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Who would’ve thought? This isn’t going to fly with the EU.

Article 5.3 of the Digital Markets Act (DMA): “The gatekeeper shall not prevent business users from offering the same products or services to end users through third-party online intermediation services or through their own direct online sales channel at prices or conditions that are different from those offered through the online intermediation services of the gatekeeper.”

Apple has an annual legal budget of approximately infinity dollars. I assure you they are aware of this and they believe they are in compliance, even if just barely.

If challenged, they will have no problem fighting it — they have nearly as much cash on hand as the entire EU budget.

I hope the EU challenges this, and I hope the EU wins, but Apple isn’t going to be surprised by whatever happens.

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The Fisker Ocean has solar panels on its roof. It can add 4 or 5 miles a day if fully exposed to the sun.

Not enough to matter. It’s a gimmick.

If you don’t have an EV, you may think that EV owners are worried about range, and they’d welcome any increase. I have not found this to be true.

It’s more like having a car that starts every day with a full tank. You’re never going to burn through that in a single day. Pretty soon you don’t care about range, efficiency, or pay much attention to the battery meter. It only matters if you’re on a road trip, which for me is a couple times a year.

I would not want to give up a nice full-roof sunroof for a few extra miles a day.

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Brave is a nice browser but I’m not going to trust crypto bros with my privacy.

NASA does this. Looking at the metadata from last year’s moon orbiter photos (like this one), it was shot on a GoPro HERO4 Black. Here NASA scientists talk about the cameras on that mission.

It’s an old federated message board system. Message boards are called “newsgroups “. It predates the web so it’s usually accessed via a special client app. To use it you’d need:

  • A Usenet client app, called a newsreader. See Wikipedia. Many are probably abandoned by now.
  • An account with a Usenet provider. A search engine will point you to several options. There used to be some free ones. If there still are, it would be a good way to try it out. But note that the free ones often don’t carry all of the newsgroups — they omit the binary groups, which are known to carry pirated software and, let’s say, diverse video content.
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LK-99 is a potential room-temperature superconductor. The Wikipedia article has a good overview, including how attempts to replicate the findings have so far failed.

This doesn’t sound like a serious problem for a company like Google. They can afford to solve it by brute force — just put a Wi-Fi hotspot in every single room.

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And of course there have been forges launched, including SourceHut, Gitea, Gogs, Forgejo…

It’s become a symbol that has meaning even if the physical object isn’t used or doesn’t exist any more.

This ⏳ is a symbol that means “time passing” even though the object is rare and obsolete. This ⚽️ is a rare type of soccer ball/football, but it’s the most recognized symbol for the game. This 🚕 isn’t what taxis look like in most places — and many people have never used a taxi; they take Uber.

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FDA saying out loud what we all knew already.

BTW if you are young enough to never have used “real” Sudafed, it actually works and you can easily tell that it is working. You can still get it if you ask the pharmacist.

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For a complex (i.e., larger) image, I would be concerned that I didn’t exercise all of my app’s functionality and something important might be stripped out of the image.

I use Alpine instead of Ubuntu when I’m concerned about image size.

According to this Reddit post, someone is spamming the Reddit app with fake 5-star reviews on the App Store.

Unfortunately, Apple has the resources, both legal and financial, to tie that up in the EU courts for decades.

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You never ask them if it’s plugged in. You tell them to unplug it for 10 seconds.

It was added in January 2004 and is a reference to the quote in Spider Man.

“I implemented the FizzBuzz algorithm in only 10 million lines of code!”

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On Earth it’s just not needed. In nearby space it could make sense — distance to the Moon is 369 Mm. Distance to the Sun 149 Gm. But people aren’t good at visualizing the difference between kilo-, mega-, and giga-. It isn’t obvious from those numbers just how much further away the Sun is.

All Mac laptops do. And my work Windows PC looks like it has one but the company was too cheap to pay for it, so all it has is a spot that looks like a fingerprint sensor. is solid

I don’t know. Microsoft across their product lines comes off as desperate for engagement. They probably don’t even care what option you choose as long as you keep their app running a little longer.

