
1 Post – 386 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The whataboutism in the comments is really appalling. Some of you are directly condoning the killing of all those civilians because „Israel had it coming“. If you are like that - you are a disgusting human being. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Edit: Shani Louk is allegedly alive in a Gaza Hospital.

They even killed them - and paraded a dead woman’s naked body around


The murdering of foreign civilians exposes the Hamas claims of only targeting „occupiers“ as a lie. They went on a murdering spree.

I agree with you, this will cost them a lot of international support.

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What do they mean with „he goes full Maga“ …. Putin probably co-invented it in the first place

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How boring American politics once were… even most scandals…

The geoconfirmed link in your article (to x) actually claims the opposite of what you are claiming it does:

„ Conclusion:

A missile launched by a Palestinian group exploded mid-air (Reason unknown) and one piece fell on the hospital causing an explosion.

The geolocation and timing of the footage is conclusive.„

I guess this is supposed to stop you guys from buying stuff in USD, right?

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Why are these people so obsessed about sex and moreover want to control sex for other people? They should seek therapy.

Interesting that Chinese „Opinion Makers“ now decide to pitch for Hamas.

That news site is considered fake news by MBFC: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fake-news/

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Not true - you do not get infinite sick days

You get your regular salary for up to 6 weeks, after that there is a steep drop in pay - since you receive „sick pay“ then. After 72 weeks sick pay ends. Then you might be eligible for social security.

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Crosspost Comment from another related news article:

Don’t tell me that Hamas didn’t know how Israel would react. To keep the hate flowing is the goal of all extremists.

Edit: That Netanyahu openly admitted to support Hamas on some occasions, shows that Hamas AND Netanjahu want each other as permanent enemies: https://kbin.social/m/worldnews@lemmy.ml/t/526488/Anyone-who-wants-to-thwart-the-establishment-of-a-Palestinian

Since many of you seem to think of themselves as having viable solutions for the Israel/Palestine conflict- go ahead: Tell us how Israel should act after this Terrorist Attack.

Please refrain from bad faith arguments and stuff like „Israel should dissolve itself“ (because you and I know, that’s not going to happen)

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I really don’t understand the way the US works in regards to „bought“ sex… on the one hand prostitution is illegal (with the exception of Las Vegas parts of Nevada) and as soon as you point a camera on the paid fucking it is called PORN and it is still a multi billion dollar industry.

You guys are weird

Edit: changed the Las Vegas part

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Yeah! Who would we become if we would condemn terror organizations?

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Yeah - we should be glad that weapons technology actually evolved to a point, where carpet fire bombings of cities like Dresden or Hamburg (WW2) are a thing of the past.

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Many of the Comments I had to read on Lemmy.ml were like „Israelian Civilians deserved that Terror attack“ so make of that what you like.

I envy you guys in the US for having this woman as one of your politicians

My personal opinion: The public prosecutor’s want to fuck Baldwin hard because he impersonated Trump in several mock speeches

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GDP is an especially bad measure if a country can just print additional money, like russia can, and pay domestic actors with it. Printing money expands the GDP.

So whoever wrote this Propaganda piece doesn’t understand basics or purposefully hides them.

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So Reality and Facts have a strong Anti Russian bias? Who would have thought.

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Those attacks are disgusting and Israel has to do everything to stop them

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Yeah… according to Al Jazeera every bit of Information issued by Israel has to be viewed sceptically while on the other hand they had no problem at all to publish Informations by a terrorist organization without asking any questions.

If you search somewhat neutral information about the Middle East - this is not the News Outlet for you.

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Well it runs - just not as fast as you want. I personally would never want to play those competitive shooters that need pixel perfect aim on a handheld console… but that’s just me.

His point was, that the UN guy didn’t resign because of the Hamas Israel war. The UN Guy announced in march 2023 that he was going to retire - and now he finally did it. The way the „source“ paints it, that it was because of the war. This is just Disinformation.

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How the fuck are all those drugs getting in short supply? It’s not just ADHD drugs but also drugs for Diabetics, Cancer and other diseases. What is going on?

Dr Andrew Hill, a senior visiting research fellow in the department of pharmacology and therapeutics at the University of Liverpool, said the problem lay in how medicines were sourced.

I am not from the UK but we in Germany have pretty much the same problems. Are those suppliers from India//China keeping „the West“ in short supply on purpose?

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Stop trying to convince MAGAs - they won’t change their mind. Actually ignore them as good as possible.

Try to activate all those people that do not vote. This is the most important thing to do.

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Humble Bundles stopped being good quite a long time ago… I am actually surprised they survived this long

Okay I actually made the effort to listen to the Audio and took a look at those photos.

The two men in the audio recording are talking about a misfire that happened directly behind the hospital - from a nearby cemetery to be exact.


On the other hand you attached a picture that shows a rocket launch site that is quite a long way from the Hospital - or is this the cemetery those men in the voice recording were talking about?


Are you sure that this is the right picture?

It weirds me out how many people want to get a brain implant done by a company of this guy

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You guys in the US are using up way too much of your groundwater for farming in scorching hot areas like Arizona and Texas even without the Saudis. Isn’t there enough farmland in states with a less hostile climate?

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He also explained why it was ok in his opinion to attack and kill civilians: because the citizens of the US voted for their government and therefore it’s policies… by that standard it would be completely ok if Israel started killing civilians ON PURPOSE because Hamas is Gaza‘s government.

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So I wasn’t the only one who suspects trump being the Antichrist?

I was convinced when I saw that massive golden Statue the evangelicals created of him…

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The rich also had no problem to fund Hitler - they thought they could control him - you all know how that turned out…

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I bought the game when it was released but actually haven’t really played it yet. I just wanted to support this type of game because the gaming world needs more games that provide extremely high replay value and are complex at the same time.

Then why not use NPR as a source?

What does that have to do with beer?

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The „it was never turned on“ doesn’t add up: It was reported that the Ukrainian drones washed „harmlessly“ ashore, when Starlink didn’t work. Why would anyone with even half a brain put rather expensive Drones into the water if you cannot control them in the first place?

Okay I actually made the effort to listen to the Audio and took a look at those photos.

The two men in the audio recording are talking about a misfire that happened directly behind the hospital - from a nearby cemetery to be exact.


On the other hand there is a picture attached that shows a rocket launch site that is quite a long way from the Hospital - or is this the cemetery those men in the voice recording were talking about?


It does not seem to be the right picture…

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Turn down your hate a notch - as others have already said: it is not „the Palestinians“ - it is Hamas

The European commission never was part of the solution but the problem. They just enjoy that the US can do the spying on EU citizens FOR them, while pretending that they wouldn’t install that kind of surveillance in Europe if they could.

If this is something you don’t want for the EU, maybe you should support NOYB


I really hate all those Hamas apologists that swarm Lemmy.

So when will an official apology about this get issued? Never? Yeah, didn’t think so either.

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