85 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They will give the poor credit, buy now pay later, till there is nothing left to squeeze out of them/us.

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I like the lists of Billionaires, they will be handy come the revolution.

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Religion and the fear of "woke" things being taught to their children like evolution, sex education, history,science.....

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We are so fucked unless we force "all" the big corporations to pay for the pollution they caused while making trillions in profit over the decades they polluted and hid the scientific knowledge showing climate change. And even then,if we stop polluting right now, we still might not Make it as a civilisation.

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I am using Ublock and sponsor block,so far no adverts but it is always good to have more tools,just in case.Thank you for the links :)

The Pacific Ocean is massive and if a ship turns off its transponder it is invisible unless you have satellites in your game. Ships can easily disappear in the Pacific even with modern search and rescues when people really really want to find a ship[ in trouble, they sometimes can't. I have a friend that sails those waters and there are endless small islands, often uninhabited where he stays in small bays and inlets.

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We could not afford to keep him. We got so attached to him and his littermates.His mum had them secretly under a hedge and tuned up with them at the back door. They were pretty feral to start with. But not Kevin, he just marched in behind his mum,found the food and sofa and behaved as if he was born to it. It took us weeks to tame the others, but eventually they were ready to be homed. They are spaced across all our neighbours and Kevin often waits on the garden wall for his mum to come out. I miss them, but the money paid for his mum to be fixed, vaccinated and has a better life now. Sometimes love means letting them go.

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They said that last time it was a "tragic accident" so what was it this time?

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Nothing strange about the islands apart from him raving about the stunning beaches, waterfalls, and colorful wildlife. He once found a bale of weed, he kept it and never returned to that particular island. The strange stories he has all occurred out on the ocean. Swimming in bioluminescent water. A massive shape nearly 100m long surfaced his bow in the middle of the night and paced him for hours. It turned out to be a sub.
He has many stories about the ocean, he is convinced he saw UFOs, not necessarily aliens but definitely unidentified and very unusual crafts and he saw them go into the water. I believe him, he is not the type to be into conspiracies or make things up. He embellishes his stories a little but that is just him being a good storyteller. He was in the military and navy for 40 years so he knows the ocean well. The Pacific Ocean is an enormous space, there are military outposts but due to its size, they are few and far between. The Arctic is much much more surveilled due to all the big countries wanting a piece of it and with climate change opening the Bering Strait, this becomes very valuable. Good luck with your game, may it fare well and be profitable to you.

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Yeah, I just finished reading and I don't understand why the world is not acting. Why can Israel act with impunity. The Western nations have clearly shown that the rules are different for non-white people and that their lives are not as valuable. The hypocrisy is shameful. These are people with dreams and hopes just like us. The language used by the government, describing Palestinians as vermin and animals emboldens the settlers. There seem to be few repercussions for killing a Palestinian, if any. Israel keeps saying ups this was a mistake and ups we bulldozed entire villages and ups, a mass grave. They say they will investigate but when they do, they find no wrong doing or just a misdemeanour or an error. The whole situation is a clusterfuck, any other country would be sanctioned at the least, and ostracised. And why are the other Arab nations not helping Palestine more? I understand the situation is complicated, but there are many diplomatic measures to put pressure on Israel without getting involved in the fighting.

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Yes that appears to be the case...

Sorry about that,I am still learning my way around the federated universe :)

Yes, many countries have sent food, but Israel has been throttling the supply by not letting trucks through at the crossings. Hence, the air drops and trying to build a pier.

There are browser extensions that let you bypass paywalls or you can read an archived version. there are more tips here :

The only correct answer, the past, was the worst. I like having antibiotics, not dying in childbirth, hot running water e.t.

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Being able to put the heating on for the days of Christmas would be nice. It is very cold.

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Where can I get Nose cancelling headphones? I could do with some dog is old, and his farts are a biological weapon.

I have a pure bred Main Coon, and she came from a shelter. She has never been sick or had any health problems, she is 14 now. I agree with the folk here, adopt from a shelter or if you really like a particular breed, then there are specialised breed rescues. They rehome pure breeds ,but like many others already said they tend to have health problems though it differs from breed to breed just like in dogs. You really need to make your question more detailed. What are your living arrangements? Will it be an indoor cat or will it be able to go outside? Do you live in a city or are you rural? Do you want a very affectionate cat that is vocal, or prefer a more self-sufficient one? How many hours are you at home? Do you want a longhair or short hair? Do you have time to groom a long hair cat? Have you considered the cost of food, flea drops, wormer, vaccinations and holiday cover? Cats are wonderful and easy to live with.90% of the time you need to do nothing but the other 10% are important and if done well will make living with a cat a doddle.


Proton mail is excellent and comes with a decent VPN that is free for personal use.

It's not just the memes.I used to hang out in several political and news subs and it is dire.

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It looks like Netanyahu is trying to draw other countries into the war. The longer he can keep it going, the longer he has to try to shore up his position. Once the war is over, so is Netanyahu.

Swiss Cow is down as well it sees.

Same in the UK, saying anything even vaguely negative about Israel can get you into trouble.I wish we could have open and fair discussions, How will we ever end wars if we can not even Communicate?

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uBlock Origin,Ghostery, Bitwarden and sponsorblock

Plus all the people under the rubble.

Biblically, demons are simply fallen angels.

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Oh, magic is real, alright. I love science, but am also not very smart. I left school at 16. But despite that I have continued to follow and learn to the best of my abilities. And there have been so many things over the last 40 years but anything with the word quantum in it looks like black magic to me.

"Some reported Israeli soldiers firing at them and said they passed bodies strewn alongside the road."

homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy Oh, my I think this is the best sentence I have read in a long time, and I now need to figure out how to work it into a conversation lol

Both of those are good but old songs, I think OP was wondering where the current protest music is.

Just use a VPN , ProtonMail have a VPN and the basic level is free and works very well at getting around geo locked sites. I use Mullvad, another VPN that is affordable at £5 a month.

Thank you, that was fascinating. Especially the part about how trauma goes through generations.

I imagine Ukraine's resistance would become objectively horrible if the Russians were still there after decades, claiming more and more land, bulldozing homes and creating an Apartheid. I once watched a documentary about Palestine (one of many) and the documentary maker was talking to a Palestinian woman while children were playing in the background. The children were playing a game of being suicide bombers. The reporter asked the woman about the children's game. She said that t the children had no hope for the future, their only hope for a better life was after death.

That really stuck with me. The Palestinian people have been treated like animals for generations by Israel, lied to, robbed, kept in poverty and forced to live in apartheid. I am not surprised they are fighting back. Yes, HAMAS are definitely bad guys too, but Israel is worse and till they are held to account over their behaviour and made to return Palestinian land and homes that have been illegally annexed ,things will not get better.

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paywalled :(

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You clearly didn't read the article and read only the headline.

It's paywalled.

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