You have 24 hours to do anything with absolutely no consequences. What do you do? to Ask – 80 points –

No consequences, positive or negative? I think I’ll just stay on the sofa.

What even is the point? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Can't even enjoy a good video game, save files ain't saving.

kill a couple thousand politicians, but try to spare any under the age of 45. I may or may not agree with their views, but at least they'll be a part of the future they're tryna make.

torture some billionaires to gain access to their company payroll, so I can cut their CEOs pay and raise their entry-level workers' pay. Hell, I'll raise the payrates of everyone under them, they all deserve it more than a CEO.

I'd prolly only have enough time to do that to one company tho, so I'd probably choose Amazon as priority one.

I would NEVER condone violence. But hypothetically, as a united States citizen, the most significant thing a person could do is eliminate two Supreme Court Justices.

It's the only part of our government with ZERO balance of power, and it is currently using its power to change settled interpretations of the law.

Fix the would by killing every billionaire on earth and distributing their wealth to social programs

The question becomes more interesting when you consider that the scenario doesn't give you infinite power to do anything, just no consequences for what you do. I mean yea if you stole a million dollars, you would face no consequences, but realistically speaking, could you steal a million dollars even if you tried? Some other people here suggested murdering politicians (which is pretty fucked up tbh) but it's quite likely you'd never even get the chance to do this within 24 hours, especially considering many politicians have security people.

I'm really trying to rack my brain for the most impactful thing I could even do within 24 hours, without consequences. One idea would be to loan as much money as I possibly could and transfer all the money somewhere else, assuming the debt is cancelled at the end of the 24 hours as it is a "consequence".

I wouldn't (and probably couldn't) do anything more extreme than that. The consequences is not what is holding me back from being a murderer 😅, that's just my moral compass.

Assuming the strict definition of "no consequences", anything we did would be reset, since it implies consequence.

Maybe redefine the issue as "no negative consequences".

If you're REALLY strict, then "retaining the memory of it happening" is a consequence. So maybe this already happened under the strict setting, but none of us remember it.

Several years ago, I went under the knife and the whole day from the point they put me under is a total blank. It's unsettling because I am told I carried on conversations with the doctor, family members, etc. after initially coming to from anaesthesia, but it's only starting the following morning when I woke up in a regular hospital bed that I could start remembering again.

I'm not sure if I could get anywhere and back. Woge I own a gun and you have allowed me to get it on a plane, but that day would expire before I get home and now I have a gun that I am taking through airports and customs.

Yeah if the law (or fear of god) is the only thing that prevents one from doing horrible things, then they're probably not the most balanced person to begin with.

For fun... no consequences. So the security detail can't touch you... and any area effect weapon can't either. Like in the movies. So one big boom. Of course no consequences might also count for the target I guess. Lol.

Some other people here suggested murdering politicians (which is pretty fucked up tbh)

They murder people all the time

Everyone's talking about killing people and I'm here thinking about how you could try every drug imaginable with zero risk of addiction

addiction is far more complicated than just biological mechanisms unfortunately. the fact that it's already appealing to you should be a warning sign!

Its really not. The context of the question was "there are zero consequences for your actions". To put it somewhat reductively, addiction is, in essence, a direct or indirect consequence of experiencing a high. Since the hypothetical specifiee no consequences, there would be no addiction.

I appreciate the concern, but please don't read too much into it. Its a silly answer to a silly question.

except... it's not. we can let it go because it is a light hearted question, but as someone who provides treatment to this population I just wanted to give a shout out to the fact that addiction goes beyond biochemical dependence and usually stems from shit being fucked up in your own life that causes you to be interested in using substances to begin with

I understand where you're coming from, and I don't mean to minimize the issue - just didn't expect my reply to incite a serious discussion about the pitfalls of addiction. Its absolutely an important subject involving many complicated factors.

For context, though, I can assure you that my comment did not come from a place of subconscious interest. I place incredible value on maintaining a clear state of mind, and go to great strides to keep it that way. I would never willingly jeprodaize it.

Gonna break so fuckin many laws of physics.

perpetual motion lets fucking gooooooooo!

*24 hrs of perpetual'ish motion

If it continues after 24 hours, does it necessarily have to stop considering it is still the same action?

