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Joined 9 months ago

I for one applaud Rockstar for going open source. So progressive and insightful of them.

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Lol please do

Introducing: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, HAITI, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines, Grenada, The Dominican Republic, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia.

To name a few of where the US 'intervened' to uphold some cunt dictator or put one of their own in, or just to fuck shit up, or to claim resources, or some other bullshit. Israel has been on that list for a very long time as well. We're only 'seeing' it now because we don't usually see the billions in funding and the weapon shipments. But they've always been there.

Just seeing how many hospitals the US has blown up. And they still parade Kissinger around like he isn't the grim reaper who ordered the comprehensive bombing and poisoning and destruction of countless countries.

Fuck the US and fuck Israel.

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It feels like a bit of 'old internet' died with him, where he's always been an internet optimist and someone who has lived through basically all of it. He stuck to his principles through all of it. And I guess that has become a rarified breed.

Him taking a step back feels like a bit of that old internet of the curiosity, community and creativity of the early days of the internet go with him. Mind you he's not going anywhere except the people he cares about and I completely understand the choice he made, and I only wish the best for him, so this is just me attempting to explain why it feels so confronting and kind of sad. For me it goes beyond 'oh there just won't be anymore of those videos then', which I can live with although it would be sad to see those go. It's his personality that has, through the entire history of youtube and the many, many changes it went through, stuck to the principles of its first ever users. Be curious, be authentic, and generally just try shit out and see if it works.

I'm sure that core of the personality he showed on screen will never really go away, other people will carry that torch. But it's ok to be a little sad to see someone wave off like this. It shows us all how much we enjoyed it all these years.

Also as a MINOR sidenote on the meme, he never refused to explain, you couldn't stop this man from explaining if you tried lol

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It's kind of shitty to 'out' someone like this on a tv program. If they liked doing cocaine that's their business. But I also know that's the point of the program probably.

I hope she got help with her nose though.

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Especially non-white youth. These 'rules' are designed specifically as a bludgeon to use against poc.

This spread is pathetic. All the evidence they supposedly have is pathetic. This is supposed to be 'THE headquarters of the Al-Aqsa brigade'.

And all they have is... like 12 AKs, some ammo and, oh no, wd40.

It's utterly deranged how Israel thinks this shit will fly. Hell, even the Jerusalem Post is saying it's all rather pathetic lol.

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When your ancestors have been targetted, racialized, abused and enslaved for centuries and the effects of that are still felt to this day, and when you are still being racialized and abused because of the colour of your skin and your heritage, you feel like you have nothing to be proud of. The world is telling you you don't matter, that 'your kind' deserves it.

THAT'S why POC are so adament about being proud. Because when a racist tells them they're worth nothing, and when the world tells them they're nothing, they need to rely on themselves and their community.

Being proud is resistance. Against all the shit that has been done to POC, and the shit that is still being done today.

White pride is not resistance, other than resistance to the idea of black pride taking over from a centuries old status quo where white people were the only ones who 'mattered'. You're not resisting anything with 'white pride'. You're taking away voices and dignity of POC.

It's no wonder the only people who unironically say 'white pride' are fucking nazis. That should inform anyone about the whole concept of it. Don't weaponize your whiteness.

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The race is on. Bitch.

You haven't been on the internet recently have you

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It's so cool how people who support a genocide will just straight up tell you like this.

Me with most Google projects

Cool! Then don't!

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This is such a good way of putting it. Yes it's fucked up, but man it's also funny as shit.

They really bring out his ass ok y'all just don't know what sexy means

'Sounds like communism'

Show me people who don't know what communism, Alex

Like kick nazis off his platform. He's committed to being the worst possible bussinessman

There is no war in the west bank. They are involved in a drastic increase of settler violence, colonialist land grabs, judicial violence and ecocide. Behaviour that has been observed for decades and that has seen a significant increase even before the Gaza strip war, and has seen an outright explosion following Israel's increase of wanton and indiscriminate violence in Gaza perpetrated by the IDF.

All of this violence in the west bank has been thoroughly documented by HRW and B'Tselem. The Israeli settler's and the IDF's behaviour is decidedly not a consequence of 'the war', and any claim made as such fails to take into account that this behaviour has seen an upwards trend for a decade at least, and is therefore merely a continuation, albeit a stark increase.

