Mr PoopyButthole

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Joined 12 months ago

"How are you ever gonna keep a job if you can't keep juice in a cup?!"

I was 9 years old

Everybody knows the fifth element is love

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Imagine how racist that shark must be

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I'm turning 31 this year, and my girlfriend is 25.

We've been together six years now. I didn't realize she was still 18 until the end of our first date, and she caught that I was visibly startled by it.

I owned up that I didnt realize and assumed from our interactions that she was at least 20-22 and she laughed and apologized, saying she thought I knew her age.

After going home and thinking about how well we hit it off, and how she found my concern amusing, I decided I was being silly and that if the age gap was a problem it would make itself evident.

Best decision ever. Nothing wrong with paying attention to those things, just keep open communication with each other 👍

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Yes, it's normal to feel like shit about driving past the homeless, that's your humanity working.

We are not faster or stronger than bears, so we evolved to work together as tribes.

Seeing other humans abandoned by your own tribe should make us feel bad.

No, it is not YOUR individual responsibility to assist others beyond your own means. Retiring in the U.S. costs millions of dollars and that may seem far away for some, but time comes for us all and most can't afford to help others with their oxygen mask before putting on our own.

When I drive by someone who needs help, knowing I'm not equipped to help them, I get angry at every politician and lobbyist whose life work is making sure meaningful social programs never get started.

My responsibility is to vote for the most humanitarian candidate possible at every opportunity, and to share my values of "people first" any way I can.

We all struggle, and the struggles of others doesn't disqualify your own. It's healthy to spend your personal resources on your personal problems, and use your social/political power (vote) to address social/political problems.

Props on being a human being.

Honestly one of the reasons I fell for a pyramid scheme coming out of high school.

A friend invited me and I went to shit on it and get him out, but the main guy's whole thing was "everything is a pyramid scheme, at least here you have the chance to build a pyramid beneath you."

Obviously there were other reasons as old as time, but the argument of "so what, your 'regular job' is already a pyramid scheme you can't win" was pretty rattling to a teenager in 2011.

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As a graphic designer, I knew at a glance that nobody was paid to make that stupid "x".

If a client as big as Twitter asked me for an X logo I'd be so fucking depressed. It would be such a pain to make a proper logo like that without looking exactly like a dozen other ones, because it's hack and has been done to death.

The X everything app is literally some high school composition notebook doodle shit Elon has been clinging to for over 20 years. He's like the dad from the movie Holes that thinks he's a great inventor, but just keeps catching the house on fire and stinking up the place.

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This kind of thing (and e-waste in general) is why I think we need radical laws about unsupported hardware in general.

If an electronic device (phone, laptop, etc) stops receiving software support, the most recently available firmware should be made freely available under public domain.

Apple is obviously the worst offender, but it's just horrible when you have really great hardware that's 100% worthless just because the software is unsupported and proprietary.

The number of iPads, smart home products, and other devices that become e-waste every year is unsustainable. If companies were forced to release the code for free when they stopped supporting devices, maybe they would support them longer. Or at least bother innovating for a change.

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Grandma can eat shit. Every job now expects you to do the work of 3-4 jobs from Grandma's time.

You also have to do that work while being constantly monitored and recorded in most office environments, even if you work from home.

Just because physical labor jobs have more technology doesn't mean people are working less hard. Everybody is busting ass trying to make half of what Grandma made.

Get outta here with that shit, Grandma

I love it when companies think the (often invented) number of pirated copies has any meaningful correlation to lost revenue.

My girlfriend and I have one Nintendo Switch. We share it. But the only modern Nintendo games I play are the Legend of Zelda series. Since Breath of the Wild, when a new one came out, we'd buy it right away, and then I'd end up placing a copy on my PC to play so we could play together.

If Nintendo thinks I'm gonna buy a game twice just to play at the same time as my partner, when we only have the one console, think again. If Nintendo thinks someone who only likes one game is gonna buy a whole second console, they're out of their minds.

What I do own is a Steam Deck, because Steam is a platform first and I can play my games on my fancy PC at home and on multiple devices. My Steam Deck can even play non-steam games great too!

The second Nintendo makes a PC store that let's me play their games on my other hardware, I'll start buying that second copy of all our games solely for the convenience of it. Until then they can suck an egg.

Keeps them from masturbating, allows them to transmute their sexual energy into raw power when not actively engaging in sex.

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I would NEVER condone violence. But hypothetically, as a united States citizen, the most significant thing a person could do is eliminate two Supreme Court Justices.