This does read very much like AI-generated content. For example, here’s what Bard generated as an answer to this question.

It’s the list-based approach, the hyperbole, the too-many adjectives, the writing style that sounds like SEO that makes it sound like AI.

A fascinating alternative is “a pressurized ETFE membrane… periodically anchored to the ground by steel cables.”

In plain language: Fiber-reinforced rip-stop ETFE (a thin, strong, light, transparent material used for yacht sails) is used to make a roof and walls with the area under it pressurized and anchored using very tall cables, hundreds of meters high or more, to create a sky. The covered area is huge, the size of a city, compartmentalized for redundancy. People are able to go about their daily lives without use of space suits and it doesn’t feel like you are “inside”.

Domes are over-rated

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Ad-based apps on your phone.

It’s been done already, you say? Not like this: the front-facing camera is used to detect eye gaze. A counter on the screen starts at 30 seconds and only counts down while you are looking at the screen. If you look away, the counter, and the ad, pauses. The app doesn’t continue until you’ve watched the entire ad.

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Imagine the bed is a clock. The 12 o’clock position is at the head — I don’t think anything else makes sense. That makes it unambiguous.

The positions are 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock.

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This is a nice editor. I don’t like the comparisons to Atom since some of us remember that as “the really bloated and slow predecessor to VS Code”. Whereas Zed is quite small and fast. Opening a shell panel is instant and makes VS Code feel slow.

Its strength is multi-user (their term: multiplayer) shared editing spaces. It also has quite good AI integration and supports Github Copilot too.

I am a little concerned that they started off commercial and then went open source. Open source is great! But this path sometimes means that the original developers no longer have the time/money/interest to keep developing it. I hope that’s not the case here because they’ve got the start of something good.

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Google Bard can do this. I showed it a picture of my garage and asked for suggestions on how to organize it better.

Note that it will not work with images that contain people.

Berty is an open source messenger app that works with or without an internet connection, and has Android and iOS apps. As it’s peer-to-peer there’s no server component.

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Bots aside this is kind of terrifying.

It’s not like this will keep happening every year. No, it’s much worse. Temperatures will keep getting even hotter for decades until greenhouse gas emissions reach zero. In a few decades we will wish it was only this hot.

The Register likes to use old fashioned British slang and cheeky headlines that punters might find humorous.

Not really, but another massive international project, ITER, is trying to do this. Its timeline is measured in decades if not the better part of a century.

Since it’s an Air Force base it could also be used as an airport for tech billionaires’ private jets.

Their findings included an extension that opens an obvious reverse shell.

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It’s nice that this is compatible with Redis clients, and even Redis cluster operations. But I wish they would take this opportunity to make scaling more ergonomic. The Redis cluster mode is a pain to use because certain commands don’t work on a cluster (and developers don’t seem to realize this, leading to implementation issues).

You may have.

For example, T-Mobile in many places gives you an IPv6 address and uses CG-NAT for IPv4 — meaning you don’t have your own IPv4, but you do have a few quintillion “real” IPv6’s to yourself.

Did you mean White Castle?

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I thought about that, but they ask for enough info that they’d be able to identify me. And then they’d probably ban me. At least right now I have the option of restoring my account, even though I have no intention of doing so.

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I haven’t. Maybe someday I’ll be willing to, but not today. It’s a hassle and extremely intrusive to provide my bank statement and photo ID to a company whose security I don’t trust.

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Not a lot but we have used it. It’s beta quality. You need to be in Bluetooth range if there’s no internet - and it works. Good for tent-to-tent texting.

Is it a blunder? Tell that to Apple, Jetbrains, or Microsoft, each of whom have proprietary code editors that net billions of dollars of revenue.

It’s true, VS Code is open source, but it is developed almost entirely by Microsoft, by a large team of paid full-time programmers, designers, and PMs. It may be the most-used text editor in the world, but it isn’t developed by a team of volunteers who materialized around it because it was open source.

Instead, consider that making something open source is often just a marketing strategy — or a soft way to sunset a project.

Yes. You have to be 18. They check your ID and make sure you’re not buying too many boxes of it to stock your meth lab, but otherwise it’s not restricted.