We don't know if he has trash can elections or not

Dude they found like 12 aks and a can of wd40 lmao, it's an active warzone of course there's going to be weapons.

Go say that to the premature babies that are dying as of right now.

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'Prevents you from moving'

Buddy I can walk just fine but if you ask my hypermobile and asthmatic ass to run, I'm just not going to. I can't. My legs and lungs are fucked up. Guess I don't get the extra bonus, oh well. Sucks.

If you're heavy, running can be a real challenge. 'Promoting fitness' isn't done through a braindead scheme like this. Not for people who need guidance and help to get into a body shape they can be happy and healthy in.

You know who will get the extra bonus? Healthy people who are able to run, and who have no health conditions to begin with.

You are really, really underestimating the range of disabilities people can have while they can still function at their jobs. And how this braindead scheme excludes people for things outside of their control.

And also, 'not be a slob'. Am I a slob because I can't just run a mile? You take my legs that bend like a silly straw and my lungs that collapse in on themselves and feel like they're filled with cat litter that is on fire, and see if you run a mile.

Jfc calling us slobs. Go fuck yourself.

Are you surprised that he's becoming a nazi out of sheer braindead convenience, having been caught in the web spun by big oil companies who support people like Ben Shapiro and other ghouls in an effort to destabilize the world so they can go on poisoning it. Which in turn coddles these braindead narcicists because they were raised so intensely sheltered that they almost kill themselves when an audience boos at them?

Because I'm not really surprised. This was actually rather expected.

'I allow them to just exist between whipping and beating them, isn't that enough?!'

comparing humans to bacteria in a pro colonialism post

Yeah checks out

How about you go swim in rubbing alcohol if you're such a bacterium. Have fun.

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I saw their ad for their printer ink that is apparently chipped to stop People from buying third party ink.

They presented it as a means to 'prevent fraud' and to 'protect your business'

From what

From people not buying your overpriced junk? How does you adding what is basically a drm at this point help the consumer combat 'fraud'?!

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Give us the source for the implants cats, pilgrim

'My free speech' absolutist

Haiti that was told that if they - the formerly enslaved people who liberated themselves- wanted to be recognized as an independent nation by any other country including the US, they had to pay damages for 'loss of property' to the French.

The property being themselves. See, the poor slavers had lost property and now they're so sad and poor and destitute. By liberating themselves they had deprived the slave owners who beat them and killed them, abused and raped them, who tore families and bodies apart and had them toil in the fields until they dropped dead of exhaustion or disease, of 'property'. The only thing these slavers deserved was a slow and painful death, not compensation for their 'losses'.

Thanks, US, for upholding THAT legacy among others as well. You fucking assholes.

He said that he tried to kill her... to police....

He's not helping his case...

It already has happened and is actively happening as we speak, with weapons, money and intel from the US.

And with US knowledge and permission. This is window dressing to cover for nazis like Netanyahu

Not anymore, they're rolling this out in separate swaths. so if you haven't seen it, it just means you'll get to wait a little longer.

> >no longer works > FF+UB does work with the instructions you can find on reddit.com/r/ublockorigin < no longer works <

Edit: Freetube works on pc, and F-droid and NewPipe works on Android

As someone who had to make headlines for a while: yes. This says absolutely nothing and only serves to confuse. A good headline informs and sparks interest. This does the exact opposite of both lol

Is it raising awareness tho? Seems like a copout for someone who just pockets the money after they exploited people's lower than lowest points.

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And also it's Russia, and Putin's Russia at that. Does this mean he's not just gonna put them on the frontlines anyway, or some backline infantry units. Unfit doesn't mean you can't just give them a gun and tell them where to shoot.

I do that all the time with ff?

I feel like the company should've seen this coming a mile away. Lindell's a crook, of course he's not gonna pay shit lmao

LPL mentions Covert Instruments once in his 1 minute video

Day ruined

pants shit in

As if 'very extreme right' (not a thing, they're nazis. The word is nazis) isn't like. Bad. Like apparently that's a respectable position for the simple idea that it is on a 'scale'?

And yes, fully agree. Even if there was a 'scale' (this is debateable) they crossed that line waaaaaaay long ago. Like 2016, maybe even before.

Reason why Netanyahu is such a cunt is because he's still miffed that he had to miss out on the good old days when his inspirations still bombed left and right

Calendar? Hostage.

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