Scores killed in Israeli air strikes on families fleeing northern Gaza to World – 307 points –
Scores killed in Israeli air strikes on families fleeing northern Gaza

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Introducing: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, HAITI, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines, Grenada, The Dominican Republic, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia.

To name a few of where the US 'intervened' to uphold some cunt dictator or put one of their own in, or just to fuck shit up, or to claim resources, or some other bullshit. Israel has been on that list for a very long time as well. We're only 'seeing' it now because we don't usually see the billions in funding and the weapon shipments. But they've always been there.

Just seeing how many hospitals the US has blown up. And they still parade Kissinger around like he isn't the grim reaper who ordered the comprehensive bombing and poisoning and destruction of countless countries.

Fuck the US and fuck Israel.

Haiti that was told that if they - the formerly enslaved people who liberated themselves- wanted to be recognized as an independent nation by any other country including the US, they had to pay damages for 'loss of property' to the French.

The property being themselves. See, the poor slavers had lost property and now they're so sad and poor and destitute. By liberating themselves they had deprived the slave owners who beat them and killed them, abused and raped them, who tore families and bodies apart and had them toil in the fields until they dropped dead of exhaustion or disease, of 'property'. The only thing these slavers deserved was a slow and painful death, not compensation for their 'losses'.

Thanks, US, for upholding THAT legacy among others as well. You fucking assholes.

Chile. The Kingdom of Hawaii. Russia. Few more Mexico’s in there too. Which we look to be trying to do again!

Yep absolutely. America's support of the tsarist troops and using gas in that whole ordeal.