This is the "can God create a stone so heavy" thing. It's known as a metaphysical impossibility.

By that point, could it REALLY be called perpetual motion if it only lasts for 24 hours?

Realistically: Steal every catalytic converter from every nearby truck and SUV, melt them down and sell them for like $100,000

If there's a security stand down: Bust into airports and destroy corporate jets.

If anything is possible: Vladimir Putin. Benjamin Netanyahu. Former and current CEOs

You could do literally anything with impunity and you choose to steal catalytic converters?

This is somehow worse than Dwight's fantasy of working in hell for $88,000 a year.

You'd rather go through that hassle than just walking into a bank vault and loading up a big bag with cash?

No consequences mean no positive consequences as well. After the timer is up, everything's back to normal. You truly have to live in the moment for this one.

Then there's no point.

There still is! Have a blast in these 24 h. Get high. Spend all your money on the best food. Have some fun with sex workers. There's plenty to have which is fun on a short-term basis.

And then you have no memory of it at the end of the day. Pointless.

So everything is pointless unless you remember it? Is everything pointless just because you die either way and everything will be lost?

If my actions have any lasting effect, then it's not pointless.

does everybody just come back to life too? Like if somebody offed the supreme court 3 years ago I'd have 4k extra dollars from the original student loan debt relief attempt

I'd interpret "no consequences" as absolutely no consequences, so a hard reset. In that way killed people get alive again, yes.

1 more...

Man, I dunno. Probably something crazy like allow myself to be vulnerable and express my true emotions.

Haha, yeah, such a funny joke... n-no reason to think we really have emotions. Nope, everything's A-OK. So funny. Yup.

Assassinate a very specific person.

I'd be restructuring the entire government. Or as much as I could in 24 hours, anyway.

Wouldn't "no consequences" mean that nothing is permanent? Since consequences can include good ones.

So everything you do about the government can't have consequences. So... it's meaningless?

No consequences?

With all due respect to the seriousness of suicidality, I can't help but wonder how killing myself would play out.

I would suppose you get rudely resurrected when the 24 hours expires.

Ah, so like Groundhog Day.

So the choices are indulging in risky experiences, whether for pleasure or for character building (e.g. facing a storm at sea). Only memory is preserved. You can't make sociopolitical improvements or enrich yourself. (Though if you revert to a day ago you might know what stocks to buy in the morning.)

I totally get where people are going with eliminating dictators and what not, but knowing myself as well as I do… yeah, you'd probably find me down at the Chinese buffet.

Fuck, I'd probably even still pay for it.

Nice try FBI, but you're not getting that confession out of me this easily!!!

No consequences?

Go through town and steal every scratch off ticket. Why? Why not. Lol

Rob every bank in the state I can get to.

Take 5 new vehicles and give them to my friends and family. I'll keep one for me.

Find a certain state legislator and kick him in the nuts.

Can I get some prep time beforehand? Cuz I don't know how to fly an attack helicopter or a bomber and I will need all the range and firepower.

Install a whole bunch of robot body parts and become a super human..

Just to clarify, "No consequences" means that it'll all be fine, my body won't reject the implants and this won't be a terrible horrific idea, right?


That's right you have no consequences for 24 hours. Then you're body will start rejecting the implants.

I think you mean no negative consequences. If actions have no consequences of any kind, they're meaningless and nothing happens.

Stolen money would disappear. Killed targets would come back to life.

You could go and slap all the people you've wanted and get the satisfaction from it, while then not having any consequences for it.

Take a nap, drink a bit, acquire a few billion dollars from freshly goutined billionares, have a nice steak dinner, and not wear pants the entire time.

Wait what happens if I do something that like inherently has consequences like cutting off my arm? Does it grow back after the 24 hours are up?

The question is kind of self-deafeating. Doing anything that will result in absolutely no concequences is .. doing nothing.

Even if you could do stuff and then turn back time, you couldn't even remember it as that would be a concequence.

Yeh I was gonna say sleep but then apparently I'd just be tired again after 24h

Technically everything would just freeze in place for 24 hours and then start again. No one would notice to the point this could be happening all the time and we'd be none the wiser.