It's the only part of our government with ZERO balance of power, and it is currently using its power to change settled interpretations of the law.

While it isn't magic, there is a newfound pressure on the Democratic party to finally break some meaningful ground.

Unfortunately one of the biggest obstacles had been the radically conservative Supreme Court.

Simple arithmetic tells us that if just two Supreme Court Justices were to suddenly disappear from our reality, and re-emerge in another, the court would lean more progressive to allow debt relief, bodily autonomy, and hopefully more.

While there are many ways to suddenly remove people from our plane of existence, there's no proven way to have them re-emerge in another. Obviously it would be illegal and deeply unethical to suggest such removal without the safe relocation to another plane.

So I guess just learn to kiss fascist ass 🤷‍♂️

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I keep thinking how great it would be if the federal government made a central server system to access digital content for free via taxes.

All public domain and publicly funded research and content, all in one place. Could also host owned content for people/entities and pay out royalties automatically based on consumption.

There are ways to make this fairly affordable to everyone via taxes, but maybe the big opportunity is it could also allow companies to train AI on all the data for a fat, but fair subscription. The value of that could easily pay for enough to shrink any tax costs for the public.

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I think accessibility options in games are fantastic and as long as they're optional you can do no wrong.

I think the best thing, that's still not as common yet, is the ability to custom map game controls within its settings. Steam's own software can do this pretty well, but there should be support for that in every game up front.

Not only does it make it easier for people missing limbs or dexterity to play games, but it makes it easier for any person to tweak the controls for their play style.

I really hope we see more support for features like this because they can be so useful to everybody.

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He finally fit the whole thing!?

It's a great reason. Especially with climate change.

I met someone the other day that said they moved from Portland to Cincinnati because of their climate change concerns.

Over the next 50 years, we're going to see MILLIONS of people in the U.S. moving for the same reasons.

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Damn, even after his sick new sneaker line?

Nobody has beef with the annual developer fee.

The problem isn't even that they want to charge 30% for processing app payments. They can charge whatever they want for their own services.

The problem is that Apple prevents users from installing any apps from outside their own app store, then bans developers from using any other service but Apple to process payments. It's anticompetitive 101.

If Apple allowed 3rd party app stores or let apps implement their own payment processing, there would be no issue here.

I wish I remembered the details, but I read a couple years ago about new batteries using the same sort of principal.

It was being studied as a way to handle a specific part of radioactive byproduct from nuclear power.

You sandwich the tiny radioactive bit in materials to generate a charge, and the whole thing is encased in conductive man-made diamond.

A battery the size of a half dollar coin could generate roughly a watt of power for, ostensibly, up to hundreds of years.

The big seller beyond its lifespan is that the diamond is dense enough to shield the tiny amount of radiation inside.

Incredible potential that probably wont be realized in consumer goods for decades. Just think about never having to change the battery in a remote ever again. Or even a lot of wireless smart home sensors and devices.

A shocking amount of things take very little power. Air tags that never die. E-book readers. You could make super dim puck LEDs that are always on and can go anywhere for illuminating pathways.

You could never scale it much in size/output because the diamond encasing would become disproportionately heavy and expensive, but for anything 1.5 Watts and less, and possibly up to 3 Watts or so, could be totally feasible.

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When I'm in that pit, most good advice isn't helpfull.

What is helpful is to acknowledge that the pendulum of this cold and indifferent universe swings both ways.

When you're deep in the shit, and you see all the walls crumbling down, and you feel how fleeting all the good things are, just remember that the bad things are just as fickle and fleeting.

The world has been ending since it began. It's important to pay attention, notice, and do your part when the opportunity presents itself. It's equally important to remember that none of the apocalyptic events in human history has ended humanity yet. When you can't stop ruminating on the lowest points of your life, remember that you've been through all of that, and you're still here.

Life is a struggle, and a beautiful mess. Nobody is ever "done" with the hard parts, but we're never "done" with the good parts either.

Take a deep breath and remember that you'll never get dealt a good hand if you cash out, and you're never playing alone.

If a business can't afford to pay a living wage to its laborers for a a fair price to its customers, let it die. That's what capitalism is for my doors.

If the business is so special and important that letting it die would mess yo shit up, then make it a publicly owned service. That's what organized government is for doods.

10/10 Louis Rossmann Comic

My girlfriend says "bless you" whenever I fart

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The only dock that's actually as advertised with all the bells and whistles is made by Caldigit.

