Israeli settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory to World – 202 points –
‘The most successful land-grab strategy since 1967’ as settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory

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Those attacks are disgusting and Israel has to do everything to stop them

Yeah, I don’t think Israel is going to stop them since supporting settlers’ illegal actions and annexing the West Bank is literally the main policy goals of the Israeli right.

Israel: "I take all the palestinian territory and kick out Palestinian residents"

Palestine: "We are going to war against you and shoot rockets at you"

Israel: "I must defend myself from these unjust and unprovoked attacks"

Authors note: I don't condone the attacks from Hamas, but Israel kinda pushed them to that point. Fuck both sides.

I'm picturing Willy Wonka trying to stop the kids.

No.. Stop.. Don't..

Lol Israel supports this shit. Israel being the zionist and far-right government who want a theocratic ethostate