillery strikes and has vowed to wipe out Hamas amid a growing civilian death toll and desperate humanitarian crisis as food, fuel, drinking water and medicine run short.

Israel has said that key Hamas operations are taking place within underground tunnels below Al-Shifa, Gaza's largest hospital, as well as Al-Quds, which has been explicitly ordered several times to evacuate.

But the World Health Organization Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said that under international humanitarian law, "healthcare must always be protected," as he urged Israel to rescind its evacuation order against Al-Quds Hospital.

Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor, told the outlet Democracy Now in an article published on Monday that in the 16 years he had worked on and off at Al-Shifa hospital, he had seen no evidence that it was a Hamas command center.

The original article contains 475 words, the summary contains 224 words. Saved 53%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

US Troops had this same dilemma during WWII. Germans housed in hospitals and churches had to be removed. They were and sometimes at high cost.

If there really is a military command center built beneath a hospital? Yeah, sure. And you should blame the people who put it there.

It is really weird to see some of the commentators get riled up about the Hamas Israel war, while being completely UNTOUCHED for instance by the war in Syria.

What exactly makes the Hamas Israel war different for you?

Is it, because it flamed up just recently?

Is it, because you are personally involved somehow because of friends / family?

Have you always had strong beliefs for/against Israel?

Something else?

whataboutism much?

I am honestly interested what makes this war different.

You want to know the difference between a (arab spring) civil war against a self imposed monarchy and a campaign of retribution genocide that is attempting to push an enclosed majority civilian population into a neighboring country under threat of annihilation?


You always talk about Geneva Conventions / International Humanitarian Law: If someone hides behind civilians, even in hospitals, then that building is a legitimate target. This IS actual International Humanitarian Law.

Even if you don’t like it.

And you are on almost every single post saying some of the most deranged shit on all of Lemmy about this conflict.

Every day I know I'm going to see something from you that is going to up the ante on justifying human suffering so you can get your rocks off.

Then block me - it is as easy as that to stay in your echo chamber.

You conveniently forget that Hamas brought all those deaths on the Palestinian civilians. Hamas NEEDS all those pictures and videos of dead civilians, so they chose to put their launch sites/storages/command centers in or near civilian buildings - and of course they dress like civilians.

You seem to know exactly what a morally upright person like yourself would do, if it was in Israel’s shoes. So tell us: What would YOU personally do, to stop the still constant terror attacks by Hamas and also to free the hostages?

Someone call @dumdum666 a whaaa-mbulance, so he can go get all that pro-genocide crying checked out. Please do make sure to consult which hospital is a safe/non-military target before the driver leaves though. Otherwise things could get awkward...

… writes the armchair activist, probably from an US american suburb, that condones Hamas Terror attacks against civilians, as long as they are Israelis.

So maybe you should come to the Hospital as well?

We don't use the hospital here for different reasons. If I'm an armchair activist then what are you?

What I am? Someone that is quite intolerant of Intolerance and Hate. Of which you are spreading quite a lot.

I'm not the one excusing civilian murders pal. How am I spreading hate?

Maybe you should also check your karma, speaking lots who's the more sane human being in this case. A bit of self reflection would do wonders.

Why don't you try to put yourself in the shoes of a regular Palestinian for a change. Living in a makeshift tent with 20 more people, having to struggle each day to find water and food and every day this challenge becomes more difficult. Knowing perfectly well that every day can be your last day. Not having access to electricity and the Internet. Your kids traumatised asking you when all this bombing would stop and unable to give them an answer. Every day some of your friends, and acquaintances are dying or are being injured. You lost the roof over your head, your house has been destroyed by Israelian bombardment, with all your belongings lost, apart of one suitcase for you, your life and the children.

So honestly tell me, would you still defend Israel in this case? Because if you say yes, you would only prove what a hypocrite you are! Because there isn't a single human being on this planet who won't feel utterly miserable and desperate!

If both sides are interested in stopping the shit they'll both support a ceasefire. How do governments communicate again? I always forget

from the article:

Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor, told the outlet Democracy Now in an article published on Monday that in the 16 years he had worked on and off at Al-Shifa hospital, he had seen no evidence that it was a Hamas command center.
He said that if as Israel claims, it is a mixed military-civilian target, "the civilian precautions take priority over the military. So, in accordance with the Geneva Convention, you can't bomb hospitals, unless they have very clear military functions."

I just call things murder and war crimes. As @Riccosuave pointed out, you seem much more concerned with trying to justify these actions. Please do let the doctor in that hospital know as well so he can plan his (military?) funeral accordingly.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I know, I've been trying to help you.

Maybe you should begin by helping yourself? My little hatemonger 😘

I already told you I go to therapy. I'm unashamed for that as anyone should be.

I like that you've given me a pet name but it just feels forced and inorganic. Like if we went to a party together and you said it, I don't know if I would get that your talking to me. Can we workshop it and then we'll do yours?

That applies if it is two nations engaged at war. Israel is at war with the terrorist group Hamas, not the state of Palestine.