It's ungodly expensive, which sucks, but it has been 100% flawless for my M1 MacBook Pro and M1 Mac Mini for at least a year now.

I know why

Nowadays, everybody is trying to talk, like they have something to say. But nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish, like they forgot about Dre.

The sooner you can tell your kids God's not real, the better. Just make sure you tell them it's not their job to explain that to their peers.

Unless you meant Santa. In which case the same applies.

Bad example. Those desks are shit for everybody.

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Ultimately, the primary satisfaction of storytelling comes from the story ending.

You can do that episode to episode, season to season, etc. I feel like the best shows balance by having plot archs and character archs that can happen independently of each other. That way each episode or two can close one kind of arch while opening another. Because they are different kinds of problems, they're less likely to conflict, giving you the sense of closure you crave while also creating a sort of cliffhanger.

That's really hard to do well though, especially over time. And usually expensive.

A lot of shows start with 2-3 seasons of concepts in mind, and hope to get picked up for more. At that point it gets exponentially harder to go on without detracting from what you've already built.

I'm glad that most streaming platforms are starting to see value in shows with a fixed ending in mind, it just makes for better storytelling.

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You do realize that anyone could still pay a higher wage to compete right?

You must be confusing it with maximum wage, which is the opposite and not a thing.

How long is "temporary" when the previous person worked until they died at 90 years old?

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What's funny is that this could only help if just one or two people use it in a given meeting. But if 4/6 people were to use it, then most of the meeting's purpose is gone, and the notes are about nothing.

I feel like these LLM transcription summaries are better for quick reviewing of info.

The real dream is that when a boss has a long shpeil to dump on everyone, they could just ramble on to a conference room of bots and then it turns their whole "talk" into the paragraph email it should have been.

Absolutely. The most useful "habbit" I have for managing my ADHD is being brutally honest with myself at all times.

If you learn to reflect on your patterns and feelings, you start getting a good idea early on when you're gonna be in one of those dysfunction days.

Best thing I've found to do about it is "take the day off". If I know everything is gonna be uphill in a unique way, I take it easy. If I'm at work, I try to focus on the most accessible micro-tasks, or "tedious" things that take zero cognitive work.

For me those days are a sign of burnout and I know little will be accomplished if I force myself to overwork that day anyway. So I prioritize resting my brain. Sometimes it means doing nothing at all, sometimes it means video games or folling around with in GarageBand with a keyboard and bass.

Letting your brain do whatever random bullshit it's craving can be just as restful as doing nothing. Sometimes these days can actually be really productive for my hobbies, or housework, or spouse time, just depending on what my brain wants.

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I definitely miss old Reddit, but it's definitely dead now.

Used to be my go-to scrolling every day. After they screwed 3rd party apps I found Lemmy and love it. There was an obscure open source Reddit app that used scraping that was still working so I'd been using Lemmy and Reddit about 50/50. Nice thing was the Reddit app kept me logged out with no engagement so I wasn't feeding the beast.

The other day all those little scraping Reddit apps finally died. Just useless. So fuck em I guess. If I ever need a more real-time larger user base I can go on desktop for it, but there is no mobile Reddit option (including offical) that's even remotely usable now.

Can't believe how much better the Lemmy experience is, even with its shortcomings. My only issue has been that the desktop web access feels rough. It also stinks not having the benefits of centralized storage. With Reddit I could bookmark anything and everything of interest in something like and go see it any time months later. With Lemmy things often seem to be gone in days or weeks, or an instance will just be formatted horribly on desktop.

Still more convenient than Reddit and I hope the dev efforts keep polishing things up! 👍

I'll also note that I had skipped college and had been working, and was about to go back to school. She was about to start her second year in college.

There are multiple ways people can find themselves on the same path and there was some serendipity for sure.

To the point of many other people here, yes, over the next five years she is going to evolve more than you as a person. So just understand going that growing apart is more likely than if you were both in your 30's.

Nothing wrong with that, just a reality to acknowledge.

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100% Has happened many times. Often those things are later re-discovered. But who knows?

How many reporters around the world have had a car spontaneously explode, or suffered sudden-onset jumpeez near a window?

How many scientists and researchers have had significant breakthroughs or discoveries about hazards of waste or energy efficiency, only for their work to suddenly be labeled falsified and personal reputations dragged through the mud?

Like a microwaved Muppet

Already likely to be untrue, but honestly I'd happily sign up for a world wear "hold music" isn't the same 20sec loop of shit jazz

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