You must pick a point in human history before the 1950s to be spend the rest of your life in. What era and place would you choose? to – 78 points –

You would still have the same age, gender, personality, skin color, etc. and you would be able to speak at least one local language and would know basic information of the era and place. Your family, social standing, and such would be randomly picked.


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The only correct answer, the past, was the worst. I like having antibiotics, not dying in childbirth, hot running water e.t.

Can always take the knowledge with you. Memorize how to do critical parts of plumbing. The antibiotics part yeah that would suck.

Memorize how to do critical parts of plumbing

Ok, we need to go to the store and buy some pipes.

What are pipes?

Oh. I think I fucked up.

Come on, obviously they knew what pipes were in the 1940s. They are cylinders made of lead.

You could probably memorise how to identify the right fungus and isolate penicillin, right?

Exactly. Although a person can really only retain so much info, but yeah if you can figure out how to memorize both anti biotics and plumbing you'd be a very popular person and potentially be an excellent leader.

Yeah, antibiotics is a big one. Plus, some of my skills might actually still be useful in the 40s.

But life did suck in a lot of places for a lot of people in the 40s. WW2, the devastation left behind by WW2, and horrible social attitudes. Good luck in 'the west' if you're not a straight white cis man.