Nationalize all major industries and confiscate all wealth of billionaires. rewrite the US constitution to guarantee adequate food, water, shelter, and medical care to all citizens and to guarantee the right to high speed rail and electrified public transport to all citizens, codify a progressive tax system right into it, remove the ability for any private money in elections, establish mandatory workplace democracy in all public and private companies, and require that no more than 2% of gdp can go to the military, also include an usafrucfian property rights system in it with mechanisms for confiscation of land not being used for the public good. arrest all those who have publicly stated they want to privatize any public service including schools, those who have ever fought the unionization of their workers, and sentence them to 20 years of re-education and labor. Dismantle the Supreme Court and replace it with an elected body of officials subject to recall by the public. Hopefully I’d have some time before the 24 hours to prepare.

establish mandatory workplace democracy

I'm really surprised that this isn't talked about as an option very often

I'd love to drive my truck in places I'm not allowed to. I would do urban offroading, drive on private land and inside malls and stuff.

Maybe I'd also find an abandoned building or two and set them on fire but first I would smash all the windows. Actually now that I think about it, I'd make molotov cocktails and set all kinds of things on fire.

I would also like to try if I could fall a radio mast by cutting the guide wires with an battery powered angle grinder. This is one of the things I've always wondered when looking at these masts and thought there's no way it could be that easy.

Maybe I'd finish my day by raiding a hardware store and stealing all the tools I don't already have and probably one or two other things aswell.

Definitely could fuxk up a guy wire... they strong in tension.

Yeah but would that be enought to make the entire tower fall if you cut all of them on the one side. Seems like it would but also seems like something they would take into account when designing these as that would be quite easy to sabotage and how's anyone even going to catch you since they're usually located in the middle of forest.

I would also like to try if I could fall a radio mast by cutting the guide wires with an battery powered angle grinder. This is one of the things I’ve always wondered when looking at these masts and thought there’s no way it could be that easy.

Bro would let the intrusive thoughts win (same tbh)

I don't know.

With no consequences, nothing I did would stay in my memory.

Hopefully it was something cool.

No consequences? I won't even know I did anything. It won't even show.
Just carry on as usual.

Now, if you meant no bad consequences...

I don't know how I'd do it. Perhaps I'd steal money from some rich fuck, whatever.
But the idea is:
Find a train driver and bribe him with loads of money. Tell him to say that I've kidnapped him. I could even get a gun.
Perhaps bribe some more people similarly as well, not many would care about a single worker.
Threaten to kill them if things don't go my way.

Ask to get some specific rail sections freed.
Tell the train driver to do initial checks and start the train, then show me the basics on how to drive it.
The best part starts now: I'll drive the train.

Perhaps I'd take 3-4 hours with that. Then get to some side rail and stop there.
In the remaining time, ask the train driver to explain me as much as possible from this field.

5 minutes before the end thank my "hostages" for cooperating and leave the scene, hopefully leaving with loads of extra knowledge on a field different from mine.

Nice try government, I'm not telling you my deepest, illegal desires

Feel like money would solve a lot of my current problems, so by no consequences do you mean anyone I victimize doesn't actually lose anything but I do get to keep it? Then I am going downtown to steal a lot out of cash registers and pockets.

If you don't get to keep anything but that means safe from pregnancy and disease? Might organize an orgy I guess.

I would have said rob a bank, that seems more effective. But pickpocketing in the right part of town should also create decent results.

You get to keep the money, but the victim would lose it.

Alright, would you like an invite to the orgy, then?

I don't think I'm capable of robbing the people who don't need their money.

Maybe steal a commercial airplane and go on a joyride. Do a barrel roll like the one guy did in 2018. Then empty my bank account or somehow aquire some money to get a few escorts and hookers and whoever wants to join, have a nice dinner and spend the night together. I suppose a nice swinger club with a good buffet will also do.

Probably sit in my room, paralyzed by the fear of wasting the opportunity on a poor decision.

Maybe eating the spiciest food ever all day long, chicken wings dipped in Carolina reaper paste. Delicious hotness, without fear of the aftermath.

Hang out in the forest with strange men and bears, or strange bear men. Whatever.

I'm blowing off all of my responsibilities and getting high and playing video games all day.

The post said no consequences not a Tuesday /s

I'd skip the high part and just focus on the video games.

Slap my boss, slap my ex, and slap my meat.

