53 Post – 749 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

no thoughts, only froggo

What a cozy fire.

please tell me this isn't serious

Bold of you to assume they work.

✋😧🤚 pls don't shoot

One thing that I love about Lemmy is how there are people that I always recognise. And you are one of them! is at it again

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First of all, I want to make it clear that I'm glad to answer genuine questions made in good faith (no pun intended), but I won't argue with anyone.

I'm a practicing Hellenic Polytheist and this is my personal experience. I do not only worship deities with names and myths, but also the twinkling of stars, the waves of the ocean, the colors of a sunset, the kindling of a fire on a cold winter day, and the rustling of leaves in the treetops. Sometimes I look at the sky and see stars so far away that we will (probably) never reach them, and that feels divine to me. There's something that can't be described with words that is too great for a human to understand, and I find that something so beautiful that I will worship it.

Got a bit poetic there, but I also think that my relationship with religion has also been influenced by the good old autism a lot. I find the psychology behind religion very fascinating, and I think that for some people, especially those who have been raised in a certain faith, it is a "home" that provides comfort in difficult situations. For some people, the thought that a recently deceased loved one is now in Heaven or has been reincarnated as someone/something else is probably a lot easier to accept than that they don't exist anymore in any shape or form.

That being said, I also want to state that I always try to maintain a healthy sense of scepticism with my beliefs, whether they be religious, moral, or political, because blind belief never leads to anything good. I think that sadly the darker aspects of religion, such as cults and using religion to justify unjust power structures (the patriarchy or the divine right of kings for example) are hard to get rid of.

Ah yes, the civil war. Which one??

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I bet this was the medieval version of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes

why do you know what keys taste like

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haha girl boring boy quirky

She could just... wear that tinfoil cap under a normal hat to avoid attracting attention??

So that's how I stop the fridge from reciting random frog facts!

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Finally, someone to cater my horse wedding with drugs on a quiet Tuesday night!

I'm making fun of how Americans say "the civil war" as if there has only been one civil war ever.

Ne*tle also does this thing where they lie to mothers in 'third-world countries' (I hate that term but can't think of a better one rn) by telling them that their baby formula is better than actual milk, then give them some, which the mothers mix with dirty water, and when they can't afford the formula, they'll just give the babies plain dirty water.

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I really like the theory that someone just made up an entire religion that would proceed to affect the entire world for thousands of years just to cover up adultery.

Anyone wanna help me find out?

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That's an important addition!

This is the most pathetic attempt at greenwashing I have ever seen.

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Not only that would be super cruel, it would also be pretty stupid, because how are you supposed to rehabilitate someone by basically just torturing them? And also, one of the good sides of prisons is keeping dangerous people away from their (potential) victims. Imagine if someone tried to murder you, went to jail, and then they got back out in 8 hours.

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This looks like a parody of all those bullshit incel images explaining how a woman's vagina will become loose if she's promiscuous.

The chocolate industry also does a lot of slavery.

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I was supposed to eat, now that I remembered the existence of this practice, I'm not that hungry anymore.

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It really depends on the context. When used as an adjective, it's fine. For example, the sentence "My female coworker has brown hair." is correct. However, when it is used as a noun, it can be dehumanising. For example: "A female at my workplace has brown hair" is dehumanising. It can be used as a noun when talking about non-humans ("After mating, the female will lay her eggs.") or in medicinal context when referring to people with uteruses.

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👏Here, have my digital applause.👏


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To those who don't know: this was an idea that was proposed as a way for people to breath in a housefire without breathing in the smoke.

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Huh, it's almost like humans are not electrical plugs!

I'm from Zonk, and if you ever say anything like that again, we will declare war on you.

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what a terrible day to have eyes

My little frog survived!

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Alternatively, everything I don't like is communism

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Username does not check out.

found the factory settings guy

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Do these parents not realise that they are naming real humans that will also be adults one day? Like, just imagine a grown-ass woman named "Brexleigh".

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Spreading satanism and nudity rules.

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