And then for the other 23 hours, IDK... rob a bank?

It sounds like a movie, but I can't quite put my finger on which one. I'm going to have to purge some of my old thoughts and get back to you on this one.

Make it illegal to serve ads on the internet.

Burn Wall Street to the ground.

Sure, the institution would survive, but it would be awfully satisfying.

kill pookin

If you're taking out a dictator, better take out anyone who has been eyeing their position as well. Taking down a single leader leaves a power vacuum. But as the people who would want to be dictator are eliminated, the power vacuum grows...

Go to Yosemite and attempt to climb something sick like Wyoming Sheep Ranch or Sea of Dreams.

I would kill a significant number of people. Honestly. It's terrible, but that's what I'd do.

I would need to plan out in what area would be the best place to do it to maximize effectiveness. Probably start in DC and work my way from there.

So, you know how in total recall he has this tracker inside of his head that he defeats with a wet towel and by just kinda pulling it out?

So, you know how it's a pretty common thing in movies, like MI:3, suicide squad, I think agents of shield, unthinkable, the belko experiment, where guys just have like, bombs in their heads?

So, you know how scientists have used wifi to see through people's walls?

So, you know how we currently have a bunch of wifi satellites spanning the earth?

So, you know how we've kind of automatically selected in our political system for a bunch of mercenary politicians that only ever act out of their own self-interest and are easily manipulated with like, free lunches, lobbying, and pamphlets?

That's kind of my like, optimal ghost in the shell style conspiracy dealio. I dunno, I'm sure you'd need some way to get around people just getting CT scans and stuff like that, and a lead case would probably still just show up like a tumor or something, and any electronics you had would look pretty obvious too, so, who knows. You'd need to put like a water based gel around it or make it out of non-metal materials or something, which sounds a lot harder.

Other plans include maybe like a nuclear killdozer spidertank. Kind of like a metal gear, but instead of just having a nuke on it, the nuke serves the dual purpose of also being a mobile power source, either in the form of a nuclear reactor, which you could maybe use the heat of to drive hydraulics and like a heat pump or something, or a nuclear battery, and then you use it for political leverage. Maybe you could have nuclear satellites sent up from like an island or something. Just a bunch of satellites with nukes on them, and then they fall and nuke things and then you can use that for leverage maybe once you have enough of them. Maybe especially if you were like a private company or like you were sending them all up in disguise as a different kind of thing, because then nobody could really like strike back at you without risking getting nuked by a nuclear satellite, and then MAD doesn't matter at all because they'd be nuking a bunch of random bystanders. Something along those lines.

Dunno, just thinking of some stuff that you could maybe do that's like, more interesting or better than just like "oh I run around and kill all the politicians I don't like, like I'm shooting puppies in a gravel pit", you know? Because then those politicians just get replaced with other, shittier politicians as a result of our political system being kind of dogshit, and even beyond that, as a result of like, a majority of the population being kind of stupid, complacent, and perhaps even actively evil, if the behavior of white america broadly for the last 200 years is anything to go by. You know, burning the collective futures of your children basically just out of spite for racial minorities and to exclude them as much as is possible. Dunno, part of me says, don't blame them, they've been tricked by the rich, and the population's critical support for those causes was helpful to actually making progress, part of me says, the real progress was made by relatively small or extremist groups in the population, and that politicians and the majority white population will use every tactic in the playbook to keep things going as much as possible contrary to whatever political will you try to cook up, which is why you see sharecropping, segregation, redlining, denial of VA loans, increased police spending, the crack epidemic, and all that only comes about into the common cultural consciousness like a decade after the damage has been done.

I dunno, in any case, I don't think you could solve all the problem in 24 hours alone, you'd have to set something up for a longer term set of solutions.

Also begs the question of, what are "consequences"? Where does an action begin or end, really? If I steal a million dollars from the bank, am I free from the consequence of having a million dollars? I dunno, I sit on the couch, and I'm free from the negative consequence of having not become god, which, in comparison to the infinite positive consequences of becoming god, is a negative consequence. Maybe something along those lines.

Annoy people by playing the kazoo in the library

Release 10 000 dobsonflies at someone's wedding

Go to a heavy metal concert. Get facial tattoos and a bunch of piercings. Drink far too much Red Bull.